Chapter 89: I’ve Loved You Truly

Nathalia froze for a second, then she said indifferently, "Does it matter anymore, whether I have loved you or not?"

A sharp pain arose in his heart as if someone was digging it with a shovel. It hurt so much.

"Nathalia, I've loved you truly." His voice was very low. He was almost whispering.

"Bang." The door shut. That was the answer from Nathalia.

Closed was the door and closed was the short-lived relationship between the young couple.

From now on, the once lovers become strangers.

She had been holding back her tears, and now they just streamed down her cheeks. She ran and sobbed, dragging her suitcase.

I'm sorry. I love you.

Nathalia rented a flat in Paterson, remained quiet and low-key. She never went out anywhere except for school.