
Hands were held tight on the bed. Noah still couldn't breathe. The difference in strength was too much. Mei is just 18 yet how his strength can be more than an adult like Noah was surprised at. Mei was looking at Noah's lips. Mei listens to Noah's heartbeat, 'Am I the reason to make your heart beat like that?'

Realising that, Noah's face became more red. Mei removed Noah's collar. 

'How can you be so…' Mei inhales Noah's scent, kisses Noah's neck while kissing up to the lips. 

Mei started kissing Noah, brushing over his body. This time Noah was not responding. 

Noah has been coming here often ever since Mei had left and he never thought Mei would come back or not.

Mei strokes Noah's hair, 'Did you miss me that much, Sensei?'