
The pen clicking sound was making Nora irritated but Aki had no attention towards it. She was staring at Aki with a displeased face as Aki's concentration was roaming somewhere else. The presenter was worried as Aki was silent and it seemed like Aki was thinking something. 

Indeed, Aki was thinking but not about the presentation that the employee had prepared for the company Nora understood in a glimpse. She slaps on the desk as she becomes impatient and does that trying to get Aki's attention in which she was successful. 

Aki looked at his hand with a frown, realizing what he was doing. He then put down the pen, 'I'm sorry! What were you...ah...I got it. `Yeah, It was good and informative. But...change the location. Enough photoshoot with the historical places. Update me when you are done changing the location, ok?!'