
Hand that was bruised all over, had some cuts covered with one time bandages, was hiding the eyes from light so that he could sleep. But the annoying brat appread to disturb the peaceful break time. Another weirdo who announces herself proudly as the would be champion in the match with neighbouring schools. A nutcase. Mei.

'Oy! Partner!' Mei Keeps poking on the wounded bruises and cuts.

'Are you not gonna join me this time too? Let me tell you the other way. You can defeat the boys from other schools if you join our football team. No fist fight needed. Good idea, no?' Mei tried to strike a deal.

No matter how many times he ignores her,she keeps appearing. Disturbs his sleeping time, class time, sports time, every single hour till the school is over.

'Oh! Partner?' Mei greets Aki.

One day the whole life as Aki had known it,changed.

'You live here? I live here too.' Mei said.

"Why does she have to be my neighbour!" Aki sighs.

'You didn't know he lived here?' Noah asked.

Mei answers, 'I didn't.'

That was the start. Good class representative,a talented bright student, a good daughter, friend, in what title she was unfit?! Nothing! That's how Aki thought of her. Everyone did. But sometimes during class she would often get lost in thoughts. In free times she would go play alone on the basketball court like she is so mad, often she would skip around without attending the sports class. During library class she would get irritated on poems, 'Ah! Why send poems instead of proper sentences!!'

'Aish!!' the teacher would scold her.

'Sorry sensei! My thoughts were a bit loud.' The whole class smiled at Mei's attitude.

Aki couldn't help but to smile. Noah was already smitten with her. A class representative with some flaws, was loved by everybody.

She would from time to time sit alone on the water tank with a lollipop in her mouth. Skipping sports even when she loved it so much.

'What's with the lollipop!?' Aki asked.

The stare of hers was a bit unnerving as they felt different. Light brown eyes. But something was missing.

She smiles, 'I have another one.' She offered a flavoured lollipop, 'You don't have to think much. I didn't poison it.'

'Huh!' Aki took the lollipop and it tasted so bitter so he spitted it out.

'It's worse than poison.' Aki didn't like it.

'What are you?A sweet-tooth?' Mei was surprised. Aki composed himself.

'You are!! Ha ha ha!!' She rolled around on the ground. 

Aki felt irritated, 'What's there to laugh at!!'

'Nothing! I'm sweet-toothed too. Sorry I didn't know about you. My mom made it but must have forgotten to add sugar.' Mei said.

'Oh! That's why you were struggling while eating them.' Aki frowns.

Mei nodded,'Ya! But don't tell her ok!'

'Why would I tell her?!' Aki never intended.

'Well, she has a good relationship with your grandma. If you tell your grandma and if she tells my mom, she will be upset.' Mei explains.

Aki was astounded at her advanced thought, 'Just how much can you think in advance?'

'Ah! I'm just thinking of the alternate future.' Mei said.

'Alternate future!? Not just the future?! Gosh!' Aki was in disbelief.

'What's wrong with knowing the possible future?!' Mei asks seriously.

Aki was taken by surprise at the question, 'Nothing.'

The bell rings and Aki holds out his hand so that Mei can hold on. Mei was surprised.

Aki coughs a bit to clear his throat before saying, 'I'm not doing it because you are a girl. I'm just making sure that you don't fall down from here.'

She smiled and took the support without questioning, 'I know you don't think of me as a girl. I dressed up as a boy,so that made you forget.'

'Why do you do it? Don't you girls like to wear beautiful dresses, to do make up?To look beautiful?' Aki asks out of curiosity.

'Heh! I bet it takes a lot of effort to look beautiful. I don't have the time to look beautiful and skirts are inconvenient for me as I'm a sports person, I'm what,as the society calls a tom-boy!' Mei said. They went down to the class while chatting.

Aki stood there silently. Siya was waiting for Aki to catch up with reality. 

Aki breathed in a few times, 'Was it her wish?Did her..soul..tell you to do it?'

Siya didn't answer but Aki understood that she did.

'Her soul...I don't know if it's my illusion or the truth…She promised me that she would come back to me…That's the reason I still didn't cremate her body.' Aki was about to cry, 'Something was continuously telling me to help her and I was crazy enough to steal that body from her grave.'

