The Pursuit


It was extremely fast.

Secretary Cheng could not find any other word appropriate to describe what he was experiencing at this moment.

Outside the window, everything was a blurry mess as they whizzed past other cars, moving at an alarming speed.

Lu Sha could not be distracted.

At the rate that they were going, he could not afford to lose his concentration, or else...

...the damage would be far too unimaginable.

At the backseat, Secretary Cheng's face was as white as a sheet, his eyes were tightly shut.



The sound of his heartbeat loudly echoed in his ears as he clung tightly on the chair, as if holding on for dear life.

Secretary Cheng did not have time to worry about anybody else, much less check on Xia Jinhu, since he himself was already in a worrisome state. At any second, he might just faint right then and there.

But even with the inhumane speed at which they were going, the four cars were still trailing behind them closely.

If these were just common thugs, they would already be left in the dust by Lu Sha's inhumane speed and skillful maneuvering.

However, just the fact that they could catch up to them up until now proved that they were professionally trained.

These kinds of people would not stop until they caught their prey.

It just so happened that there was a tunnel up ahead.

"Prepare to leave the car," Lu Sha's emotionless voice sounded as the car gradually slowed down.

When he heard this, Secretary Cheng who was about to lose consciousness, seemed to have come alive.


Any more of this and he would surely have fainted. Although he was not that old, he was not that young either. His heart might not be able to handle this much thrill.

But before Secretary Cheng could fully relax, Lu Sha's next sentence was like a bucket of ice-cold water being poured over his head:

"We will switch cars."

Using the darkness as their cover, their pursuers would not quickly see through their trick.

The poor secretary could only shed invisible tears at the side.

Wouldn't that mean they would still go at that speed?

Just what in the world did he do to deserve such torture?

Secretary Cheng opened his eyes but what greeted him was darkness. He could barely make out the outline of the car in front of theirs.

In this time that he could not see, his sense of hearing was greatly enhanced. He heard the sound of a car door opening and the unbuckling of the seatbelt. A few seconds passed after, he heard another door opening, followed by the sound of someone being lifted.

"Get out of the car now!" An unfamiliar voice commanded on his left.

Secretary Cheng's blood ran cold, his heart thumped painfully in his chest as he fearfully asked, "W-who...are you?"

Even if he wanted to run now, he could not. Secretary Cheng realized that he could barely pull himself out of his seat!

Wang Rouxi did not bother explaining, quickly pulling Secretary Cheng out of the car and ushering him to board the other car.

She, on the other hand, got inside the car that the three had just vacated.

Just this small interlude enabled their pursuers to close in on them.

Wang Rouxi didn't waste another second and sped off in the opposite direction Lu Sha and the others had taken.

She needed to bait their pursuers far away before they realized that their target had been switched.

Wang Rouxi sat on the driver's seat, seemingly unaffected by the car's extreme speed. She was so calm and indifferent. But the gears on her mind were constantly churning as rows and rows of calculations and information were being processed.

When she finally reached a conclusion, her beautiful pair of eyes revealed a steely glint.

Those people were indeed after Xia Jiannan! However, they were not aware that it was Xia Jinhu who was in that car.

Xia Jinhu could only blame his bad luck. Not only was he suffering from his hangover, he even had to chair a meeting in his brother's stead, and thereafter, he was mistakenly identified as him and was then pursued by those people.

After experiencing all of these, it was no wonder that Xia Jinhu would faint.

Fortunately, Wang Rouxi decided to tag along today.

Lu Sha was supposedly the only bodyguard assigned to Xia Jiannan.

However, yesterday's incident made Wang Rouxi vigilant against Xia Jiannan's pursuers. She knew that they would not stop until they get what they want.

And sure enough, they did encounter them again today.

Wang Rouxi's actual purpose for posing as Xia Jiannan's bodyguard was to find more clues about their enemy.

Xia Jiannan said that he wanted to completely annihilate them so Wang Rouxi would do everything to fulfill his wish.

The proposal did not really mean much to Wang Rouxi. Whether Xia Jiannan agreed to it or not, she would still eradicate these people because they tried to hurt the person she wanted to take responsibility for.

As for being his bodyguard, her only purpose for requesting that is to be with him. If she really wanted that though, she could just easily disguise herself like what she did with 'Di Yi'.

Now that she had achieved her intention here, it was only right for her to take a step back and let Lu Sha handle the rest on Xia Jiannan's end.

Xia Jiannan was probably busy dealing with the matter about the Lu Corporation and she would not be much of help.

If she truly wanted to be useful to him, there's only one thing that she needed to do:

Take over Wang Empire Estates.

But before that, something –or some people rather– must be dealt with.

"What is your order, Leader Xi?" That voice came through her earpiece.

Wang Rouxi's cold eyes looked at her pursuers through the rearview mirror and she opened her mouth.

"Take care of them."

It was merely a four-word command, but as soon as it was issued, the whole organization was set into motion.