
After Drew disappeared, we stood around confused for a while. Major had gotten upset and started yelling at Jordan, saying how the genius should be able to figure out where Drew went. Later, Casey had brought me back to the car and sat there with me while Major and Jordan looked around the alley.

Eventually I got out of the car and walked over to Jordan, "anything?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "nothing".

I sighed and walked over to Major, "anything?" I asked him.

Major sighed, "if mr. genius hasn't found anything, what makes you think I did" he said, he had his pistol in his hand inspecting it.

"You don't need to get an attitude, and please, put the gun away" I said shaking my head slightly.

"Your not in charge of me, I don't care what the scientist say, I'm not going to listen to shit" He said and walked away.

"Fine, be that way" I said throwing my hands up, I walked over to Matthew, who was pacing in front of the car. He was solid for the most part, and I couldn't see through him like normally. "You okay?" I asked him.

Matthew nodded, "Yeah, I'm just worried that's all" he said simply.

"We all are" I said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Drew will be okay, right?" He asked.

"I hope so," I mumbled.

Axel was sitting in the car with the door open, on his phone. I walked up to him, "are you going to help? Or just sit there?" I asked.

"Look man, Drew got kidnapped, right in front of us. If we're lucky they'll come back and get the rest of us" Axel shrugged.

"How is that lucky?" I asked rudely.

"Well, at least we'll now where Drew is" Axel said plainly.