Siya tried to calm Aki, 'You didn't steal her. You stopped those thieves from body snatching. If you haven't, her body would have been sold for Dissection**

A/N {from Latin dissecare "to cut to pieces"; also called anatomization) is the dismembering of the body of a deceased animal or plant to study its anatomical structure}

Aki's heart was pounding like crazy. What was the feeling Aki couldn't comprehend. He stood there silently.

'That can't justify my action to keep her locked.' Aki says after a while.

Siya knows that well, 'How is her body? Is that still intact?'

'Yes! It is,I rarely open it.' Aki said.

'Aki! You have grown up as a good person. Trust your instincts. Don't just always search for answers in everything. Some answers you can get instantly, some of it you will learn with time. Don't get restless if you can't find them.' Siya advises Aki.

'You said this before too. It's like you knew,I will get my answers when it's time and that is why you disappeared.' Aki said.

Siya looked at Aki, 'Was I wrong?'

'You knew they exist. You believed in them. Is it because you were one of them? Are you one of them?' Aki has his own doubts and he needs to confirm it.

'Will it change anything ? if you know that.. I am.. one of them?' Siya asked.

Aki had his doubts but he never asked. He always thought she was not human. But her presence was of humans, 'Not really!'

'I have taught you well.' Siya smiled.

'Did you really come here to find your lover? Or was that just an excuse?' Aki asked.

Siya frowns, 'Of course not. I had found my lover.'

'Oh! That's good.' Aki didn't expect Siya to react like that.

Then Siya said, 'I have lost him as well.'

'What!?' Aki couldn't hold in disappointment.

'Ya! He has a different face now, a different purpose, he has changed so much. I thought I can go with it as long as the soul is the same…but unfortunately the change is vast…I couldn't find the old one I loved…' She says them with a sad expression.

Aki was puzzled hearing those from Siya, 'The old one you used to love?! Don't tell me he has been reincarnated!'

'He has been.' Siya nods.

'You can tell that too? Who has been reincarnated?' Aki never knew.

'I can. I can't just only see the deceased, I can also recognize the soul.' Siya stares at Aki's eye to see his reaction.

'I'm sorry…It must be lonely.' Aki felt bad.

Siya sighs, 'Very much lonely.'

They were walking on the side of the road. None of them said anything until they reached the hotel. They sat in the restaurant zone. Ordered some food. Aki didn't have an appetite but he couldn't refuse. But Siya wasn't eating. 

While he was eating, Siya explained that Though she was not sure but What Aki was seeing, it seemed to be an Alternate Future. About Noah being in an alternate future. Noah could have taken the elevator or the stairs. But those two possible futures would have the same outcome, meeting that woman. It could not be avoided.

Aki remembers seeing visions about Nora, ''I saw something about Nora too. Like getting kidnapped, being tortured,I don't know, it's been happening to me for quite sometime now.'

'You know that you are different right?' Aki nodded to her.

He has accepted that he is not like other humans. But that doesn't mean he is not normal.

'I don't know how firmly you believe in that, but you are being awakened.' Siya said lowering her voice.

'Awakened? By whom?' Aki didn't find a reason.

'By your enemy.' Siya said.

Aki paused in disbelief then said, 'I don't have any enemies.' 

'Maybe you have and you don't know it or maybe not directly.' Siya tried to understand Aki's kind heart.

'My family only has down to earth type persons.My friends too…'Aki paused and was shocked realising,' friend! Noah?!'

'That's why I said,don't overlook your instincts.' Siya was glad that Aki realised.

Aki was not eating as he couldn't trace who could be the enemy.

Aki noticed Siya didn't touch the food at all.

She pretended to eat but wasn't, 'I think I have ruined your appetite. Let's have them parcelled. 

'I'm sorry,I have a fever,so I can't eat much.' Aki said as well.

'It's alright don't worry.' She signalled the waiter to come and clear it. Ginger wanted them. He let Ginger have the rest as those were chicken.

Siya said to Aki, 'He is a Jinn too.'

'Ya,I know,I just found out today. I trespassed somewhere.' Aki said with a worried face.

Siya was surprised to see he remembers the incident, "Shit! That would be a problem if he can't be erased anymore. He is close to being fully awakened. I Should tell Reiji to take him under their family name. If he awakes then his presence will be known by every clan. Everyone will want him to take in their clan. Even the enemy too may pose as a well-wisher. There is no guarantee."

Siya asked, 'You remember everything I taught you right?'

Aki answers doubtfully, 'Yes.'

