Deny or Admit?

No wonder he found him, or rather her, familiar the first time he saw her arrived at the Xia Family's Old Residence!

Xia Jiannan did not expect her to disguise as his bodyguard!

If not for those little clues she accidentally let slip, he would not even be able to see through her disguise.

It was truly amazing how she had become another person; from the appearance, voice, tone, down to her demeanor, everything about her had changed that one would not even suspect a thing!

However, something puzzled Xia Jiannan: Why would she go through all the trouble of disguising herself to be his bodyguard? Was it because he didn't agree to her proposal then?

But then again, how could he have responded to her when he had shamefully fainted from shock?

Xia Jiannan had a lot of things he wanted to ask her, but he restrained himself and merely waited for her response. Would she deny his claim or admit to it?

Wang Rouxi stared at Xia Jiannan, wondering if he already knew her identity or not. The former seemed to be the case though.

She didn't intend for him to know about this. Di Yi was only a disguise for her to find more clues about the people targeting Xia Jiannan. She planned to make Di Yi disappear by tomorrow, never to be seen again.


Xia Jiannan managed to see through her disguise. But of course, she could not admit it just yet.

"Oh, it seems like I can't hide my identity to someone like you, Mr. Xia." Leaning back in her chair, Wang Rouxi's facial expression didn't show anything. "Let me reintroduce myself then."

Xia Jiannan didn't expect that she would readily admit it!

'So she is indeed Miss Rou-'

But before he could finish that thought, he saw her stood up from her seat and held out her right hand across the table. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Xia. I am Lu Xi!"

Lu Xi?

She's not Miss Rouxi?

Brows furrowed, Xia Jiannan stared at her outstretched hand with complex emotions.

Were his assumptions wrong?

Xia Jiannan was extremely baffled!

Nonetheless, he shook Wang Rouxi's hand and said simply, "Xia Jiannan."

Her soft hand fitted perfectly in Xia Jiannan's slightly rough hand like they were meant to be.

Xia Jiannan's doubtful gaze was fixated on their entwined hands, not wanting to let go.

"Mr. Xia." Wang Rouxi tried to take back her hand. "You can let go now."

"Pardon me."

Wang Rouxi was thinking about the possible meaning of his words when suddenly, Xia Jiannan pulled her towards him and his lips landed on hers perfectly.

Xia Jiannan refused to believe that she was not Miss Rouxi!

He refused to believe that she was not the woman who had been messing with his mind since yesterday!

He let go of her hand, silently hoping that she wouldn't push him away. If she really did, then he could only apologize and try to amend their relationship.

Just then, the music that was supposed to stop changed into another song all of a sudden.

"Be my lady

Come to me and take my hand

And be my lady~"

Was it really possible to fall for someone that easily?

Xia Jiannan didn't previously believe that one could fall in love at first sight, not until a certain Miss Rouxi came driving into her life.

Quite literally at that!

A day with her seemed like a lifetime!

Others would probably need even more than a decade for them to validate their feelings, but Xia Jiannan felt like he knew her all his life and not just for a day.

"Truly, I must let you know

That I'm in love with you~"

If only he knew about their past...

Wang Rouxi didn't push him away, but she didn't respond to the kiss either. Her ears pricked up and she heard a beeping sound indicating that someone unlocked the door from the outside.


A few minutes earlier.

At the manager's office in Hao Hua.

Mr. Liang finally managed to calm himself down after drinking two glasses of ice-cold water. The coldness rushing down his throat took his mind off of the steamy hot scene he just imagined happening inside VIP Booth No. 2.

Just then, a notification sounded out on his tablet.

Unsuspecting, he unlocked the tablet's lock screen and went to check on it to see if any of the VIP clients requested something.

He almost dropped the expensive and latest edition tablet provided by the Wang Empire Estates on the ground when he saw what the notification was about.

[ VIP-B2 Motorized Drapery Activated ]

[ VIP-B2 Dim Lighting Activated ]

[ VIP-B2 Music Request Activated ]

Mr. Liang's mouth turned into an "O" shape, and his calm heart started beating faster once more.

"I knew it!" The manager's imagination ran wild again, but he forcefully repressed those dirty thoughts as he reminded himself to act professional.

[ Music Request waiting for input... ]


This [ Music Request ] feature is one of the recent modifications in the booths of Hao Hua, mostly used by men to surprise their other half.

They would request a song in advance and once the male guest pressed the button, the music would be played automatically.

The booths were soundproofed so there's no worry about disturbing other guests.

But there's a problem!

Mr. Di didn't request a song in advance when he booked the booth!

Now, what song to choose?

Mr. Liang started sweating buckets as he pulled out his phone and turned to the Almighty Google for help!

The first result that popped up was "I'll Be There" by Julie Anne San Jose.

It is an English song from a foreign singer, but the lyrics seem good so Mr. Liang decided on it.

[ VIP-B2 Music Request playing... ]

"Phew!" Wiping the sweat off of his face using his hankie, Mr. Liang continued searching for another good song.

While scrolling through his phone, his secretary came in with a stack of paper in his hands.

"Sir, these are the documents you requested from the Internal Design Department!"

Seeing his twenty-something year old secretary, Mr. Liang seemed to have found his savior!

"Ah Ye, come quick! I need your help with something!"

Puzzled, the man named Ah Ye walked over and looked at his Boss's phone screen.

"Top Ten Love Song Hits of All Time"

Ah Ye struggled to choke back his laughter and asked with a poker face, "Do you want me to help you pick a song, Sir?"

Mr. Liang nodded his head.

"Yes, yes! A VIP customer suddenly requested for music. They didn't place a request in advance so we need to choose the music ourselves!"

"Oh! That's easy! Leave it to me, Sir!"

Little did Ah Ye know that his song choice at that time would bring him a huge fortune.