Chapter 2


Please don't let me die. Please don't let me die.

" C'mon man open your eyes," Connor, my best friend and possible murderer says, " There's no one out here and I'm only going eighty!"

"Only going eighty! The speed limit is sixty and I'm here so until this car stops my eyes will be remaining closed and I will be praying that I don't end up dying before making it big." All of a sudden we lurch to a stop and I hear Connor turn on the double indicators to alert others of our presence.

"Car's stopped. Open your eye ya big baby"

I do as he says and see that we're parked in the middle of the road. Not at a stoplight or intersecting but smack dab in the middle of the street.

"Dude what the hell! I don't even know how you got your license," I say turning towards him, "Just drive, all the food and good drinks are going to be gone by the time we get to Liam's."

His eyes light up at the sound of food and he starts driving again. This time slightly slower but still illegally.

I've known Connor since we were in first grade and playing Pop-Warner football. With him as quarterback and me as receiver we made varsity as juniors and were part of one of the best high-school teams in the state. We're on our way to an end of the year party hosted by one of the seniors on the team, but with this kind of driving I'll be surprised to make it there in one piece.

" God bro, you needa loosen up," he says as he starts driving again, at the speed limit this time, " As soon as we get there I'm getting you a drink and a hot chick to help your grumpy ass relax."

" First off I'm probably gonna have to drive us back. So I'll pass on the drink," I say, "And second you know that I'm taking a break from girls after all that shit with Alyssa this year."

Alyssa was my 'girlfriend' for the last seven months, but I wouldn't consider what we did dating. We barely spoke at school and she always picked the most expensive restaurant she could find for our 'dates'. That was the worst part. Every weekend I had to get all dressed up , sit through an awkward silent meal and watch as she spent more time taking a picture of her food than talking with me. I felt bad about breaking up with her so when she had to move a few hours away I pulled the 'I can't do long distance card' and called it quits.

" Whatever man," Connor says with a sigh, " if you wanna spend our first party being a downer be my guest. Just don't come crying to me when you feel like you missed out in summer."

Talking about parties, I could hear it from three streets away where we had to park. Loud rap music that only got louder as we walked up to the source, a large two story house packed with hormonal drunk teens. How there hasn't been a noise complaint by now is beyond me. As we walked up to the door we passed people laying on the lawn next to crushed solo cups and other garbage strewn around. Entering the house wasn't much better. It was the usual party scene with too many hot bodies for the space and the smell of alcohol was almost suffocating. People grinding on each other everywhere you look and couples in every corner making out for everyone to see.

Connor heads over to the kitchen as soon as we walk in and as he's walking away says to me, " I'm gonna go get a drink. At least try to not be miserable the whole time we're here."

I shake my head knowing that the chances of that happened are slim. Just two months ago if you would've told me that I would be 'that guy' at parties I would've laughed in your face and told you you're crazy but here we are.

I never understood why people described guilt as consuming till now. The thought of what I did before the last game was an constant presence weighing down on me.Mixed with the heat of the party was making me lighthearted.

I start walking toward the backyard hoping some fresh air and peace will clear my head.

I sit down on one of the outdoor couches and not three minutes later a girl sits down next to me.

" Hey hot stuff," she says with a slight slur definitely drunk, " What's a guy like you doing all alone? How about we go upstairs and I make your night?" All that for clearing my head. At this point she's basically lying on top of me and reaches out to start playing with my hair.

" First of all I'm not into that kinda thing," I say, as I push her hand away and start to stand up, " Second you're clearly drunk and no one should be saying yes to what you're offering right now. Do you have a friend that can come get you?"

" But I don't want a friend. I want you," the girl attempts to stand but collapses back down on the chair, " my boyfriend can't find me so now I want you." She starts laughing like this is the funniest thing ever.

I scan the crowd trying to find a guy looking for their lost drunk dog, and see someone going from group to group asking people a question. I make my way over to where he's standing to overhear him asking if anyone's seen Emily.

" Hey man," I say catching his attention, " I think Emily's over there." I turn and gesture towards the couch I was just sitting at.

He followers my finger before nodding at me in thanks and making his way over to a completely wasted Emily.

I shake my head thinking of all the ways that conversation will play out as I make my way back inside. I was getting thirsty and was hoping to find some water. Before I can get too far into the room I hear shouts and breaking glass coming from the kitchen. Two second later everyone's rushing out the house like it's on fire and I hear police sirens in the distance.

Party's busted. Crap.

I push past everyone and run out the front door as I pull out my phone to call Connor.

I shout over the chaos into the phone, " Where are you?"

I pause but can't hear a response over the sirens that have gotten significantly closer.

" Listen bro I can't hear you but just meet me in your car. I'll drive us home just meet me in the car." Hoping he heard me and has the sense not to try and drive I rushed down the street to where we parked just half an hour earlier.

A noise complaint wouldn't have gotten the cops to come that fast and I wonder what could've happened as I get to the car.

I slow to a jog as I see my best friend on his phone waiting for me.

" Man that shit was intense," he says, " Did you see what happened?"

I shake my head, " No. What was the rush with the police?"

" Apparently a few college guys came and were trying to sell some weed to some underage chicks. One of them freaked and called the cops. With all the noise in the background they knew it was a party and were coming to bust the guys and catch underage drinking. Everyone's posting about it." He started waving his phone with pictures and videos posted from the party but I had zoned out after he mentioned the weed.

Selling weed. Legal some places, jail time in others if you got caught. Depeding on who you are and who you're selling to, it could be bad. Real bad. I've checked.

" Helloooo," Connor says bring me back to the moment, " Are you gonna drive or just stand there hoping you learn to teleport home?"

" Bro shut up and get in the car," I say as I take the keys from his hand and get in the driver's seat. We get in the car and turns on the radio before looking at me.

" So what's the plan this summer?"

Every summer since freshman year our whole friend group plans out how to have the best summer we can while dealing with everyone's schedules. Now that all of the guys are in the same team we only have to plan around our workouts and the girls work schedules.

" I don't know man, " I say truthfully, "It's our last summer in our high school careers so we have to go big. Everyone else is going to the beach tomorrow. I'm thinking we meet up with them for lunch after and figure it out.

" Okay," Connor says lazily, "I'm gonna miss you so much JayBae, You mean so much to me and when you leave you're gonna forget me and I'll be sad."

I turn to look at him and see that he's definitely not sober.

" How much did you drink Connor? We weren't even at the party for an hour."

" You know what coach says 'go hard and fast boys, don't give them time to think'. I apply this to multiple aspects of my life, not just football."

" Oh my god," I say laughing,"you really are the worst."

"You know you love me Jason. Don't even try to disagree with me. Our relationship is stronger than any of yours."

" I already told you whatever I had with Alyssa wasn't a relationship," I say, " And at least I made a move one someone. You've liked Izzy for years now and have done nothing."

"Whatever man."

He turns the radio louder and we don't talk for the rest of the ride home. Connor falls asleep and I'm left to contemplate my relationships.

Connor's been my best friend my whole life and I hope then when I finally come clean he doesn't walk out of my life like I'm afraid he will.