Double Fake Date

"Ok, I'm ready," Blue said standing in front of Coconut's mirror. He was wearing jeans with one of his nice shirts. Blue slid the dragon bracelet on his wrist. "You said I picked this out when I was drunk?" Blue looked at Coconut in the mirror. 


"Yeah, you nearly made me pay probably a few thousand in repair fines in that store." Coconut deadpanned at him.


Blue laughed. "Geez, what was I doing? I normally don't act so loopy when I've had a glass of wine to drink on special occasions."


"You were trying to take your shirt off in the middle of the store."


Blue turned around and laughed in his face. "Glad I don't remember any of that. What else did I do?" He said as he left the room, expecting Coconut to follow him.


Coconut twiddled his fingers a little and looked away. "... you called me Blaize."


Blue froze. "I did? That's...weird. Why?" He knew exactly why. He looked back at him.


"I-I don't know. You were drunk and I guess I was pulling you around."


Blue face softened. Sometimes Blue secretly thought Coconut and Blaize were a little similar to each other. "That was just because I've just stepped out of a relationship with him and that was something he normally did so...I was just delusional at the moment. Where's your sister?" 


Coconut only barely kept himself from having another anxiety attack. He didn't want to be like Blaize. He didn't want to remind Blue of his awful little brother. "Sh-She's getting ready for your date…"


Blue sensed his sadness and immediately turned around to face him. "Hey." His voice was stern, his fists were by his sides and he opened and closed them as he spoke. "You aren't like him, okay? You must have just said something that Blaize had said to me and that sparked a memory. That could have happened to anyone." He was grateful they were the only ones in the communal lounge room.


"But… the thing is… I didn't say anything…" Coconut muttered.


Blue's cheeks rosened and he knew he should probably tell the truth before things get worse. He sighed. "To be honest, sometimes...You act a little bit like him sometimes, but I think that's natural since you two grew up together. It' don't have any of his bad qualities. That's all That's important."


Coconut looked at him, fear reflecting in his eyes. "That's the thing, Blue. I always feel like I'm just a repeat of Blaize… and… and what if I am?" Coconut deflated and he let his insecurities overtake him.


"Coconut! How can you say that?" Blue grabbed his arms. "Just think of all the things you've done for people." Blue listed, "Your bandmates, Jackie's brother, that guy Ollie, me, and I'll bet there's more that I just can't think of right now or that I don't even know about." He looked into his eyes pleadingly, desperately wanting him to understand. "I admire you. And besides don't you think it's enough proof already that I'm with you and not Blaize to know which is better?" 


Coconut tried as hard as he could to calm down but he was beginning to have another anxiety attack. "I-I'm sorry… th-that you have to deal with me and all my stupid problems. I'm broken and I'm fucked up. I kill everyone I love and no one stays around long enough for me to be happy!" Coconut stumbled back onto the bed and shoved his face in his hands. All his bottled up feelings and fears poured out of him as he whimpered and insulted himself.


Blue closed the door and ran to him. He waited for his crying to cease as he rested his hand on his back. After a bit he hadn't let up, so Blue said softly, " saved me, Coconut. If it wasn't for you, I would still be in Blaize's hands. I'm going to stay with you, I promise." 


Coconut's small sobs quieted and he peeked up from his hands at Blue. "Really?" He asked quietly.


"Yes. I thought I already told you that. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about." 


"Okay…" Coconut sighed and wiped his face. "Sorry for freaking out again…"


Blue gave him a serious look. "Don't be sorry. You can do this anytime and I will comfort you."


Coconut smiled. "Thanks, Angel. You don't know how much I appreciate and love when you do this."


Blue hugged him in response. 


Coconut pulled away from the hug shortly and kissed Blue lovingly.


Blue kissed him back, tasting salty tears. He held Coconut's hands.


Coconut broke the kiss and gave Blue an adoring Eskimo kiss. "I love you, my little angel."


Blue smiled. "Aww, you're so cute. I wish I didn't have to hide you from everyone." He was mainly teasing but he really did wish that. 


Coconut smiled back at him. "Me too. I love being able to show you my affection."


Blue parted from him. "Time to find Luna." 


"Yeah, so you two can go on your date," Coconut said bitterly with an angry pout.


Blue chuckled and looked back at him. "It's not real, relax." Before walking out the door he slyly smiled and winked, "When I get back I promise I'll make it up to you."


