
Crystal Yellow Hazel eyes." Hearing the sentence, Reiji looked at Aki's eyes. Aki's thoughts were clear so Reiji didn't have any issues reading them. 

Aki continues "For a brief moment, how those eyes were looking at me, had numbed my sufferings. Ruan Sayo, standing in front of me, with her unwavering determination, reminded me that I was not alone in this fight." 

As she looked into Aki's eyes, he felt a sense of strength and hope, knowing that they were in this together.

'Congratulation!' Sayo pulled Aki's body from the grave.

"Why is she congratulating me?" Seeing Aki's baffled eyes Ruan Sayo said, 'You are now immortal.'

Aki's body floats up from the grave. Ruan Sayo ports him to his home. Chev and Levka were so happy that they forgot everything and were willing to do anything Sayo said. 

"They had started to erase my death from everyone's mind. It will be as if Aki never died. When that's done, I will go back."