
Aki was baffled as Reiji suddenly fell on him. Aki supported Reiji's body, preventing the fall. 

Mist-like substances come out of the body when one's life force is harmed and evaporates into the air. From Reiji's body, golden mists were coming out. The amount of mist covered the view in front of Aki's sight for a brief moment. He looked into Reiji's eyes. Those eyes were red with pain. Aki then looked at Reiji's chest. 

A sword had pierced through Reiji's chest. Blood was dripping staining his sweater. The golden mana was slipping through where the sword had pierced in. Aki looked past Reiji's shoulder. 


Reiji stands straight even after being stabbed close to the heart. 

Suddenly Reiji starts smiling. Aki was stupefied to see Rei smiling, 'Huh…! I was wondering…!

Tanya didn't have any emotion in her eyes.