Coconut watched him leave closely.


"Luna?" He called for her in the main dorm room.


"Yeah?" She answered, peeking out from Rivet and Alex's room.


"Are you ready? We should get going."  


"Ah, yeah." She came out of the room wearing a light pink sweatshirt that was a little too big on her and some light gray yoga pants.


"Uh…" He looked her up and down. "You look good. Let's go." 


"Okay," she chirped, bouncing over to him. "We can take my car."


"Oh, well I guess we kind of have to because my c- nevermind." Blue followed her out of the door. 

Once at the mall, Jackson had texted Blue to meet him at the food court so that's where they headed. Jackson and his girlfriend Melody were sitting at one of the tables. The mall was strangely vacant today. There weren't many tables filled. He waved them over and as soon as Luna and Blue sat down, Jackson introduced himself. 

"Hi. I'm Jackson, Blue's friend. You must be the girl who's been giving Blue so much trouble lately." He joked with a friendly smile. 

Blue nervously laughed. "Jackson, this is Luna. Luna, Jackson and Melody." 


Luna waved at them shyly and she was practically clinging to Blue. "H-Hi…"

Melody smiled sweetly. "Aw, you guys are so cute!"


Blue uncomfortably smiled. "Thanks," He wasn't sure if he was supposed to thank them for a comment like that but he did anyway. "Uh so, are you guys-" He looked at Luna, remembering he was her boyfriend. "Are you hungry?" 


"A-A little…" Luna whispered, looking away bashfully.


Blue thought the sudden change in Luna's behavior was odd, but he paid no more attention to it, deciding she must be especially bad with social interaction too, she was just a lot worse than he was. "Ok, well, let's get something to eat then." 

Jackson said they had already eaten before they came so Blue stood with Luna in line at a Panda Express. "It's only for an hour longer." He muttered to her, looking back at Jackson and Melody. "They're probably going to ask us questions, so we're going to have to improv a little bit. Are you good at lying?" 


"Um, I… I guess? Most people just think I'm getting nervous because I'm shy when I stumble over my words." She twiddled her fingers out of nervous habit.


She was a little quiet so Blue had to lean in to hear her. "That's fine," he said back, matching her volume. "I can do most of the talking." They moved up in line and it was their turn to order but by the looks of it, there wasn't anyone around to take their order. While waiting, Blue turned to Luna again. "It's fine if we hold hands but let's try to just...avoid...physical contact like kissing. Just because-"

"Sorry about that. What can I get for y'all?" 

Blue was interrupted by a very loud and exuberant blonde girl with a panda express hat and apron. It was hard to tell if her hair was short or if she just had it tied behind her head because the hat covered it. She was taller than Blue though, and had brown medium sized glasses- they weren't as thick as Blue's. She looked to be a little stressed. She had just popped up from beneath the counter like a jack-in-the-box and nearly scared Blue to death. 

"Um," Blue studied the menu above and then described his order and expected her to be scooping it onto a plate or into a bowl but when he looked back at her, she was staring at Luna and not him. 

"Well, I'll be damned." She had a western accent. "If it ain't the angel from my dreams. You're the prettiest desert flower I've ever seen." She leaned over the counter, head in hand, admiring Luna. 

Now Blue wasn't sure if the accent was original or fake. He was at a loss for words, baffled by the whole situation.


Luna became flustered immediately. "I-um-Th-ah!" She covered her face with her hands as it blazed red. She moved behind Blue slightly, hiding as much as she could.


"Um, excuse me," Blue repeated his order again. "Luna, what do you want?"


"I-I don't mind… you can choose for me." She calmed down a little and dropped her hands but her face was still red and she held onto Blue's arm as if he was her shield.


"I recommend the special of the day." The blonde girl's smile was huge as she stared at Luna.

"Ok, what's that?" 

"It's supposed to be a surprise. Here's your table number. I'll bring you your food when it's ready." She handed the number to Blue. "I won't be long." She winked at Luna as she started on the order. 

Blue sighed in annoyance. "Ok." As they walked away, Blue said. "She was all over you. Sorry about that." 


"It wasn't your fault," she said with a sheepish smile. 


Blue and Luna sat down at the table with Jackson and Melody again who were giggling from flirting. 

"Wheres your food?" Jackson asked. 

"She said she would bring it to us." 

"That's odd. Normally they just give it to you in the check out line." 

