Chapter 13 : Ally?

Elijah quickly notices the situation and he gets in a fighting stance. This is exactly what my grandfather said would happen once they notice my power damn Elijah thought. He let his emotions get the better of him.

As soon as Elijah took his stance the principle made a face.

"What are you doing?" the principal said Mr. Growel looking confused.

"You brought me here to try to kill me right?" Elijah responded trying to sound confident.

"Ok first off no, second off I would literally destroy you'' he said jokingly but not.

"Ok so why did you bring us here then?" Elijah said, confused.

"Kid if I wanted to kill you I could have just pushed you off of Mt. or leave you in the middle of nowhere, '' said Mr Growel.

"Good point,'' said Elijah, lowering his guard.

"Believe it or not, kid, I'm the friend of your grandfather." Elijah made a face.

"OK how" he said. "Well and your father as well your grandfather and I all ran missions together,'' said the principal.

"Wait, so you're a commoner?" Mr. Growel shook his head

"Yes I am", what did you think all wolf beastmen in the capital were nobility? (Elijah actually did but he wasn't going to say it).

"It's not that it's just that I mean you're powerful, an expert Space mage even."

" Right" said Mr.Growl but "honestly compared to your old man and your grandfather they are still stronger than me."

"What?!" Said Elijah "Are you sure they didn't seem all that strong to me." Mr. Growl made a face.

"I can't even count the times that both of them have saved my life."

"Not to sound rude, but I thought that wolf beastmen really didn't like lions." Said Elijah.

"I can see how you would think that sorry for checking you earlier but you never know who may be listening, at first I was like Elijah but your grandfather changed my fews."

"I joined the Crescent Moon Army around the same time your dad did and being a branch family of the Moonlight family it seems like whenever you get stuck with Lions you always get the worst mission and details."

"There was one day when we were in the field in Lizard beastmen territory and we got ambushed and lost a half dozen men and I couldn't Teleport us out fast enough but your grandfather who was in command protected me till the end and never looked down on me once when we were back."

"That day I decided I didn't mind straying from the pack, becoming a lone wolf in the way of my thinking."

"I grew up in a community that looked down on other beastmen just to suck up to the Main Family."

"Why are you telling me all of this Mr.Growel" Elijah said?

"I brought you here to tell you that I'm your ally and I'm going to do my best to make things as far as I can for you because believe it or not, there aren't too many people that are happy that you're here."

"Go figure," Elijah said.

"If you need anything, let me know."

"There is something."

"Really? what? said Mr Growl.

"I can't transform into a beastmen if I do lose control." Elijah showed the Principle his Tattoo on his back.

"My God!?" said Mr. Growl making a concurring face. He helped Elijah but his shirt back on. "A spirit sealed tattoo on a child" Mr. Growl said, making a face.

"You know what this is,'' Elijah responded.

"Yes it's to seal your beastmen form usually we only put that on high level criminals and prisoners of war that are expert rank and above we even use it on sprite weapons".

"For them to go to these extreme measures they must have good reason that's a lot of pain to put on a child".

"Rest assured though Elijah your secret's safe with me". After that Elijah had more confidence in himself. Within a few moments the Principal teleports them back to the Classroom right in the middle of Jason Shortfang transformation.

"We must have made quite an entrance because the class went stone quite like earlier. then immediately Mr. Lexington gave a formal salute to the principal.

"As you were"the Mr Growl". "Mr. Lexington let me speak with you outside for a moment. Elijah return to your seat like normal."

"Yes sir, I said super formally, we can't let other people know that the principal is showing favoritism to me so we are just going to keep it Professional."

"As Elijah was walking back to his seat he apologized to Jason for interrupting his moment. "No problem bro" Jason said.

"You have a cool beast form by the way."

Jason is a coyote beast meaning he looked like a werewolf a little but a lot slimmer but he had light brown fur.

As Elijah took his seat he noticed Misty and Sarai looking at him ,when he turned to look at them both they hurried and looked away nervously(blushing).

"Dude they are totally feeling you,'' said Solomon in the mindscape.

"Where have you been at there last 15 mins?" Elijah thought, complaining.

"Ugh dude your principal is pretty powerful he definitely would have noticed me."

"If he was a Nobel he would definitely be Colonel".

"Good point do you think he's really an ally" Asked Elijah. Before Elijah could hear his response Arther shook my shoulder and said

"Dude you really our amazing when you roared I peed a little."

"I think the ladies are totally feeling you now." Elijah made a reliving face and thought to himself maybe nobody saw me tearing up. Arther continued

"yea I could tell even the prince was scared a bit that was crazy how the teacher pulled his sword on you that's why he's probably getting chewed by the principal right now."

"Oh right," Elijah said.

When he looked at the door, he noticed that Sarai was looking at him then turned away quickly which was very confusing because she definitely blew him off last time now she's acting shy? Moments later Mr. Lexington came back into class and said "Class I have to formally apologize to you for showing rash behavior and I would also apologize directly and publicly to Mr. Pride I shouldn't threaten you with my weapon like that nor try to make you transform my deepest apologies".

Elijah could read his emotions and all of that wasn't genuine. From what he could tell he definitely would kill him without hesitation if he could get away with it. Elijah thought.

After being gone for more than half of the day I missed Arthers transformation and Klaus's. As Jason transformed back into his human form Mr. Lexington continued.

"Alright, good job, Mr. Shortfang, please take your seat." "Up next is Prince Xavier".

Elijah couldn't tell if this guy was cool or just proud of himself.

"He is pretty cool," Solmon said.

"Let's see what his Beast form looks like." Elijah paid close attention. The Prince finally made his way to the front of the class. He's in the front row. It seems like he walked in slow motion or something. He gets ready to transform and makes direct eye contact with Elijah smirks and Transforms. His Transformation took 15 secs while your transforming there is no Spirit power involved it's basically like second nature for beastmen to do it. The transformation process can be painful for some if they don't do it often. Depending on what beastmen you are can determine how tall you grow once you transform. When The Prince transformed the whole class was shocked, even Klaus Ninetails looked shocked . "His family must have been waiting to show this to everyone," Solomon said. "You know how I said we need to increase your training". "Yea" said Elijah. "Well In order to Defeat a beast of this cabilber you should drop out of school like right now." "What Stands before you right now kid is the Legendary beast that took down my great grandson and brought the Moonlight family into Power 150 years ago." "What Stands before you Is the Crescent Moon Wolf."