
"Why are you sitting here, Mei?' As soon as Mei heard Reiji's voice, Mei wiped off his tears. 

Reiji sat beside Mei, on the ground and looked at the sky. From the top of the mountain edge, it looks different than how it looks on the ground.

'Why do you hate my mom?' Without any hesitation Mei asked Reiji.

Looking at his pretty eyes, Reiji felt sad.

'Why do you think I hate your mom?' Reiji asked while he sat beside Mei.

'I don't know.' Mei replies instantly.

'Because your mom has your father trapped in her selfish schemes.' Reiji told him.

'But you love me. Part of me comes from my mother.' Mei's questions were filled with wit.

'I love you for many reasons. You are innocent and pure, you are my brother's son, you are my heir. Moreover, I love you because you are you and you don't hide it.' Reiji meant every word that he was telling to young Mei.

'Because it suffocates me when I don't express myself.' Mei said.