Premium Entertainment.

Juanita took the seat Bella had just vacated as she looked Dan over, "Why did your girlfriend leave so abruptly? I was looking forward to meeting her after just seeing Patrick's girlfriend," Juanita said with a smile. 

Dan maintained a straight face, "She'll be back soon," Dan said and did not bother to ask her about Patrick or the girlfriend she spoke about. "However, I wasn't expecting to meet you here."

Juanita giggled at that, "I'm sure you weren't. So how is your father's health these days?" She asked with her smile still in place. 

"He's doing very well," Dan said and raised a brow when he sighted Patrick walk into the hall through the other exit door, with a stony expression on his face as he looked around as though he was searching for someone. 

"I think your son needs your attention," Dan said, cocking his head in Patrick's direction, so Juanita had to turn around to look at Patrick.