Chapter 28 Steal My Girl

From Dad

Want to see Cookie before we take off?

To Dad

I'm not sure I can. They once left Liam behind, I don't them to leave without me, as we're leaving soon

From Dad

Seriously? How do they manage to forget Liam?

To Dad


From Dad

Alright well, I want to spend time with you tonight.

To Dad

Ok. We're gonna stop at the hotel, then the boys are taking me out for a surprise.

From Dad

Why are you stopping at the hotel?

To Dad

Boys forgot to bring their hoodies. They're in their suitcases. Can't go out in public without them.

From Dad

Oh ok. What about after you come back?

To Dad

Maybe we can spend some time together later tonight. Zayn wants to hangout.

From Dad

You shouldn't be hanging out with him. He doesn't even care about the band. Even if he did, he wouldn't have left.

To Dad

You have no idea why Zayn left in the first place. He says he owes it to someone to hangout with. We're just going for a walk. He didn't want to ask the boys because they're still mad at him.

From Dad

And you're not? And why would he ask you? Paul and Adam were furious when he just left.

To Dad

Dad, I really don't want to argue right now. Can we please talk about this another time? Or even tonight?

From Dad

I'm sending one of the boys to go with you honey. I just want you to be safe. Especially after what happened at that party.

To Dad

And I want you to quit worrying about me. It's not like he's gonna to fucking kidnap me

I turned off my phone, as I was exhausted from dealing with my dad. Didn't he trust me?

I climbed on my bunk, and got under the covers. I rolled over and closed my eyes. I didn't care that it was 2pm, I just wanted to relax.

Suddenly, the boys rushed onto the bus, as Andrew made sure they had gotten on safely.

"Wasn't she literally sleeping on the way over here?" Louis asked.

"She's going through a lot right now. She probably just wants to forget about last night." Harry said, while climbing onto my bunk.

"Niall, can you please close the curtain?" Harry asked, getting under the covers.

"The hotel isn't even that far away. Maybe I want to spend time with Victoria." Niall said.

"Well, she's sleeping so good luck trying to wake her." Harry said, getting up to close the curtain.

I could hear the muffled voices of the boys talking, while Harry got under the covers and lay down beside me. He started to play with my hair, and run his fingers through it.

I rolled over to face him, and I stared into his green eyes.

"Thank you for the song." I whispered, smiling.

"Of course love. I thought you were sleeping." Harry whispered, with a chuckle.

"No, I just needed to rest my head. My dad thinks I shouldn't meet up with Zayn, and how he wants to send one of you guys to go with me." I whispered.

I reached for my phone, so Harry could read the conversation.

"Here." I said, passing him my phone.

There was a long silence for a while, as Harry swiftly read the conversation. I could hear the boys talking, as I waited for Harry.

"We're here!" Liam shouted, as the bus came to a stop.

Harry quickly gave my phone back, and jumped off my bunk. I stayed on the bus, as I didn't really want to see my dad, and hear one of his boring lectures. I also didn't want to run into William, Grace, Adam or Paul. I didn't really want them to brag about how great I'm doing, or all the work I'm putting into this tour. I wasn't ready to plaster a smile.

I waited for the boys to grab their hoodies and to return on the bus.

"How are you doing?"

I rolled over to see Andrew leaning against the railing.


"It's your birthday, aren't you excited?"

"I'm not sure."

"I'd ask how the performance was, but you've seen them perform plenty of times, and I don't want to seem like your father."

A smile spread across my face.

"Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?"

"You probably have better things to do than to listen to me rant about my problems."

"Nothings ever more important than a person's feelings."

I sighed, and considered opening up.

"Zayn wants to meet up and my dad is being a dick about it."


"He thinks Zayn is a bad person, only because he left the band. Now my dad wants to send one of the boys to watch me. Did you ask you?"

"No, but if he did I'd tell you right away."

"Thanks Andrew."

"No problem."

Andrew gave me a hug before jumping off my bunk. He got in the driver seat, and waited for the boys to return. I rolled over and closed my eyes, hoping I'd fall asleep to make time go by faster.