Spa Session

Joan had gone into Ben's room as early as 3:30 a.m and had left as early as 5 a.m. They had decided that it was best the maids don't meet her attending to Ben when they came so that they wouldn't keep nagging him about allowing them to attend to him so he gets used to them too.

Ben was to tell them he had done his makeup himself because he had waited, and when he saw that the time was going by really fast and they were yet to show up, he had decided to do it himself.

Ben told them what he had to say when they eventually came knocking around past 5 a.m, and they had apologized for coming late and had insisted that they wait to escort him to breakfast by 7 a.m, but he had asked them to leave.

Now he was seated by the dressing table, thinking of a way to kindly decline going on the spa session.