"She said something about a special order." 

"Oh. Neat. So Blue," he smiled. "How long have you known Luna?" 

"Um," Blue searched for an answer. "Not long."

"When did you two start dating?" 

Blue scratched his neck. 


Coconut sat down in a chair he dragged up to the table. "They started dating last Friday."

Luna's head snapped toward him, so surprised she didn't even say anything other than making a flustered squeaking noise.


"C-Coconut?! What are you-" 


Melody interrupted Blue, curiosity taking hold. "Weren't you at the track meet this morning?" She took a closer look and became surprised. "You're the guy who was bleeding through his shirt, right?"

Coconut chuckled and nodded, nonchalantly throwing his arm around Blue's shoulder. "Yep. Blue here is dating my sister."


"Coconut?" Jackson made a weird look.

"Uh, Yuno." He coughed. "He's my cousin." 

"And you're dating his sister?" Jackson made another weird look. 


Coconut corrected him flawlessly. "He meant to say I'm Char's cousin. These two go so well together since they're both so shy."


Blue's face was heating up from beneath Coconut's arm but he was secretly grateful for his presence. 

"That's what I was thinking." Jackson laughed. "So how did you guys meet?" 



"They met at one of Blaize's parties. Despite how harmless he looks, Blue saved my sister from some guy trying to get at her." Coconut faked a grateful smile.

Luna looked at her brother like he was insane but kept quiet. Coconut knew what he was doing.

Melody looked at Luna sympathetically. "Aw, you poor thing."

Luna only nodded shyly.


Blue had to bite his tongue to keep from yelling at Coconut. He was using way too many details from their own relationship and Blue was afraid he was going to slip up. Beneath the table he put his foot on his, not to cause any pain but to reassure him he was grateful for his help but he was afraid it was a little too much. 

"How did you guys start dating? Did you ask her out, Blue?" 

Before Coconut could respond, Blue jumped in. "I did, yes." He cleared his throat. "At-"


Coconut cut him off. "Blue took Luna back to his dorm because she was really shaken up and he let her stay the night. That was when these two little lovebirds fell for each other."

Melody made an adoring noise. "That's so cute."


Blue's face was overheating. He covered himself with his hands and mumbled. "This is so embarrassing." 

"So tell me, Luna, what about Blue is it that made you fall so hard for him?" Jackson said.


Luna's face grew even redder and she sputtered for words.

Coconut interrupted and answered for her as well, rolling his eyes. "She loves how much he denies his own feelings until they're forced from him. She loves how kind he can be when he feels bad for someone, even his enemies. He always worries about people he cares for and puts their needs before his. She loves comforting him when he gets all self-conscious," Coconut said fondly, staring at Blue the entire time. He snapped out of his trance and realized he was being a little too obvious. "Luna just loves everything about him."


Blue was staring at the table as if it had egyptain hieroglyphics carved into it. "Wow Coconut I didn't know she told you all that." He stomped on his foot beneath the table even though he felt gooey and sweet inside from all the wonderful things he said about him.

Jackson raised his eyebrows at Yuno. "You must be very close to your sister, uh, Yuno. Are you dating anyone?" 


Coconut's eyes widened. "O-Oh, uh… no. I, uh… I got out of a relationship a few months ago…" His tone was sad, but he tried his best to conceal it.

Melody leaned closer and said with sympathy, "Why did you two break up?"

Coconut flinched slightly but cleared his throat and answered. "He-She… she committed suicide."

Stunned, Melody didn't respond.


"Oh...I'm so sorry." Jackson said but his tone sounded more like he was sorry he didn't know what to say. Then he broke the silence by laughing. "From the way you were talking about Blue it almost sounded like it was you dating him not your sister." 

Blue sat straight up and laughed extremely loudly. "Now that would be interesting. No, he's...a good...a really really good friend." 

"Hey, Yuno, I have a sister I could hook you up with if you're interested." 

"That would be too soon." Blue said quickly, his tone becoming firm. 


Coconut looked at Blue in amusement. "No thanks," he said to Jackson, shaking his head. "I'm still getting over him. It'll be awhile before I get over him completely."


Blue's face fell slightly while looking at Coconut but he recovered quickly and looked away. "It's just too soon." 


Coconut nodded, going silent.

Melody got a little uncomfortable with the silence. "U-Um, well, sorry for your loss. I hope you can find someone as dear to you as he was."


