Memories : Sacrifices

I'm thinking of it like this because I don't have any other word to describe it. I am able to breathe because of these sacrifices. To think I was so precious to some people that they would sacrifice themselves for me is something I can't still believe. To think I'm existing on these sacrifices makes my heart feel burdened even though I am glad that they loved me so much to the point they didn't hesitate. What did I do to deserve to be loved this way! I don't even remember.

The girl that my grandfather found in his home and I saw in my dream was Sora.

Sayo-san said she was loved by my grandparents. They kept her safe. 

She continued, 'After the twin was born, I became restless to bring her back. Continued to fight to set the law. But a newborn Jinn baby is more sensitive to its surroundings than a mixed-blood Jinn. I sent my sister to keep an eye on her. Sometimes I would even take them with me to see Sora. Finally, when everything was settled and the boys were able to claim their names in two years, we went to bring Sora back. But your grandparents wished to keep her a few days more as they weren't ready to say goodbye to her. So I left Ryuji to watch over them.'

What was more shocking is when I heard that the reason my grandfather and my uncle Aoki died was because of Sayo's brother, Tao Shin, who was strictly against a half-human and someone told him that the child was meant to kill him.

'Can a child who is five, even do that?' my voice sounded worse.

'They can. But Sora didn't do anything. It was Tao Shin's foretold fate that made him afraid and go crazy. He attacked Sora. He saw Arata-san was next door. He burned down the house that your grandparents were living in. When Haru-san left, Tao Shin thought no one was there but Sora. But Aoki was there and died from the smoke. Aoki didn't leave as he was protecting Sora from the fire. He stayed till he died.' Sayo-san was sad while describing them

We thought uncle and grandpa were caught in an accident and died. To think they died because of Tao Shin's madness, I want to kill him.

Hearing my thoughts, Ryuji-san said, 'He is dead...Arata-san came to save them. Tao Shin found out that Sora didn't die so he attacked again and I tried to stop him. We fought for a long time.

But as he was a Tao born from a Ruan's blood and Ryuji was someone who was hundreds of years younger than Tao made Ryuji-san unable to see Tao's one secret move. And that killed Arata-san. Arata shielded knowing that Tao Shin wanted to hurt Sora.

Sayo rubbed her forehead as if she had a headache, 'Sora was so much loved that Arata-san protected her with his life.'

Sora saw Arata-san die in front of her eyes. Arata-san was hiding her in his chest to protect her from the attack and caused his blood to drench her completely yet she didn't let him go. The fire blazed up more and went out of control when she realized he was dead. By then Tao Shin had lost his powers as he had killed an innocent person directly. As Ryuji-san was describing all these, it began to flash before my eyes.

He continued, 'I didn't have to do anything. I took Sora out and went to hide till everything settled down as Tao Shin was killed.'

'Who killed him?' I asked even when the imagination of that incident was still running in the back of my head.

'My sister, Ruan Siya. I would have killed him too but...she...loved Arata-san, so she couldn't hold it in.' Sayo-san said.

I never thought Siya-san loved my grandfather then I found out it was a one-sided love but she loved him so much.   

The name was the same as Azusa Siya-san's. She is a Jinn too. I never knew who she was.I t can't be that she is the same Siya, can they?

My thought again was answered by Sayo-san, 'She is the same one.'

It took me a while to adjust the thought.

'The Siya you know is my sister.' She added.

'it's the truth. She was the one..who transplanted the heart in you...healed you... trained you…' As she continued, I was so stunned at the fact that I unconsciously was related to them from the beginning. My heart started to go slow.

'But! She is was her…' I tried to deny it but Sayo-san said, 'Fake name, ya. She has named herself like that ever since she was banished from our world.'

Siya was banished because she killed her brother. One cannot kill their family. The reason cross inheritance exists is so that killing inside the family doesn't happen. And there is no forgiveness for that, no matter how serious the crime he has committed.

'She never regretted it though.' Lin Ryuji smiled sadly.

My heart couldn't handle all these. Is that why she loved me so much?

'Please, Forgive us all for hurting your family. We couldn't stop.' Sayo apologies. 

I didn't know what to say. Rei didn't want me to know all this without any mental preparation. I know why now. Thank you for letting me prepare myself otherwise I would have lost my mind.

'You had nothing to do. It was our fate.' I didn't have anything more to say after all these.

'Fate? Really?' Ruan Sayo's expression changed for some reason.

Sora came to this family after that. She grew up with them. 

Lisa continued the story, 'But she never forgot about you at all. Her heart was split into two. One side loved us and the other part, your family. In 1984,29 March...when your mother was hurt and went into labor early, the doctor said they…'

'Only save one.' I know that my father chose mom. He still apologizes to me because of that.

'Sora loves Aito so much, so she didn't want Aito's baby to die when she was able to save him.' Lin Ryuji was telling me with a sad expression.

Sora ordered her followers who were there in the delivery room to save me and my mom with their powers. 

'When you were born, she saw that your soul was Arata's.' Ryuji-san looked at me.

"I soul…" Words didn't come out from me. My soul was Arata's. I am a reincarnation. 

'But your body was not supporting you. You were premature and had a weak body. Sora's mind was only occupied with the thought to save you, anyhow. So she shared her blood and healed you till you were able to survive.' whatever Ryuji-san was saying was not being heard by me but It was the reason she got banished from their world.

'She had to leave, away from me.' Ryuji-san's eyes were teary. Because she saved me

Aki became so frustrated as she was just accepted after so much hardship.

'Why, why did she sacrifice…'

Sayo-san stopped me, 'That's how much she had loved you. The Justice only knew she delivered you using her powers, not that she saved you with her blood. Even if they knew she would not have minded.'

It was clear that Sora wouldn't have let Aito's baby die no matter what. 

'Yes, She would have tried everything that is possible to save him till God takes him.' Lisa-san patted on my hand. 

My eyes were filled with tears. I had to blink a few times to stop tears from falling. Sora sacrificed herself for me. Even though I won't be able to acknowledge any of her sacrifices.

Rei told me, 'The dream you had, the train accident where you said my mom had saved you…'

'That wasn't your mom. Her eyes were different. It was like me. It was Sora?' I could finally figure it out. 

'Yes! But her left eye was the golden one while yours is the right.' Reiji corrected the difference. 

I was confused if my eyes...has become like this because I have her blood in her in me as my eyes were not like that. It was rusty red at first.

They didn't answer me. I looked at Ryuji with a question. They all looked at him except Ruan Sayo.

He became confused, 'It's.. possible..but there is no concrete evidence regarding this, so I can't say.' 

She saved me twice. I didn't know what to say. As I was different, Sora kept an eye on me. She knew that I would be the target.

Lin Ryo speaks up, 'From time to time they all have been guarding you. After your accident, Sayo and Siya both became more alert. For the last 10 years, Joshua too was guarding you.' 

Joshua didn't look into my eyes as maybe he didn't want this favor to be mentioned. 

I got up and stood to the side and bowed to them to say thanks. As I did, Lin Ryo sounded angry,' 'You...come here right now!' 

My body froze as he asked me to.