Siya said, 'Continue to meditate and practice regularly. No matter what! You must not lose your head. By head I mean both physically and mentally. Got it?'

Aki was ill-tempered when he was in junior high but now it's gone.

'Some of them are Illusionists. Be aware of them. You must not reveal your weaknesses. They can read minds too. So be strong and don't waver if they are reading you. It shouldn't matter to you if they read you cause 'you have done nothing wrong!' If they try to forcibly read you they will lose their power because you are a human. Tell them that you are not afraid to die. Death is for everyone. You hold that as your trump card. No matter what they try to call you, don't forget yourself.' The meaning of those words felt heavy to him as Siya was telling him. But he nodded.

He agreed to follow his Master's order. They got out and talked for a few moments more. The road became silent. The night shines more. Aki put Ginger inside his car. When he looked back Siya came very close to him. She touched his forehead with hers, 'Sayonara,Azusa-san!'

She starts fading while she keeps her touch on his forehead and then disappears into the air. Aki was shocked and his head started to hurt. Aki wasn't ready to say goodbye and never for once he thought he would say goodbye today. 

He called the number with teary eyes and blurred sight with a trembling hand. The number rang. The sound was coming from the park where they had sat before. He ran out there and saw the phone was left there only. He threw out the phone in the sea in anger.

'Why.. 'Sayonara'..!!? Why not...just a 'Bye' ?!! I kept waiting thinking you would call out to me. I'm ready to wait but don't say goodbye when I don't have the means to find you! Why!!'Aki screamed out loud with frustration.

'You should not disturb your neighbours!' Aki came back to his senses after hearing a woman's voice.

He wiped off his tears and turned to answer, 'I'm sorry I…'

The look on the girl's face was quite evil. The eyes are different too. Aki had a feeling but he tried to avoid it as he was not stable, 'Sorry for the inconvenience.'

He tried to pass but the girl blocked his way and asked,'Are you one of Siya's disciples? Or should I just say…' 

Aki's eyes glowed.

'...the only disciple?' The girl momentarily seemed confused after seeing Aki's eyes, 'Those…eyes…but…'

Aki tried to control the urge to fight and moved himself away from the girl. As Aki walked past her, three wolves entered down from the portal to the park and stood just in front of Aki. Their eyes were glowing like the girl's eyes.

"Wait a minute! It's the same girl from that time at the clinic." When he looked back, he saw the girl had disappeared.

'Ah! Why didn't you take your minions with you?!' Aki said.

A low voice he can hear now. He breathes out as he doesn't want to fight.

"What is it.. that you see?"

Aki shuts his ears off, not wanting to hear, walks past them too. They looked at each other.

'I'm a dog person too. I don't like to hurt or use them against anyone. Do you understand?' Aki said.

Their eyes become normal. They turned their three time bigger sizes into a very fluffy normal size husky and followed Aki till his car. Aki was surprised to see the change. They were making puppy eyes.

'Seriously!!' Aki couldn't understand what's going on with them following him. 

'What is this?' Nora couldn't contain her smiling face.

'This is for you.' Aki gave one puppy to Nora.

'Thank you Akkun!' Nora came running and hugged Aki.

This wolf was upset but seeing Nora he was happy. Aki could understand them because they are now Aki's minions..Aki gave one of them to his father and both of them were happy so nothing happened. But the last one was the leader and he doesn't want to bond with anyone other than Aki. He thought of giving them to Noah. But he can go uncontrolled and Aki doesn't want to.

So he let this one stay.

"It will be good in a way. I can know what is happening with them" Aki sighs.

After the meeting Aki returned to his chamber. He was surprised to see Reiji there. He came unannounced. As he entered, Reiji smiled. There was another cat like Aki's. He guessed it must be Reiji's.

'I think you already know what they are.' Reiji said.

'I do! I do remember something more too. I was fighting and casting a spell but suddenly out of nowhere I saw my mom standing right in front me.' Aki said.

'Your..mother?'Reiji was surprised, 'not Tanya?'

'Why Tanya?' Aki couldn't comprehend.

"So that's his weakness. That woman didn't trust me. Does that crazy person really think I can hurt him?!" Reiji thoughts.

'Meet Reso.' Reiji introduced the cat to Aki.

'Reso?! Re from Reiji and So from Sora?' Aki deducted the name's pattern.

'Why do you catch on so quickly?' Reiji's smile made Nora say, 'He has always been a quick learner. He may seem a quiet person but was a delinquent back in school.'

