The Chauffeur.

Bella stepped out of the office building to see someone she suspected to be the driver waiting for her in front of the building, beside a black 2016 Chevrolet Camaro.

"Mr Stuart?" The driver asked, approaching Bella, who was observing him as he walked up to her. Dressed like that, one could easily have mistaken him to be the boss around here.

She noticed he was an attractive-looking young man, probably in his early or mid-thirties. He was wearing a black suit, burgundy-coloured necktie and sunglasses, so she couldn't see his eyes. But his very black hair was styled in a Brad Pitt style.

"I'm Ben. Benjamin Stuart. I guess you're Mr Williams' Chauffeur?" She asked politely, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Yes. I'm Zachary Turner," The driver said, taking off his glasses to reveal his very beautiful green eyes before taking her hand in his own.

He frowned and looked down at their hands when he felt how soft and delicate her hand was, but she quickly withdrew it.

He was definitely super attractive, Bella decided. "It's nice meeting you, Zach. I hope I can call you that?" She asked, looking into his shocking green eyes.

"Yes, please. I have been instructed to take you over to your place to pick up your possessions, and I'm to drop you off at Mr Williams' residence afterwards," Zach said politely as he led her over to the car and held out the rear door for Bella to get into the backseat of the car.

"I'd rather ride with you in front if you don't mind," Bella said and opened her door herself. Zach simply shrugged before going around the car to get into his seat.

"So, how long have you been working for Mr Williams? Do you enjoy working for him? What is his house like?" Bella asked curiously.

"Why are you asking so many questions? Are you a reporter?" Zach asked rather cautiously.

"Nevermind," Bella muttered under her breath and turned to look outside the window. Why were they all so tight-lipped anyway? It wasn't like she was asking them how much he had in his account or anything so personal.

She relaxed against her seat as she thought of different ways to break the news of her employment to her family, especially her mother.

Was she to allow the driver to park the car in front of the restaurant so they would see her come out of the car, or was she to let him park far away and pretend to have failed the interview just to see her mother's reaction and then disappoint her? Bella chuckled as she considered the latter, making the driver turn to look at her with a raised brow.

She shook her head when she sighted her reflection in the side mirror. She had almost forgotten about the wig she was wearing.

She had to do something about the wig before meeting her parents, and she definitely didn't want the driver to know where she lived either or see her taking off the wig. That would likely cause a disaster in the future.

The driver spared her a sideways glance as he wondered why the young man seemed so restless.

"You can stop me by the next block. I'll find my way from there," Bella said, pointing to the exact spot she wanted him to park the car.

The driver turned to look at her as he parked the car, "Mr Williams instructed me to bring you and your possession over to his house," He told her politely.

"Yes, I know. The thing is, my parents do not know about this job since they never wanted me to leave the family business, so it's going to be really awkward and noisy if I suddenly appear with a chauffeur," Bella lied with a convincing smile as she pulled at her right ear.

"But Mr Williams.."

"I'm not his prisoner, am I? I'm an employee. I'm not running away. I just need to talk to my family. Do you have a problem with that?" Bella asked, raising her brow slightly. What's with him and Mr Williams, anyway? Bella thought.

"So what do you want me to do, sir?" The driver asked hesitantly.

"Just wait over here while I get my things," Bella pleaded.

"How long do I have to wait?" He asked, still not sure he liked what was going on. Instructions were meant to be followed to the letter.

But what could he do? This was his boss' new personal assistant, and as such, his boss, too, in a way.

"You have nothing to worry about, and I'll try to be fast about it. I have to speak with my parents first," Bella said as she got out of the car.

She hurried down towards her house, which wasn't too far from the restaurant. The moment she rounded the curve away from the driver's view, she quickly took off the wig and let down her hair in case either of her parents was at home.

She hurriedly looked around the house to make sure she was alone before returning to arrange her clothes.

She swapped her pink box with her brother's black box. Their mother had made it a habit of buying her things with only bright feminine colours even though she had insisted she didn't like them.

When she was satisfied with everything, she quickly put on the wig again before carrying the box of clothes over to the car to meet the driver.

"You're back already?" He asked, smiling at her hopefully as he got down to take her box into the trunk.

"You can just go with my box. I'll meet you up at Mr Williams' residence if you are kind enough to give me his home address," She said, flashing him a charming smile.

"But the instruction from Mr Williams says..."

Bella took in a deep breath. This guy was beginning to get on her nerves with his stupid loyalty or whatever he called what he was doing. If she heard, 'Mr William says...' one more time, she was going to knock him over.

"Will you like to get caught up in the middle of a family crisis? Just hand me the house address so you can be on your way, or you can hang around somewhere and pick me up when I'm done. Either way, it's your choice," She said with a shrug.

Zach considered his option before taking out his phone and handing it to her, "Give me your number. I'll wait for you and pick you up when you're done," He said, making Bella grit her teeth in frustration.

She did not doubt that this guy was going to be a problem for her. She quickly punched her digits into his phone before hurrying off again.