Blue slid his foot off of Coconut's and sadly looked down. "Yeah. Me too." He said quietly. 

Just then, the girl at the food counter was back with Blue's steaming Chinese food and a plate of sugar cookies. "Table 7, I do believe this is yours." 

"Um, we didn't order the-" 

"It comes with the special order," She looked at him as if she was talking to a whining little kid. She set his food tray in front of him and then turned to Luna with a smirk. "And this is for you." She handed her a fortune cookie and a boba tea. "Something special for someone special."


Luna's face, which had already been red, looked like a strawberry. She just looked down shyly.

Coconut looked at Blue out of the corner of his eye, being able to tell he was upset but being the oblivious fuck he is, didn't know why.


"Well that was nice." Blue said. "Maybe your fortune has something to do with it being a special order?" He started eating. 

"Do you know her or something?" Jackson asked.


"U-Um, no. I-I don't." Luna glanced up at Jackson and then back at the table.


Jackson gave Melody a look. 


Luna reached for the fortune cookie and delicately opened it, taking out the small paper and reading it. 


Your special order is one phone call away.



Luna's brow furrowed in confusion and then she blushed madly. "O-Oh."


"What does it say?" Blue and Jackson said at the same time. Blue, sitting next to her, leaned over slightly and caught a glimpse of the phone number. Then he looked back at Coconut and laughed lightly. 

"What?" Jackson pressed, excited.


Coconut, already knowing what the little paper had probably said, rolled his eyes and chuckled at Luna. She was practically steaming and she sunk down in her seat slightly.


"What?! I'm dying!" 

Blue looked at him, feeling a nervous wriggle in his gut. "Oh, well...I think she gave Luna her number."


"B-But… Luna's a girl?" Melody sounded a bit confused.


Jackson, thinking that was the reason for Blue laughing, snickered too. "R-really? Is she like a lesbian or something?" 

Blue felt like a dagger had stabbed into his spine. 


Luna was almost visibly saddened at Jackson's response. 

Coconut only stared at him, his face devoid of emotions.

Melody giggled as well. "I guess she didn't know Luna's got a boyfriend."


"I guess not. She was very obvious about flirting with her." Blue's voice wasn't in the same joking tone. 


That one comment from Jackson set off Blue. He gripped his eating utensil and bit his tongue to restrain himself from yelling at him. He took a big inhale of air and exhaled loudly. Then put his fork down and grabbed Luna by the arm. Pulling her up with him. 

"Sorry Jackson, Melody." He smiled widely and nodded at her. "Luna has a- wrestling match- I mean a gymna- we have to go." 

Jackson looked at him strangely. "W-what?"

"It was nice meeting you." Blue left his tray there and then grabbed the tray of cookies and Luna's drink. "Let's go." He said, grabbing her arm walking away while clutching the tray which was wrapped in saran-wrap to his chest. 


Luna went along with him, not wanting to stick around either.

Coconut watched them leave then turned his attention back to Jackson. "Sorry about them, they're shy. You know." His tone wasn't apologetic at all.


Once they were gone, Jackson gave Coconut a hard look. "You need to back off of him." 


"What?" Coconut asked, not at all understanding what he meant.


"You're obviously into him, but he is obviously into Luna. Don't screw things up between them."


Coconut was shocked for a moment before he became angry and panicked. "I'm not into him. I like girls and my sister likes him, so I'd never mess up their relationship." He glared at Jackson with hatred.


"Don't pretend like you didn't slip up and use the wrong pronoun for your old boyfriend earlier. Your lies aren't going to work on me. Leave him alone."


Coconut snarled and fury spun in his eyes. He struggled to restrain himself from smashing Jackson's face into the table. "I'll never leave him alone. He's special to me and you can't do anything about it."

Melody was worried. She could easily tell that Jackson was only fueling the fire that was Coconut's anger. However, she didn't do anything to stop them. They both seemed too upset for her to engage.


Jackson displayed a look of stunned surprise, he sat back in his chair. "So you admit you have feelings for him? That's sick." He glared.


Coconut grit his teeth and spat, "That's not what I said. And even if I did, it is not sick."


"Whatever. Just don't rub off on him." Jackson stood up and grabbed his girlfriend, walking away.


Coconut sat back in his seat, angrily muttering something about how "he wouldn't have to."


