Chapter 5 What a Feeling

Fast forward to the stadium

My dad was talking with some coworkers so I decided to take a look around.

"Holy shit, this is a huge stadium!" I said looking around. There was so much to see.

"Just wait till it fills up" someone chuckled behind me. I slowly turned around to see some old dude.

"Sorry to scare you like that. My name is Paul Higgins, and I'm with management." he said with pride.

"Oh it's so cool to meet you! My name is Victoria Vandenhouten!" I said smiling. I was still holding the carrier Cookie was in.

"Since you're a part of the crew Victoria, you can put your pet on a leash if you'd prefer." Paul suggested.

Paul just lifted what felt like a huge weight on my shoulders.

"Oh, it's a cat, I'd need a harness on him," I said looking at Cookie through the cage.

"Pour thing has been in here for 10 hours." I said making a pouty face at Cookie.

"Whatever you decide, it's alright. Just tell whoever, Paul Higgins gave you permission." Paul said smiling at me.

"Thank you so mu-"

I got cut off by the ringing of Paul's cell phone.

"I'm terribly sorry but, I've got to take this, it's about the band." Paul quickly explained. I just stood there looking around, waiting for the call to end"

"Right, ok, ok, mmm.. Thank you for informing me Adam. Ok bye." Paul put his phone back in his pocket.

"The boys just arrived, would you mind staying and help run a few mic checks?" Paul asked.

He's asking a teenager for help with this? Usually, they wouldn't even allow a kid to be helping with technical stuff.

"Not at all! My dad wanted to surprise me, so I don't even know what band is performing." I said smiling.

"Oh, why don't you come take a look with me?" Paul asked, pointing towards a hallway that led out back.

"Sure, that'll be fun! I just have to call my dad and let him know where I am and that-" Paul cut me off.

"Whatever you need to do, go for it. You won't be treated like a kid here, don't worry." He said smiling.

Paul was super nice, it surprised me. I quickly called my dad, and put Cookie on a harness from a bag attached to the carrier. I swiftly ran to a room where all our luggage was, and put the carrier on the floor.

I kept the bag with Cookie's things, in case he gets hungry or something. I went back to where Paul was, and we started walking towards the back. I saw a huge tour bus with the words "One Direction" stuck to it. I wasn't really shocked or anything, I didn't even listen to their music.

"Not a fan?" Paul asked with pouty eyes.

"Well, I've never really-" The tour bus doors opened.

Five young boys stepped out of the bus and hugged Adam.

"Hello boys! it's a pleasure meeting you all. This is Victoria, her dad is a part of the technical crew." Paul said.

He looked like a 5 year old in a candy store, so happy to meet these boys. I honestly expected handshakes, but every single boy hugged me, and greeted me. They also thanked me for being here. That's like your boss thanking you for coming into work. They were too nice. It honestly took me by surprise.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Harry."

"I'm Louis."


"I'm Liam."

"And I'm Zayn."

"It's great meeting you all!" I smiled.

"What's this fella's name?" Harry asked in a baby voice. I picked up Cookie and let Harry hold him.

"His name's Cookie. He's 4 years old." I added.

"I wanna hold him!" Niall came up and begged.

Harry gave the precious kitty to Niall and he started talking gibberish to Cookie in a baby voice.

"Awee, you're so cute, you little critter!" and other weird baby phrases. The rest of the management team and the crew came outside to greet the boys. I finally got Cookie back, and called my dad.


"Hi dad, I was just wondering if you wanted to meet the boys. They met Cookie and it was the cutest thing ever. Oh and later, they need me to help run mic checks." I said.

"Sure, I'll come out back to say hi. Who asked you for help? And why?" my dad said surprised.

"I have no idea. Paul, who's management, said they wouldn't treat me like a kid or something like that." I added. I was hoping my dad would just hang up and get his butt over here already.

"I just don't understand-" Oh boy here we go..

"What? Okay, I'm coming! Sorry dad but, I need to run mic checks. I'm also gonna feed Cookie." I quickly said and hung up. Whew! I went into the luggage room and got out his portable bowls.

I filled one with fresh bottled water from a cooler someone brought and his gross wet food he loves so much. Before I could even set the bowls down, Cookie was whining like a baby! Gosh that poor thing was just kept in a kennel for 10 hours. It's not like he was dying or anything else like that, but I still felt bad for him.

Cookie totally chowed down everything I supplied. I gave him one more can of his food and a little more water. I never feed him twice in a row like that. It's usually first thing in the morning, and at 5pm. I saw my dad pass by, which meant he was going out back to greet the boys. I cleaned out Cookies trough, and put him back on a harness.

"Are you ready Cookster?" I chuckled.

"C'mon Buddy!" I walked Cookie to the stage. I saw Paul and the boys on stage with their microphones. Right on time!