'Wow!' Reiji smirks. But that made him think, "He really has her blood running through his veins."

Aki told Reiji to ignore her as it was embarrassing to recall something from the past. The name Aki was curious about was Joshua's pet. Reiji didn't like that all of Aki's interest was regarding Joshua's. Still he answered, 'Rashu.'

'Oh! That sounds cool.' Aki liked that name which made Reiji irritated, 'You like my brother more than me.'

Nora poke Reiji, 'Oh! I smell something burning.'

Reiji widens his eyes to Nora's jokes, 'Nora!!'

'I have named mine Wolfy. What have you named it?' Nora asked Aki.

Reiji was surprised, 'How many do you have?'

'Three.' Aki sighs.

'A pack?' Reiji seemed surprised.

Aki nodded.

'Go now...if you don't work properly I will take him back!' Aki warns Nora.

'Nooo!!!' Nora leaves the room.

'A pack of three?' How?' Reiji asks again.

Aki told Reiji what happened yesterday. How a girl appeared out of nowhere and tried to fight with him but disappeared after bringing the wolf there. 

'I'm an animal lover. I don't want to hurt them without any cause.' Aki said.

'Why did she disappear? Did you defeat her?' Reiji asked.

'No! I didn't. She just confronted me then backed out after seeing my eyes.' Aki tells him with a confused face.

'Your real eyes?' Reiji didn't expect that.

Aki nodded.

"She must have thought he was Sora or Sora's child. Tanya warned me saying Aki's awakening is near." Reiji felt a little worried.

Reiji decides not to delay, 'Can you go with me somewhere?

'Now?' Aki seemed bothered by the proposal. So, Reiji said, 'Anytime soon.'

'I need some time to manage here first. There are a lot of things to do.' Aki answers as Reiji expected.

But seeing Reiji serious, Aki asked, 'Is anything serious?'

'We need to take you under our clan. You are So…you will be in danger otherwise now that you are awakening.' Reiji said.

'Awakening as what?' Aki knows what he is but Reiji knew it too yet Reiji didn't tell him.

'A Druid!' Reiji said in a low tone.

Aki felt disappointed, 'So you knew!'

'I learned them while you were in the Demon Tribe.' Reiji tried to stay neutral.

Aki saw Reiji was telling the truth, 'I see.'

'Why didn't you tell me that you were a Druid?' Reiji now interrogated him.

'I'm only at the beginning stage,next to nothing. I never knew about your existence. I always believed it was an evil presence. I just wanted to prepare myself so that I can fight off something bad.' Aki said as if he was not guilty of anything.

'You wanted to keep ignoring?' Reiji frowns 

Aki told him how he can see what he shouldn't. Know something that he shouldn't. He just wanted to live quietly with his family, without anyone getting hurt in the family or friends. Aki tried to adjust to society,and tried to ignore it. 

Aki sighs, 'There is still a part of me that wants none of these to happen. To think all of it is not real.'

"Why do you have to worry? You have no idea how powerful you are." Reiji smiles while thinking.

'You need to sort things here so that you can take a few days off. We need to go somewhere. Must.' Reiji emphasises on the last word.

Aki understands the urgency, so he agrees. Reiji leaves after a while.

9.PM on the dot.

Aki was feeling dizzy because of the stress, "I guess I won't be able to drive home today. I should take the train today."

Then he looked at both Ginger and the wolf whom everyone in the office had named Juko.

"It will be troublesome if I take the train. I should stay here. In the office." Aki changed his mind.

Aki has a small room in his chamber where he rests. A bed and a sofa is all this room can have. He opened the window. He placed the food and water bowls on a side. Juko came and sat on the sofa while Ginger lay down on the bed like a king. 'Ginger-sama! Please spare a room for me to lie down.' Aki said to Ginger with a smile.

Aki heard Everyone leaving from the office one by one. Nobody noticed that Aki was still in the office. Aki looked at Juko. He was lonely.

'Are you lonely? Come here!' Juko jumped on the bed when Aki called him.

Ginger moved on the head pillow and lay down next to his face. 

Aki hugged Juko like a side pillow, 'Don't worry! Your brothers are in good hands.'

They all fell asleep. 

After a while Reiji came inside and saw everyone sleeping.

'And here I'm looking for you everywhere. I was worried for nothing.' Reiji leaves.

Aki opened his eyes after Reiji left, then closed them again