Index/power glossery

The 4 Major beastmen Species that live in Crescent Moon Kingdom :

Lions: Caster -Mystic, Warrior-Ougun, Infiltrator -Shadowwalker

Wolves: Caster -Mage,Warrior- Paladin, Infiltrator- Rogue

Foxes: Caster-Monks, Warrior- Samurai , infiltrator ninjas

Lizard : Caster Warlock, Warriors- Dragon, Infiltrator- Seeker

These are the Sub races that also live in Crescent moon kingdom; there aren't many of them but most of them are nobles.

Tiger clan

Coyote clan

Bear clan

Mammoth clan the oldest race and oldest clan

Hyenas clan

Class system

Casters: Beastmen who use elementary powers from a distance.

Warriors: Beastmen who specializes in close combat. And have great physical strength and


Infiltrators: Beastmen who focus agility and techniques in combat.

Lion Castors (Mystic): The Major Subclass for Mystic is the Shaman class: Lion casters who control the element of lighting

The 2nd Subclass is the Druid class. These castors can control nature. This class is mostly for support because they have healing abilities .

The 3rd is the Anubis ability to manipulate the living and Speak to be dead.

Little is Known about the Anubis class 1/10 lion beastmen are born into this class

Lion Warriors (Ougun ): Pride is the Major class for Ougun. Pride warriors have good strength and Stamina. Second is Zulu Warriors can manifest the Spear and the Shield.Third is Warlord Warrior can manifest any weapon he desires.

Lion infiltrator (Shadow Walker): The Phantom :class uses the shadows to pass through physical structures. The Phantom zone which can store many items and objects. Ravens :use shadows as clones and cloaks Their main weapons are bow and arrows. The Voids: have the ability to manipulate the shadows as they please.

Wolf Casters (Mage): First :Wizards: have the ability of ice

Cleric : are healers and have the ability to control light . Third are

Space mages :who can teleport to locations that they have been too.

Wolf Warriors(Paladin): Knights :the police force of the kingdom have a good strength and stamina .Templar :paladins Can Manifest a sword and Shield . Ark Paladins :can Manipulate and control Cains

Wolf infiltrators(Rogue):.Servicemen:can manipulate sound and create Illusions. Rangers : are crazy trackers and have heightened 5 Senses. Spectors: are the masters of the rogue class that can use all of its abilities.

Fox Castors (Monks): High monks: ability to Control the earth . Shaolin monks can control wind . Buddist monks: Can control Fire 🔥

Fox Warrior (Samurai class): Katana- have good speed and agility. Nagamaki- can manifest armor all over their body. Kensei can manifest and control flying swords

Fox Infiltrator (Ninjas):Unseen-have the ability to turn completely invisible . Toxin - can create and manipulate poison. Black- create and manipulate Gunpowder.

Lizardmen Castor (Warlock): Witch use the scariest magic in Pangea which is blood magic. Necromancer ability to control bones .Witch Doctor -can create curses

Lizardmen Warrior (Dragonborn) . Kaiju breathe fire. Komodo can harden their body . Dino can increase their size

Lizardmen Infiltrator (Seeker): Chamaeleon : us shapeshifting although all the beast men in Pangea can transform they can literally turn into any animal on the continent. Draco grow wings or increase their speed to sonic levels but most prefer to fly .Basilisk are the master Seekers so they can use all forms of the seeker class.

Beastmen level

Beta- Spirit-power(35+), Willpower(25+) Physical power(38+), Transformation time- 25s

Consumer- Spirit-power(50+),Willpower(35+) Physical power(50+),Transformation time- 15s

Variant- Spirit-power(60+),Willpower(40+) Physical power(70+),Transformation time- 10s

Predator- Spirit-power(60+),Willpower(50+) Physical power(85+),Transformation time- 7s

Expert - Spirit-power(68+),Willpower(60+) Physical power(100+),Transformation time- 5s

Master - Spirit-power(80+),Willpower(80+) Physical power(150+),Transformation time- 3s

Grandmaster-Spirit-power(95+),Willpower(100) Physical power(200+),Transformation time- 1s