
Chev understands the frustration Reiji was feeling but it's Reiji's fault to decide on forgetting Aki. Chev could feel Reiji's rage but he didn't care. 

Reiji became angry and repeated again,'Tell me,why did we break up?'

Reiji came forward and Chev was going backwards. At some point Chev couldn't escape because of the wall behind him. Reiji keeps repeating the same question and Chev answers the same. Chev didn't want to disclose anything related to Aki.

'You realise that I'm suffering right?!' Reiji's question softens Chev a bit.

He was about to tell but the sound of something falling interrupted their conversation. The baby's feeding bottle had dropped down from Talitha's hand. She was utterly surprised to see Chev and Reiji like that.

She quickly picked up the bottle and asked Chev,'I.. I don't know how to refill this? I have no idea. Sorry!'

'It's alright. Let me help.' Chev talked as if he was relieved from a death sentence.