Chapter 15: Weapon of Choice

As soon as Elija woke up he gasped for air. After getting his sanity back for a min Elijah really internalized what the elder said.

"How did he send me back to my body so fast. "Elijah said out loud.

After a few moments of self reflection Elijah went to sleep.

. . .

Currently in this Subconscious Elijah was going over the moves Solomon taught him.

"Ok kid looks like I really have to give you a beating today" Solomon said appearing.

"How are you just now getting here?" Elijah said while kicking.

"Well some of us don't have a handy return to body skill."

"Is that what that was?".

"Yea all you had to do was think about where your body was then you just appeared back" said Solomon.

"Well now, let's get this sparring session going".

This time around Elijah felt like he was fighting a totally different person.

All of Solomon's moves were perfectly excused and Elijah ended up on his back every time.

"The 5th time Elijah was fed up,ok I think this is enough can we do some other training to get me stronger"Elijah said.

"Mhm I was thinking that we should get you a weapon we haven't been seeing the improvements I've been wanting to with hand to hand combat "said Solomon.

"Gee thanks" Elijah said, rolling his eyes.

"Seriously we need too. We also need to train your mind while in your subconscious , you do get time to train moves but you'll need strength to back those moves so ima make up a physical testing routine for you."

"This is getting me pumped up" Elijah said, punishing his fest .

"Let's see what kind of weapon you would be good with". Solomon said .

"Typically Anubis don't have a weapon because there are so few and most are good at hand to hand combat. I'm just kidding." Solomon said.

Elijah made a face.

"Luckily for you I have trained with many weapons so we can manifest anything we want. Let's start out with the basics". Solomon manifested a long one handed sword then threw it to Elijah.

"Alright so right off the bat I can see if you'll be a natural with it by the way you defend yourself" Solomon said.

Holding the same weapon Solomon rushed at Elijah slashing aggressively. Elijah defended himself and was mostly on the defense for a while till he saw an opening to attack which Solomon saw coming but Elijahs follow up attack caught him by surprise though it still was Elijah loss.

"Alright that's enough" said Solomon ,

"you're not that bad with a sword. I definitely see potential. It just seems like you and that kinda sword don't get along". Solomon continued.

"mhm well what weapon do you like to use? Let's start with that."

Elijah thought for a second then said "oh I really like the spear." Then Elijah manifested a spear to himself.

"You don't use a shield? I thought you were about to us the typical Zulu Styles for a Second" said Solomon.

"Well my dad is a Zulu Warlord but he use the traditional style. but for my size I think the full body shield was Crutching me."

"That does make sense ,let's see what you got." Said Solomon.

Solomon uses the same moves on Elijah to see how he would respond and this time Elijah uses the length of the spear to his advantage using good piercing moves.

Solomon was dodging all of his attacks till Elijah used the spear in a non-traditional way.

Most of the time when using a Zulu spear you focus on piercing moves and the spin of the tip of the spear to gain speed for penetration but Elijah Held the spear like a naginata for a second to use a slash attack.

Before Solomon could react it grazed his shoulder. Solomon stopped, "I did not expect that move from you. Where did you learn that?"

Elijah was ignoring him for a second; he couldn't believe he actually got a move off on Solomon.

"Hello" Solomon said, snapping his fingers.

"Where did you learn that move ?

"Learned !? nah I didn't learn it, I saw a fox spar with my dad and he used that move with a spear I hadn't seen before."

"Did it look like this" Solomon made his long sword disappear and manifest the exact spear Elijah was thinking of.

"That's it" Elijah said.

"It's Called a naginata mainly ninjas use these weapons, even some monks. I think this would be the perfect weapon for you to use Elijah." Solomon said.

Elijah took the naginata from Solomon and started practicing with it. Solomon stood there for a min thinking, he suddenly stopped and rushed over to Elijah and said "Elijah i know where we can get you an Expert level weapon that has crazy potential".

"Really!?" Elijah said as he made a face. "where is it?"

Ugh yea that's thing it's in the Fox Territory. Where the Vixens reside."