I'll Go and Find You Myself

Because Wang Rouxi was seated a good distance away from them, Master Xia and Madam Xia did not manage to catch the word clearly. They were not really sure if what they saw was right.

Only Xia Jiannan was certain that the caller ID was Di Yi's 'Wife'.

Regardless of who was calling, it would not seem appropriate to meddle with her affairs. Thus, Madam Xia showed a gentle smile and gestured for her to take the phone call outside.

"Excuse me."

Wang Rouxi stood up and smiled at Madam Xia, she did not forget to nod her thanks before she went to the sliding doors of the dining room leading out to the nature-inspired porch.

The people inside could still see her through the glass doors, but they could not hear what she was saying.

Madam Xia was looking at her with interest, watching as the young man's face bloomed with happiness while talking to someone over the phone.

'The one who called really seems to be his wife,' Madam Xia presumed.

"I did not expect Xiao Yi to be married already!" Madam Xia exclaimed in surprise.

The doting husband merely nodded his head in agreement to his wife and did not comment on it.

Master Xia even secretly heaved a sigh of relief upon realizing that Di Yi was a married man as he could not help but be jealous of the attention his wife was giving to the young man.

"He seems to be around your age, Jiannan."

Madam Xia seemed to be implying something, her beautiful dark eyes looked at Xia Jiannan with undisguised lament.

Luckily, before she could add anything else, the call was picked up.

For a moment, Xia Jiannan was too stunned to say anything as he heard that familiar soft voice which reminded him of snowflakes, "Hello?"

It was cold yet it was so soft and fragile that a single touch could melt it.

Looking at his silly expression, Madam Xia wanted so badly to pull out her phone and take a picture of her son right now, but she was afraid that she would get caught in the act.

This of course did not escape Master Xia's eyes.

To please his lovely wife, he discreetly pulled out his phone and took several pictures of his son. After this was all said and done, Master Xia gave his wife a thumbs-up and winked at her as he kept the phone like nothing had happened.

When she saw what her husband did, Madam Xia almost laughed out loud. Fortunately, she was able to hold it in and she took a sip of water to hide her grin.

"Hello, Mr. Xia? Are you still there?"

Xia Jiannan snapped out of his daze with a shake of his head and cleared his throat. He didn't seem to notice his parents' unusual behavior.


From the other end of the line, Wang Rouxi's voice sounded out once again after a few moments of silence, "You calling me...is it about my proposal?"


Casting a glance at his mother and father, he could not help but pinch the space between his brows when he saw them staring intently at him.

Last night's matter should be discussed in person after all and definitely not in front of his parents.

After sorting out his thoughts, Xia Jiannan decided to just go straight to the point.

"My father wants me to invite you out for lunch. Are you free today?"

"Oh." There was a short pause. "Isn't it too early for me to meet your parents?"

Wang Rouxi raised a perfectly arched eyebrow as she stared at Xia Jiannan from afar.

He has not yet agreed to her proposal, who is she to him?

When he heard Wang Rouxi's tone, Xia Jiannan pursed his lips. His eyes subconsciously fell on Di Yi and he saw that he was enthusiastically talking to his 'wife' on the phone, his face showed someone who was deeply infatuated.

If earlier he was still thinking that Di Yi and Wang Rouxi were one and the same person, now, the last bit of doubt vanished from his mind.

This should be attributed to Wang Rouxi's impeccable acting skills as she managed to make everyone believe that she was talking to her 'wife' over the phone.

Plus the initial assumption caused by the caller ID, it was much easier to make them believe she was a married man.

Wang Rouxi was also surprised when she saw it earlier, not aware that she had registered Xia Jiannan's number as 'Wife' instead of 'Boss'.

Nonetheless, this worked to her advantage too.

She didn't have to worry about Xia Jiannan finding out her disguise for the time being.

"If there's nothing else, I wil–"

"Wait!" Xia Jiannan immediately cut her off. "Where can I find you?"

He knew that she wanted to hear his answer regarding her proposal. It would be best to look for her to discuss the matter personally.

As for the matter about the lunch, he just had to give a reasonable explanation to his father and it would be settled.

Wang Rouxi had a contemplative look on her face, then in a secretive tone, she said, "There's no need for you to know. I'll go and find you myself."

After she said that, Xia Jiannan heard the beeping sound indicating the end of the call.

She hung up on him!