After Ah-Ning had left. Qi Ah was left in a dazed thought while staring at the sheets. He had no will to do anything really. He wanted to know why Weizhi had randomly left again! He knew he'd returned, so why leave?! It caused a very ugly emotion to well up in Qi Ah's chest. He felt the tears threatening to fall. The mood he had at this moment made him feel ugly!
It wasn't until Ah-Ning had returned to inform Qi Ah that his brother was ready to meet with him, that Qi Ah was finally able to adjust his emotions a bit. He suppressed all the strange feelings while letting Ah-Ning adjust him to the wheelchair, letting the older servant take him off to see his brother. Though he was having trouble figuring out why he was requested to see the older.
Weizhi return had caused the youth to completely forget everything from the banquet! Not only did he not remember that there was an issue that had happened with the 'Villain Prince'. He hadn't even realized his 'secret' was most likely discovered! Thus, with a slightly confused expression, Qi Ah greeted his older brother as any other 'servant of court' would do.
"Qi Ah, what do you think about that damn prince? Should we believe the threat? What to do!" Emperor Zhihui stated, with frustration. His pacing and complicated facial expression caused Qi Ah to realize the issues here. He finally remembered the bits of awkward back and forth between the Villain and his elder brother, his expression rather awkward. Should most likely not forget important scenes that differ from the plot in the future!
"I'm....not sure." he finally stated with a blank expression. To be honest, what was he to do ah?! Not only had he been suffering from the poison, he really hadn't had the mind to pay attention to what the damn Villain had been saying much less that the plot had been in shambles! What was he going to do? He really didn't know!
After listening to Emperor Zhihui mutter a few names of possible candidates to send off for the 'marriage' Qi Ah frowned. It wouldn't help to send anyone child ah! No one was suppose to be married off, that was the issue! What was going on? Did someone really need to be married to that evil person? Sure Prince Zie wasn't really evil...Just a cruel man that tormented with the hearts of those who felt he was 'pleasing' to look at!
Who also wanted to take over the throne of this empire and becoming the new ruler here instead. Still... He wasn't to bad right? He didn't go on a murderous rampage in the end right? Just a war that the male lead had killed him for. If anything, the princess was the cause of all the trouble. Married, yet flirting with a visiting prince. Giving false reputations to said male despite them not actually doing anything!
What more when she found that the prince didn't like her, despite them not doing anything. She complained and got her husband to 'protect' her honor that she herself had tainted!? Hmn...Maybe this plot shouldn't go about the correct way? Stop the war, save lives...that sounded better yeah. Instead of the princess getting both a forgiving husbands, and the rush of a 'flirtatious' scandal.
"There isn't anyone else suitable. If you don't want war brother, I'll have to go." Qi Ah finally stated, for the first time he called his elder brother, by brother instead of his majesty. It caused Emperor Zhihui to freeze as he looked at the youth, who refused to call him brother for so many years. His eyes seeming wet as he stared at the one he'd failed to protect.
"You...really...." Emperor Zhihui struggled to manage his emotions before sighing. They had caused this by saving the princess from the fate, now the one to suffer was his brother? The one who had to hide in the dark, and pretend to be unrelated to him? The one who had suffered because of his bloodline? Fate was cruel...
"I' with Prince Zie, and we'll make an agreement on the matter. I wont just send you off for nothing..." he finally said. "It was inspected that someone of his kingdom had caused, maybe they can cure it.." he offered.
Qi Ah gave a faint smile, he didn't really doubt that, but why would a prince worried about wanting to take over someone else's throne gladly help a marriage hostage? That's what he would be. No need to sugar coat it. The only thing Qi Ah hoped, was that Weizhi would return and follow him over. He didn't want to be alone in a strange kingdom...