So, yep, it's been 2 weeks already.
Aha, I forgot to tell you; the reason why we stayed for such a long time, was because, when Neo was born, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck.
But, although they fixed that problem, they were quite afraid that he suffered some damage, which lead them to watch him a tad bit longer.
Turns out, he's perfectly healthy, and they let me go, free of charges, why?
Because this is paid for, by the government, after the birth rate was decreasing, due to the expenses of having a child.
But, anyways, me and mom are currently in a wooden cart, that's "wheeling", itself.
You heard me right, itself, back to the small hut.
Now, you may be asking yourself, how it does it work?
You're not alone, so don't be too worried, because I don't have the slightest idea.
Not to mention, I'm a commoner now, so...;
I have no access to books.
I have no last name.
I have no Ceres either, which means, I cannot produce magic, at all.
Which is rather interesting, because I'd like to know how it works, but I don't think I'll be able to figure it out, any time soon, since Neo will be requiring all my attention, for now.
Oh, yes, I also forgot to add;
I think I was transported into an eastern country, though the hospital seemed rather modern at first glance. Well...Since the walls were white.
But I promise, that the walls were definitely pearly white for a while, however, they turned back to a wooden, beige colour, as the rest of the room started to fill in the aesthetic of a, "Eastern Asian", bedroom. Since I don't understand how it worked, I'm just going to assume that it's the work of, Ceres.
Elizabeth held Neo in her arms, wrapping him gently in a smooth, warm, white woollen blanket, as the cart continued in it's journey.
Of course, due to the constant bumps, and jolts from the up-lifting pebbles in the dirt road, Neo would occasionally burst in a fit, only to have Elizabeth pat him back to sleep; in fact, this happened quite a lot.
Soon, the mellow sun went to rest itself, and as the moon rose, a nose-nipping breeze shot across the air, lowering the already, freezing temperature, to barely bearable. This was especially so, for Elizabeth, who was in a sensitively vulnerable state.
"It's getting colder..." Elizabeth whispered with a shudder, as she stared off into the siding forest, that swelled with no leaves, yet, seemed to go on for eternity, for the end was not seen.
The more she looked, the more darkness seeped into her eyes, as it became more increasingly difficult to see, only allowing her squint, in an attempt to look farther, than what she already was given.
"I guess, I'll just wait until my eyes get used to the dark," Elizabeth mumbled under her breath, as she rummaged through into her sack, taking out a blanket, before tucking it warmly into her mother back, and into her's.
She sighed in utter pleasure, while the numbness from her legs and arms started to, finally, dissipate, in a slow, but satisfying pace.
"Don't worry Neo, momma's keeping you nice an' warm too." Elizabeth whispered lovingly, gazing onto his small patch of sea-blue hair, before she softly, and carefully put Neo into her chemise, right on top of her breasts, assuring that he'll have a hazy, warm sleep; though it might've not been very comfortable.
Y'know Neo, I'm sure you aren't aware of this, but you're soooo CUTE.
Actually, I'm quite confident in you, so I'm betting 100 gold that you'll be really handsome in the future.
Aha...Sorry kiddo.
Anyways...I'm a little t-...ired.
Elizabeth let out a small yawn, as she gentle rubbed her eyes with her hand, in an attempt in trying to stay awake.
But, ultimately, when she realized she couldn't fight back her tired eyelids, she made her mind up to try and sleep.
She checked the blankets one last time, pulling it up, to cover her mother, and her son, before she succumbed to the warm haziness, that stroked her to sleep.
Neo suddenly cried, interrupting both Elizabeth and her mother's sleep, as plump, apricot-sharped tears came out of his beautiful brown pupils, dripping down his chubby, round cheeks.
"Aw, is my baby hungry?" Elizabeth whispered in a playful tone, as her eyes twitched, barely able to keep open, while she pulled down her shirt, feeding Neo.
She smiled as the nostalgic feeling, resounding from breast-feeding came back to her once again, and simply missed it dearly, though she loathed it in her previous life.
Of course, Elizabeth did technically breast-feed in the hospital, but, it's just not quite the same, as when nurses attentively stare at you, while your child gnawed, trying hard to ignore them, only ending up not sucking well.
Then, she'd be bombarded with tips, concerning, how she's supposed to hold him, how to do that, and so-on-so-forth.
By any means, Elizabeth was rather grateful that they felt the need to help her, but, of course, she'd would've preferred it, if they simply wouldn't always leave a nurse to observe her, at all times.
But, this was to be expected, as Elizabeth had fainted several times during labour, due to the horrible pain, and in complete honesty, it didn't look quite good on her end, that is, until Camille's soul transgressed.
Just in case of an unexpected circumstance popping up, the hospital staff kept their eyes on Elizabeth, as well as Neo.
N/A: Neo's a lil blue-haired baby :D