A "Hottie"

Wang Rouxi boarded the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. The two ladies who she let to go in first kept their distance and opted to stand behind her. She didn't mind it though as she wanted to maintain a low profile.

But the problem was that the two ladies didn't select which floor they were supposed to get off!

Her head tilted to the side as she contemplated if she should remind them about it. In the end, she chose not to and just patiently waited for the elevator to reach the top floor.

Alas! It took quite some time before Wang Rouxi reached her destination because she rode the public elevator.

It would open almost every floor!

Every time the elevator doors opened, a lady or two would get in. One time, when a male entered, she was subjected to a harsh glare, albeit in a discreet manner.

Wang Rouxi, however, didn't realize that she caused an uproar in the Xia Corporation. Her arrival prompted many female employees to vacate their posts and take a look at the "hottie" who just entered the building for their CEO.

So much for wanting to maintain a low profile!

But all of them were nothing in her eyes. She merely pasted a harmless smile on her face and that's enough to drive those ladies crazy.

Then, upon seeing her handsome smile, all of those curious gals ran away blushing...

Wang Rouxi: "..."

When she finally reached her destination, the women she came across in the elevator numbered for at least a few dozens.


Wang Rouxi smoothed out the wrinkles in her suit and ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it out a bit before she walked out of the elevator.

With light footsteps, she made her way to Xia Jiannan's office door holding the bouquet of blue roses in her hands.

But just as she was about to knock on the ajar door, Wang Rouxi heard a woman's voice, "Xia Jiannan, let's go eat lunch together!"

Wang Rouxi's hand froze in mid-air and she waited for Xia Jiannan's response.

"Hmm..." came his deep cello-like voice.

Wang Rouxi put her hand back to her side and she turned back to where she came from.

It seems like she's not needed here.


Inside the office.

Xia Jiannan's brows furrowed ever so slightly as he glanced at the "prim and proper" woman blocking his way.

You could tell by the way she carried herself that she came from a well-to-do family. The aura she emanated showed her noble status.

"The company has made a reservation for lunch at Hao Hua, Ms. Qin. The others are on their way there. I hope you enjoy your lunch."

Xia Jiannan did not give the woman a chance to retort, saying what he had to say all at once. It was apparent that he wanted this woman to leave him alone.

'Ms. Qin' stared at Xia Jiannan squarely in the eye, not moving out of the way. In her perspective, Xia Jiannan was special.

If it was any other men that she had invited over for lunch, they would not hesitate to fawn over and get on her good side, but Xia Jiannan was different.

It even looked like he did not want anything to do with her!

With her topnotch beauty and powerful background, Qin Kexin believed that no man would not like her. It was only a matter of time before this "Stoic King" would be begging and falling head over heels for her.

"Excuse me." Xia Jiannan's voice seemed to contain a layer of frost that made her back away.

Slightly shocked, Qin Kexin stood there in a daze. But after she recovered, she suddenly felt a thrill of excitement as she looked at that strong and firm back that exuded extreme confidence.

This Xia Jiannan gave her a challenge.

'One day, Xia Jiannan, you'll be begging for me to take you in.'

With that surge of battle spirit, Qin Kexin caught up with Xia Jiannan who was already out of the door and acted as though she did not mind his cold attitude towards her.

"Xia Jiannan, can I go together with you?" Qin Kexin smiled coquettishly. "My driver is not back yet."

Xia Jiannan halted in his tracks and turned to Qin Kexin, vaguely remembering that her personal assistant had left even before the board meeting ended.

Seeing her "bashful" appearance, Xia Jiannan laughed coldly in his heart. It seemed that she had it all planned out from the beginning.

"I'll have my bodyguard drive you there." Xia Jiannan said simply, not bothering to waste anymore time thinking about it. "If you may excuse me, Ms. Qin."

Xia Jiannan left Qin Kexin there, who stood dumbly in the middle of the hallway. He thought that he heard the elevator's 'ding' sound but no one came until now.

He then saw a blue rose petal from the corner of his eye.

Blue rose?

Why would there be a blue rose petal here?

Since Secretary Cheng and Di Er escorted the other board members out, Xia Jiannan was the only one left here besides Qin Kexin.

Could it possibly be...?

As he got closer to where the blue rose petal fell, the fragrant smell of roses assailed his nostrils.

He crouched down to pick the lone blue rose petal off the ground and that's when he noticed a pair of dark brown leather shoes at the corner of his eye.

When he stood back up, Xia Jiannan's emotionless eyes met a pair of pitch-dark eyes that seemed to contain boundless mysteries.

"You're here."

Wang Rouxi nodded her head and showed a faint smile as she immersed herself in Di Yi's role.

"Mr. Xia."

That moment when she walked away, she happened to hear Xia Jiannan's words towards the woman with the surname 'Qin'. A warm feeling that she couldn't explain bubbled up inside her.

The two of them fell in a comfortable silence while staring at each other.

Wordlessly, Wang Rouxi held out the bouquet of blue roses to Xia Jiannan and signalled for him to take it.

Xia Jiannan revealed a confused expression, wondering how this 'Di Yi' knew his favorite flowers and why 'he' would give him a bouquet out of the blue.

But then he remembered what he had said earlier to the person who returned Xia Jinhu's Aston Martin:

'Ask him to buy me a bouquet of his wife's favorite flowers when he gets back.'

It seemed that he and Di Yi's wife have the same favorite flowers, huh?