Liking This Feeling

Truth be told, this Di Yi reminded him of his best friend, Wang Shenyun. That's probably one of the reasons why Xia Jiannan felt more at ease talking to him.

And he was not just imagining things because Wang Rouxi indeed based Di Yi's character off of her younger twin brother Shenyun.

However, after remembering his best friend's tragic fate, a somber expression flashed on Xia Jiannan's face. He looked blankly at the cars and sceneries passing by the window, seemingly lost in thought.

Seeing him like this, Wang Rouxi kept silent and slowed down the car a bit to give him time to sort out what's on his mind before they reach their destination.


As the most luxurious restaurant in City A, Hao Hua certainly lives up to its name.

The breathtakingly beautiful scenery it has to offer is enough to make its valued customers satisfied.

Some of the VIP customers would even stay at the Presidential Suites in Hao Hua just to admire the picturesque view. Apparently, Hao Hua is not merely a restaurant. It is a five-star hotel which offers much more.

From the architectural design, down to the uniforms of the staff, it could be seen that everything in Hao Hua had been given a lot of thought down to the finest details.

The rest of the ride to Hao Hua was spent in a comfortable silence as both Wang Rouxi and Xia Jiannan had things to think through.

The moment Wang Rouxi's car drove in, someone immediately went up to welcome them.

"Mr. Di, CEO Xia, you're finally here!"

That person was not just a nobody. It was Mr. Liang, the hotel manager of Hao Hua!

After she opened Xia Jiannan's door, acting like a gentleman, and helped him out of the car, Wang Rouxi passed off her keys to a valet. Then, she smiled politely and gave a curt nod at Mr. Liang, "I hope we did not make you wait for too long. Is the reservation ready?"

"Yes, yes. This way, please." Mr. Liang did not dare to dilly-dally. He immediately led them to one of the best private booths there was in Hao Hua. "We have prepared everything according to Mr. Di's specifications. If there is anything, please do tell me and I'll have it attended to right away.

Hearing Mr. Liang's respectful tone— cautious even— when talking to Wang Rouxi, Xia Jiannan could not help but look at her in a new light. "I did not think that Mr. Di Yi knows Mr. Liang as well."

Mr. Liang paused and turned to Xia Jiannan while making sure not to show the awkwardness he was feeling right now on his face.

In truth, this was Mr. Liang's first time meeting 'Di Yi'. The only way he managed to distinguish him was because of Xia Jiannan.

He just knew that there was a VIP customer under the name of 'Di Yi' who would be coming over for lunch together with the CEO of Xia Corporation. As for who this Di Yi is or what he looks like, Mr. Liang also didn't have a clue.

Mr. Liang could only laugh lightly to wash away his awkwardness but he did not say more.

"Who does not know Mr. Liang?" Wang Rouxi commented casually. "To be able to make Hao Hua stay as the most luxurious five-star hotel in this city, he is definitely a capable man."

The sudden compliment from Wang Rouxi caught Mr. Liang off guard.

"Hm. You're right." Xia Jiannan agreed.

At this moment, they had reached their private booth, VIP No. 2.

Seeing Wang Rouxi's gaze lingered on the booth number, Mr. Liang hurriedly tried to explain,

"We would have gotten you the VIP booth No. 1, Mr. Di, but a special guest is staying here right now and booked the booth for the whole week. I hope you understand."

Mr. Liang clearly remembered that this customer asked for the best booth here. However, there really was a special guest that even he was not privileged to meet. He could not just use the VIP booth No. 1 without asking for that person's permission, alright?

"Who is it?" Wang Rouxi seemed not to mind at all but she was curious as to who that special guest was.

"This..." Mr. Liang hesitated.

That person's identity was slightly sensitive.

Not wanting to put him in a tight position, Wang Rouxi waved her hand, indicating that she would not press on the matter any longer.

"Let's go in."

The first thing that caught their attention upon entering the booth was the breathtaking scenery of the whole city. The floor-to-ceiling window allows them to enjoy the view while eating.

Wang Rouxi nodded her head in satisfaction.

At the center of the booth, a table for two was set up. There were no fancy candles, flowers and those romantic cliches. The arrangement was extremely simple.

Xia Jiannan found the simplicity pleasing to the eye and he gave Wang Rouxi an approving look.

Mr. Liang was initially afraid that this setup was too simple, but after observing the reactions of these two big shots, he realized that he was worrying too much.

Then, he saw something that he thought he should not have seen...

Wang Rouxi pulled out a chair and asked Xia Jiannan to sit on it like a fine gentleman, "Please have a seat, CEO Xia."

This scene... was extremely familiar.

Xia Jiannan stared at Di Yi's smile as he gestured for him to take a seat and suddenly, the image of a beautiful blonde woman seemed to overlap with Di Yi's figure.

What's with people offering him a seat?

After all the things that happened since yesterday, Xia Jiannan couldn't help but wonder: Why did it feel as though he was being treated like a woman?

But that's not the worst part yet!

Xia Jiannan was horrified when he found out that he was liking this feeling of getting doted on like a pampered wife!