Going Home.

As I finished getting dress, Greyson made his way into my, not for long, hospital room.

"Need help babe?" He offered.

"No no... Im good" I said while sliding my shirt on.

Greyson took the baby's bag and placed it onto his shoulder and then took a hold of my personal bag. "I'm gonna take these to the car. I'll be right back."

He left the room as Mrs. Nelson made her way into my room." Good evening Mrs. Aveyard" She greeted me as she placed a little brown bag onto the end of the bed.

"I've been here for almost 2 weeks. I think it's okay for you to call me Estella.." I joked. "Are theses the medicines?" I asked grabing the brown paper bag.

"Yes. The instructions are inside... Once your husband gets back I would like to talk to you about the girls." She said.

"Is there a problem? Please tell me they are okay to take home.." I panicked.

"Calm down... They are perfect to go home." She assured me.

"Evening Doc. " Greyson greeted entering the room and placed a hand behide my back. " Is there a problem?" He asked observing the situation.

"Please follow me to see your babies girls." The doctor said while grabbing the medical clipboard.

As we began following her I started think. How the hell am I gonna identify my kids if there are twins. I guess Greyson noticed my discomfort and lightly press down on my hand to get my attention. "Are you okay?" He asked as stopped walking.

"What if I can't tell the twins apart?" My eyes wonder all over his face, as he chucked.

"Don't worry about that." He rubed his large hands up and down from my shoulder to my hands. "Lyla has theses beautiful big eyes, kinda of greenish and Katelynn has the most beautiful snores you'll ever hear, plus the big give away is that Kate also has your dark brown eyes. So chill. We're are going to be the very best parents." He pulled me into a hug.

Once we seperate we enter the Dr. Nelson's office.

"Please have a seat, we'll shortly go see your children." She spoke as we finally entered. "So both girls are doing okay, As we know there were complications during the c section, but after having you and the babies in observation for one week and 5 days, All three look healthy. Now what I wanted to talk about is.. " She started telling us while we took our seat. " Katelynn has some breathing problems, due to her nasal passages are a bit smaller then normal, so the least bit of dryness or extra mucus in their noses can make them snore. This is not something to be worried about, just keep their noise clean as much as possible. " She spoke as she observed her computer where this information was dateed into her medical records. I nodded, I mostly was to worry to finally meet my babies that all I heard was that they were okay. " As theses girl continue to grow, the snoring wil probably go away. So it's temporary. " She typed into her computer a few more times. " Okay, If there are no questions, Lets introduce you to your babies then." My doctor finally said.

I got up off the seats pulling up Greyson by his hand. I heard him chuckle while following behind the nurse the doctor had call for us to tell us to the baby's room.

As we made our ways into the 4 by 4 walls, I saw a small patters of blue and purple butterflies painted across the room. I took small step towards two small beds, where there laid my baby girls. Just as Greyson had said, Katelynn has the weirdest snores I've ever heard. My eyes met Greyson's as I see the nurse handing him a purple burrito blanket inside was Lyla, her eyes were shut close but was still moving her small fingers. Greyson passed down the smaller girl to me, as the nurse wrapped Katelynn in a light shade of pick.

I hadn't noticed I was in tears until I felt my husband clean my face with a paper towel. "Honey, we did good. don't you agree?" The love of my life asked me as he took into his arms the other blacket burrito. I nodded, agreeing to his question. "Let's get home now." He said and walked infront of my with both his arms wrapped around the snoring baby.

On the car ride home, I sat in a very uncomfortable position in the back seats, just incase one of the girls woke. Greyson fought me on that, but ended up giving up. Once we got into the house, Eric and Amy, along with my mother and mother in law, were sitting in the living room.

"There here" Amy exclamated as she ran to greet us, followed by a walking Alexander. Her arms quickly wrapped my little baby with the brown eyes, as my mother pulled me into a tight hug. "They look so beautiful" She added.

"Congratulations little bro" Eric patted Greyson's back and he smiled back. "By the way mom made you guys lunch for about 3 days." He teased.

"Thanks mom." My husband said and kiss Lisa's cheek.

"Anything for my little, but grown ass men, Babies" She said with a huge smile.

I laughed and watched as my babies got passed on from arms to arms. I didn't want to sound selfish but I wanted everyone out of my house, I wanted to have my alone time with my family, But I remained quiet as everyone talked to one another. I looked at Katelynn who had just opened her eyes, I noticed that neither of them have seen their mother yet, I quickly got up from the sofa and walked towards my mother, who was holding her. I embraced my hand around Katelynn's.

"Here, honey hold her" She suggested. I assisted with my head as I picked her up, I stared into her greenish eyes as her eyes roamed around the living room. I felt a large hand at the bottom of my back, I gazed into my husband eyes and gave him a small smile.

"Hey, everyone. Thank you for coming, Please don't take thisthe wrong way. But could we maybe get our alone time with the girls?" Greyson said, I let out a small sigh of relif. Which everyone quickly agreed and started getting their stuff and said their goodbyes to the girls.

"Honey, if you need anything you call me. I'll be here as faster than any firetruck." My mother said holding my face between her hands, and greeted me off with a kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks momma" I smiled at her. "I love you" I added and gave her a kiss on his cheek.