
Kioshi was not dead, so he thought if Yoshi were to take over his body, everything would be fine and the demon must have pursued him like that. 

'You heard them as well right?' Aki asked Reiji who was hiding. Kioshi looked at whom Aki was talking to. But couldn't see them as Reiji didn't respond to Aki. 

Aki got up and grabbed Reiji's hand, and he took Reiji somewhere else. Aki stopped after coming to an empty room. Aki let Reiji go and he stood near the window.

'So, you heard everything.' Aki asked directly. 

'The soul has accepted the deal with the demon. So, finding the demon would be enough to cancel the deal.' Reiji didn't answer when Aki was finished . Aki was staring at Reiji.

'Why are you telling me this?' Reiji asked.