Jackson whirled around, "What did you say?"


Coconut, realizing his mistake, stumbled over his words at being caught off guard. "N-N-Nothing!"


"Do you mean Blue's-"


"No!" Coconut panicked, his mind already running through scenarios where Blue breaks up with him because he accidentally revealed his secret.


Jackson stared at him with an odd look for a long time, speculating his expression. "That was a fast response." Then he turned around fully to face him and slowly said, "Why did he call you Coconut?" He folded his arms.


"He, uh…" Coconut raced to think of an excuse but ended up becoming too afraid to say anything. He was awful at lying if someone caught onto him, and this happened to be a very important situation.


"And whose car is that?" He pointed out the window. "It's not Blue's, and Luna was driving it. That's not the car we saw Blue standing by at the ice cream shop." 


Coconut, seeing no way out of the hole he dug, slouched into his chair and whispered. "The car he was standing by was mine."


"I suppose the hickeys on his neck were yours too?" He was angry now. "And the flowers?" He took a threatening step toward him. "And by the way, I've seen the pictures on social media posted from your school. You've been harassing him." 


"I-It's not harassing… you don't know how my school works." Coconut nervously rubbed the back of his neck.


"Well, I'm fairly certain I can have you kicked out of it with a word from my father to your principal." 


Coconut's eyes hardened and he dropped his hand from his neck. "Are you threatening me?"


Jackson put one hand on the table and leaned toward him with a glare. "I've been threatening you." 


"Well, I couldn't tell, not with how harmless they must have been."


Jackson paused, glaring daggers of hate. "I'm going to talk to Blue. Whether he lies to me or tells the truth, I know what's really happening between you two, and I'm going to put a stop to it." He backed off to leave.


Coconut stood up from his chair so fast he knocked it over and it crashed to the ground. If that wasn't enough, he slammed both his hands on the table, seething with anger. "You. Wouldn't. Dare."


He looked over his shoulder as he walked away. "I've made up my mind." 


All Coconut wanted to do was jump over this table and punch that ass straight in the face, but he stopped himself. "Fuck!" he cursed to himself, tugging at his hair in frustration. As his anger slowly winded down, he realized what he had done and he immediately worried what Blue would think of him. With an awful, sudden, thought, Coconut realized he would have to tell Blue what he had done. Coconut whimpered pathetically and gathered himself before walking to where he saw Blue and Luna go off to. He was on the edge of having an anxiety attack as he stopped in front of the bookstore he was pretty sure Blue and Luna had entered. Thoughts were racing through his mind. Will he be angry? What if he gets kicked out of his college? Is he going to hate me? What if he breaks up with me? … He's going to leave me… He's going to leave. 


Blue stormed into the bookstore and led Luna behind one of the shelves then plopped down on the floor angrily. He left Luna standing next to him.


"Blue? Are you alright?" Luna asked softly, putting a hand on his shoulder.


"No. I'm angry." He glared at the bookshelf across from him. "I wish they could be more accepting. I hate hanging out with them."


Luna sat down beside him. "Y-Yeah… I'm kind of upset too… when Jackson called that girl gross it…"


Blue growled. "I just want to forget about it. I don't think they found out about me. Hopefully Coconut wasn't as obvious as I think he was. Was he obvious to you?" 


"I-I mean… kind of? I already know you guys are dating, so I don't know. If Jackson is smart, he was probably too obvious." Luna shook her head and smiled at Blue. "He got a little carried away with the things "I" loved about you," she teased a little.


Blue smiled and shook his head. Then looked worried again, thinking about Jackson's spot on the debate team. 

"Can I help you two find anythin' you're lookin' for?" 

A familiar voice was speaking from above Blue. "What?" 

The girl from the food court appeared across from them stepping out from behind the bookshelf facing Blue. She was wearing a long plaid shirt that was sloppily tucked into the side of her jean shorts. She pointed to her employee badge as she leaned against the bookshelf smirking. It said Erika.


Luna blushed, remembering the fortune cookie. "A-Ah no, u-um th-thanks…"


"Why not?" She took a step closer, looking down on Luna. "I could be of service...lend a helpin' hand." She offered her hand for Luna to take and stand up with. "Leave you satisfied?" 


Luna's cheeks grew redder. She looked over at Blue as if asking for permission.


Blue nearly laughed. "She's trying so hard." He didn't understand Luna was asking for his 'okay'.

