
Once we got back to the tree house, I led Casey to my room. He sat down on my bed as I set the folder on my dresser, "I told everyone we would leave in an hour," I said to Casey.

He got and hugged me from behind, "Well then, we have an hour before we must be serious" Casey said and smiled.

I turned around to face him, "less than that actually, I have a lot of things to take care of, before we go" I said honestly.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like a lot of things" I said, I hadn't really thought of what I needed to do. I kissed him lightly, "I'll be right back, I need to go ask Drew something" I said and turned to walk out.

Before I left the room Casey called after me, "Alright hot stuff" and I rolled my eyes at him.

I walked to Drew's room, the door was open but I knocked anyway, Drew looked up at me, "oh hey Josh" she said simply. Matthew waved from where he was sitting.

"I needed to ask you a question," I said to Drew.

"Shoot," drew responded putting her hands in her lap.

"By What means of transportation are we taking, I think that one of the cars can fit us all... but it's a lot of people" I said simply.

"Well, if major drives, and Alek or whatever is one person, Ray can chill in someone's pocket or something...then we can all fit" Drew said as if she had been thinking of it.

"That works perfectly, thanks. I think I'll get Jordan to do a seat chart, he is the smartest of us after all" I said simply and walked out.

"Yep, anytime" Drew said as I left.

Next I went to Major and Ray's room, that they shared...well it was Major's room but Ray had a sort of dill house he lived in. Jordan and Ray were standing in the corner talking, Major was not in there. "Ah there you are," I said simply, "I have a favor Jordan, and where's Major?" I asked.

"What do you need? And I haven't the slightest idea, he might have gone outside with Axel, last I saw" Jordan said simply.

"I need a seating chart, Majors going to be driving, and Ray doesn't need a seat" I said simply.

Ray looked at me and shrugged, "Yeah, I usually just sit in a cupholder, or someone's pocket...whatever".

"Alright then, I'll do that" Jordan said grabbing a piece of paper off of the dresser and started writing.

"Well I'm going to go talk to Major," I said and left. I went into the living room and then outside, after a minute of walking around, I found Major making out with Axel, "Major," I said simply, to get his attention.

He turned to me annoyed, "what?!"

"Lose the attitude, and your driving, come with me" I said and turned walking away, I knew he would follow me.

"Why do I have to drive?" He asked.

"Because, your the oldest" I said simply. He sighed at this. We walked up to the garage, which was hidden by bushes, I pressed a button and the door opened, "your driving that one" I said, pointing to the one with the most seats.

"Fine" He said rudely and walked to the car, "where's the keys?" He asked.

I walked over to a shelve and got the right keys, I tossed them to Major, who caught them with one hand, easily.

"Well I'm going back inside, Jordan is making a seating chart so we can all fit" I said and went back inside.

I went back to my room and sat on my bed with a sigh.

"Ah sweetheart, your back" Casey said from my desk which he was sitting at, logged into my computer.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

He looked at me with a look of guilt, "I was at it" He said lying.

"Whatever" I said and rolled my eyes. We sat there talking for a little while, until we left to go on our mission.