A White Night


It was a snowing morning when Greyson decided to wake up earlier then usually, He jumped out of bed and into his clothes, proceeded to make his way into the cold kitchen, where he took the ingredients to his special banana pancakes recipe. Before he started to whisk his mixture he took his phone and enter his music gallery, then persued with his activities of whisking and putting them to mold.

His attention was so drawn to the music that he didn't hear his wife enter the kitchen, She covered her mouth with both palms, holding in her laugh, as she observed her husband sing along to his play list as he swift side to side as he finished with the last set of pancakes, as he pried his wrist to spin the pancake in the air, turning it to the other side. He turned off the stove.

"I was enjoying this little show please don't continue..."Estella said, making her presences present.

His cheek heated up and turned a light shade of pink. "How much of that did you actually see?"

"Just enough "She giggled. "Can I help you with something?" She offered.

He rolled his eyes. "Actually no, I got most of it covered. So go back to bed or wait for me in the living room.." He smiled, she nodded and headed to the living room where she grabbed the black blanket and the tv remote. She chose a tv canal and waited for her man.

Greyson was grabbing two plates where he neatly place 4 pancakes on each, His plate having less syrup then hers. Two mugs of hot chocolate, and as a side bar a small bowl of strawberries. He placed everything on a tray and made his way into the living room. Where his wife was sitting on the grey couch, biting her nails while having her eyes focus on the TV.

"Breakfast is served " He said and he placed the tray onto the small living room table.

His wife smiled as she grabbed her plate. "Babe, you forgot the forks" She said teasingly.

"Shit, You right. Be right back.." He pecked her lips and ran to the kitchen. As he got back he handed it to her. As he was about to place his butt on the couch the sound of two woken babies made him get back up.

"I'll get them" Estella offered as she got up.

"no honey, You were up all night with them. It's my turn to take care of them." He smiled.

"I love you, you know that right?" She asked.

"Of course I know." He pecked her forehead and jogged up the stairs.

Estella sighed with a smile on her face and proceeded to finally take a bite of her breakfast.

Meanwhile up stairs, Greyson entered the girls room where he saw Katelynn crying and Lyla standing on her crib, but shortly fell onto her bottom. He first took Kate into arms and started rocking her gently from one side to the other, she softly started to quiet it down, he laid her down on the changer, where he changed her into a fresh new diaper and dressed her into come warm black pants with a sweater that had a Christmas tree, He placed her back onto her crib along with a chew on toy, so he continue to do the same actions but to Lyla. He dressed Lyla into the same black pants and sweater but her sweater had a reindeer. He proudly smiled to him self and picked one girl at a time, after holding them both in a right position, He carried them both down stairs, where they immediately started making joyful noised as they saw their mother on the couch.

"Good morning princesses. " Their mother said as Greyson placed them onto the couch. "I believe it's the third time this week you dressed them with those sweaters." She joked while taking Lyla into her arms.

"What can I saw, I'm counting the days till our first family Christmas." He proudly said.

"yeah it will." She kissed Lyla's cheeks. Grey took a strawberry into his mouth then took Katelynn into arms as he scooted closer so his wife. " now my question is." She said catching her husband attention. " Is Eric and Amy going to spend the holidays with us or with your mother?"

"I haven't asked them, but I'm pretty sure they're going with my mother. I'll text him later." She nodded to his response and laid her head onto his shoulder.

Greyson was know in the kitchen chopping up the vegetables that were going into the soup. While Estella was looking after the girls that were place in their baby walker, they moved from one side of the living to the other. She couldn't believe how big the girls had grown in the last 5 months. She was worry at how one day in a blink of an eye, they could be 18 and out of the house. That's what made her most worry, She was afraid that any random guy could hurt either one of them, or get bullied for anything, now a days kids are meaner, they have no education.

The laughs of both girls made the deep thoughts of the future leave her mind. Katelynn seem to be chasing her sister for a chew on toy Lyla had just gotten. Estella took her phone out of her pocket and recorded them so a little. She heard her husband call for her. "Yeah?" She yelled back.

"Look out the window!" He said was he entered the livingroom. His wife turned around and opened the curtains, she saw the dark grey sky and the sun almost down. "It looks like we're gonna have a very snowing night."

"It's coming down faster than this morning." Estella added. "Maybe tomorrow we can maybe built a snowman and take a family picture." She looked up to see her husband smiling.

"We can use that to on this year Christmas card." He wrap his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest, playing a kiss on her forehead. She responded by wrapping his torso with both her arms as they turned around to look at the girls. Katelynn was now chewing on a toy while Lyla had stopped moving and was now looking at the cartoon on the TV.

"We're lucky..." Estella whispered.

"I'm lucky to be blessed with such a beautiful, wonderful and loyal wife that is also my bestfriend and the mother of my two perfect little daughters, that came out strong and growing healthier each day." Greyson tilt Estella's face a bit up as he leaned toward planting his lips onto hers, maintaining a slow, sweet kiss.