Erika only lifted her eyebrows. "He's not your boyfriend, is he? That would totally get in the way of things." 

"No. I'm not." 


Luna shook her head. "He's not…" she said timidly.


"So what's the problem, then?" She wiggled her fingers. "I'm only helpin' you up, silly."


"O-Okay…" Luna hesitantly put her hand in Erika's and let her help her up.


"That wasn't so hard." she smiled then whispered, "did you get my number?" 


Nodding shyly, Luna murmured, "Y-Yeah, b-but it's not in my phone… y-yet."


"Do you want it in your phone?" Something caught her eye over Luna's head.


Blushing even brighter than before, Luna slowly nodded.


"I can put it in for you. Hey," She looked down at Blue. "The guy you were sittin' with is at the door."

Blue looked up, knowing it was Coconut. "Is he with anyone?"

"Not by the looks of it." She took out her own phone to exchange numbers with Luna. 

Blue stood and hurried toward Coconut once he saw how clearly upset he was. "I'm sorry I left." He immediately said. "I had to get out of there." 


Coconut nodded and looked away as he said, "C-Can we talk? Pr-Privately?"


Confused about how upset he was, Blue looked back at Luna, deciding she would be fine. "S-sure, where? Did Jackson and Melody leave?"


"Yeah," he answered Blue's question. "Let's go to my car." Coconut grabbed a hold of Blue's hand and gently pulled him out of the mall.


"W-wait, we can't just leave Luna." 


"She'll be okay," he said dismissively, but with a worried tone. "This is more important."


Blue understood this was more than just Coconut upset over him running off. Blue was quiet as they walked through the parking lot and then stepped into the car. As soon as he closed the door, he turned to Coconut with a concerned face. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"


"I… I made a mistake, Blue." Coconut refused to look anywhere near Blue's face, too afraid of how Blue might look at him.


Blue felt like his insides were disintegrating. "What...happened?" He felt he already knew that answer but feared for his response anyway.


Coconut avoided glancing at Blue, letting his forehead fall onto his shoulder. "I'm so sorry."


"Coconut, what happened. Tell me before you apologize. Why are you even apologizing? Did- did you tell them we're dating?" He felt his heart pick up speed.


Coconut whimpered. "Jackson… Jackson figured it out. I was too obvious. He told me to back off of you… but… I got angry and I accidentally told him you were gay… well, not directly but he knows… and… I-I'm so sorry, Blue. I couldn't control myself and…" He let out a distressed sob and started crying into Blue's shoulder, wrapping his arms around him and muttering apologies.


It took Blue a moment to process Coconut's words and then understand them. "Ssso he knows I'm gay but he doesn't know we're dating?" He hoped as he held Coconut. It broke his heart to see him crying like this but at the moment he was strangely calm. 


"N-No… I think he knows whats between us but I'm not certain if he knows you're gay…"


Blue lifted his head. "Can you tell me everything he said, please?" 


Coconut tried to calm down enough to be able to speak clearly. "He assumed those hickies he saw were mine, and the flowers, that I got them for you. He also said he saw the pictures on the school page. He said I was harassing you." Coconut looked up at him uncertainly. "Am I?"


"What pictures?" Blue was hung up on that.


"Some kids took pictures of you at the party. Because you were the mascot. It was a school spirit thing."


"Oh my god that better not spread around so far to reach my parents or any teachers from my school for your sake." Blue ran a hand through his hair nervously. "So if he thinks you're harassing me and not in a relationship, then...if he talks to his mom who talks to the principal's you who could get into serious trouble, not me." 


"No. He knows there is something between us, but intends to use the harassment thing to stop whatever it is." Coconut laid his head back on Blue's shoulder. "It's not me getting in trouble that I'm worried about… I just don't want you to leave me…"


Blue was stricken with amazement. He held a firm grasp on his fast beating heart and screaming thoughts and spoke calmly. "Well, technically...even if we were in a relationship, he can't do anything about it because we're from different sides of the school. The only thing he can do is get you in trouble for...kidnapping me against my will...and then if anything about us...having sex and such then...if they think you were forcing me, then you would be expelled. But if I admit we were in a relationship...I don't know what would happen. I think my principal technically couldn't touch me because I'm staying at your school dorms. We might be okay, Coconut." 


"M-Might?" Coconut croaked. He could feel his heart breaking, even if Blue was trying to make him feel better.


"Even if Jackson did go to his mom, why would she care?" Blue tried a short lighthearted chuckle but it came off as nervous. "We might be worrying over nothing." 


"W-Was Jackson right? Am I harassing you?"


Blue didn't know how to answer so he laughed again. "No. What makes you- I mean at first you- you kidnapped me and then kind of forced me to sleep in the same bed with you I never once felt harassed or violated in any way." He ended strongly. 


Coconut sighed in small relief and was quiet for a while. "So you're not mad?"


"No, no, no, no, no, no." He tangled his fingers in Coconut's hair and played with it in a nervous fidget. "Only...slightly worried." And very afraid. 


"... Did I disappoint you, Blue?" Coconut asked softly.


"What do you mean?" He slid his hand down Coconut's back as if he were petting a cat.


"I did exactly what you asked me not to. I'm such a bad boyfriend…" Coconut nuzzled his face deeper into Blue's shoulder with a whimper.


Blue was blooming with happiness. "Coconut, you only made me more attracted to you. There was nothing you did or said that I wasn't happy with. The fact you were pushing it made me understand how much you wished you could be with me openly and that's something I've always searched for in a perfect boyfriend. Also, showing up alone with Luna was extremely nerve wracking and I felt awful. I would have been bored out of my mind if you hadn't sat next to me. Also I would not have been able to come up with a good enough explanation for my relationship with Luna. I'm touched, Coconut. Not angry."


"Thank goodness…" Coconut whispered, a small smile making its way onto his face.


"I didn't know Luna liked so much about me…" Blue teased. 


Coconut chuckled and pulled away from Blue, wiping at his eyes. "Yeah, it's almost as if we were siblings."


Blue chuckled. "And hey, I don't deny my feelings. Where did that one come from?" He raised an eyebrow at him as he smiled. 


Coconut gave him a "really" look. "You mean when I had to have a mental breakdown for you to finally confess?"


Blue thought for a moment and then blushed. "Oh…" He smiled in embarrassment. "Y-yeah, ok so I hid my feelings about liking you for a while. Pfft, that was only because I didn't want to look thirsty for you. And besides if someone kidnaps you it would be weird to tell them you've grown feelings for them."


Coconut rolled his eyes. "Yeah I guess. But seriously, thanks Blue."


"Thanks for what?" 




A slow ginormous joyous smile filled Blue's face. He grabbed Coconut's head and kissed him while still smiling. 


Coconut chuckled but kissed back nonetheless.


Blue moaned his name and then asked with sincerity. "Coconut, were you serious when you said you didn't care if you get in trouble?" 


"Yeah. Completely. To be honest, you lawyer kids are real up tight. My principal is like a mentor to the college, so if he thinks you're doing fine, no punishment."


"That's hard for me to believe." Blue said and then his eyes lit up in remembrance. "I have classes tomorrow." He gave him a look. "Am I going to be allowed to go alone or are you going to keep following and dragging me everywhere?"


"Well, yeah, you can go alone. But… would you let me come with you?" Coconut asked with a purr.


"Of course." He didn't think twice. "But don't you have your own school time?" 


"Mm, yeah, but I finish most of my work early. It wouldn't hurt to skip a few classes."


"S-skip class? Coconut, you can't." Blue shook his head.


"Why not? My grades are fine, all my teachers love me. No one will care if I'm gone for a day or two."


Blue raised his eyebrows. "Really? You're going to skip class for me?" 


Coconut shrugged. "Is it that much of a surprise?"


Blue smiled and kissed him again. "So should we wait for Luna or go back inside and find her or text her or….what's next?" 


"Luna will be fine. I'll text her later." Coconut leaned closer. "Since your date's over… perhaps… we could go back to my dorm and continue where we left off?"


Blue blushed madly and lifted an eyebrow. "You mean your breakdown? Because that's what you were in the middle of before we left the dorm." 


Coconut pouted. "Hmph. You know what I mean."


Blue grabbed one of the strands of hair hanging over his eye and twirled it while smiling. "Ok, we'll continue...and I'll give you more." A red blush creeped up his ears and down his neck. 


"Really?" Coconut perked up and he smiled widely. 


Blue rolled his eyes and shoved his face away. "Yes." He turned away from him and buckled into his seat.


Smiling, Coconut started the car and drove off to his dorm.
