Chapter 6- Crimson Wolf (Part 1)


Quest: Crimson Wolf's Hunt

Rank: D


*Defeat the Crimson wolf*

Recommended: 2-5 players

Reward: +20% affinity with Efferus, ???.

Failure: -150 reputations, -20% affinities with Efferus.

Time Limit: Exiting the dungeon or dying.


"It is against my morals to let a wounded man face such danger. Please rest assured that his rampage stops today."

"Thank you friend, here, take this."

Mylo reaches out to Efferus hand and grabs a strange-looking parchment.


Name: Teleportation Scroll

Rank: Common

Requirement: None

Use: Teleports you to the closest city, town or kingdom.

Cast time: 2.5 seconds.


"This is…"

"This is a teleportation scroll. Please use it in case of emergency or after completing the subjugation. It will allow you to teleport back to Valsea kingdom and meet me at 'The Sweet Court' Inn. After getting some medical treatment I'll meet you there."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Now ill need you to listen carefully; the only way to access the crimson wolf chamber is by opening the metallic door. I assume you tried opening it but failed, right?"


"That metallic door is called a Challenger's Gate. The crimson wolf used his demonic core to establish this cave as his territory. It is also known as a dungeon by the cursed ones. The only way to open the door is to prove yourself as a worthy challenger. In order to do so, you'll have to eliminate all the gray wolves inside the den. After doing so, the challenger's gate will deem you as worthy and open its doors. "

"I see, I understand but… who are those cursed ones?"

"A cursed one is a being who suddenly appeared into the world. The great sage's, scholars and rulers premise is that they were sent by a divine deity to clear the world of the darkness it is currently engulfed in. The cursed ones are immortal beings whose strength has no limits with unbounded curiosity for the unknown. Most of them are righteous people whose purpose is to help the citizens of this world , from accepting even the shallowest requests as long as they are compensated for their deeds. While others make use of their unique characteristic's as immortals to plunder and murder, but those savages would receive retribution upon dying, one that cannot be compared to the righteous ones."

"I see, but what was the reason for adding the word 'cursed one'"

"Because of their immortality. It might sound appealing to never have to die, but in reality the thought of living past you're friends and loved ones clearly say's otherwise. Having to constantly experience other people's death, either from old age, war or other horrible situation life has to offer. the thrill of eternal life might feel amazing at the start but thinking rationally about it, this thrill wouldn't last forever."

"…then the reason you gave me this dangerous request, was because you knew I was a cursed one?"

"…yes. During your confrontation with the wolves, I was certain of your demise. Yet! To my surprise, your strength increased at an astonishing level as well as your wounds healing instantly. Only 'cursed one 's' can so easily gain enlightenment, in particularly during battle."

Mylo thought to himself: "Enlightenment? Does he mean Levelling Up? "

"But aren't the leading figures within the Kingdom be worried of this endless strength that the cursed ones harbor, be used against them? A strength that would eventually be incontrollable."

"That is indeed an issue that worries them, but as of now they aren't of any threat to them. They consider them as new born babies in terms of strength and capability. The leading figures find them extremely useful for completing bothersome requests; they consider them the perfect, 'Disposable Soldiers'. As of now, it doesn't seem like any disciplinary measure will be implemented. "

"Thank you Efferus"

"It's the least I can do to my savior. I will be on my way, Best of luck."

After giving their final words, Efferus used one of his own teleportation scroll and vanish within seconds out of the den.

"Now! I didn't notice because of the fighting and the sudden interaction with Efferus, but I managed to level a second time. Let's see, currently level 3. Seems like the experience needed doubles every level and my health increases by 100 points as well."


Name: Cosmo

Level: 03

Class: Beginner

Title: Discovery of the Undiscoverable


HP: 1000/1200

MP: 100/100


*VIT: 10 (+10) = 20

*STR: 10 (+10) = 20

*AGI: 10 (+10) = 20

*INT: 10 (+10) = 20

*LUK: 0 (+10) = 10

Attribute points: 6


*Inspection Lvl.1 (E-Rank)

*Passive skill: Weapon mastery Lvl.1 (S Rank)

*Discovery of the Undiscoverable Lvl.Max (Rank SSS)

Skill points: 2

Reputation: 1000


"I still haven't decided on what class ill choose, so I'll save up my attribute points for now. As for my skill points ill also put them aside for now, since the inspection skill is the only ability I can increase."

"How about my ego sword? What changes did it get?"


Name: Emperor Bertelemy's VII Rapier

Rank: Ego

Level requirement: 1

Ego Level: 2

Experience: 414/5000

Damage: +200 physical damage


*+ 10 to all attributes

* Gain passive skill (Weapon mastery Lvl.2)

* 10% chance to trigger 'Blight' on hit.




-Half your experience will be shared with the ego sword-


"An increase of 100 flat physical damage. It isn't an ego weapon for no reason. The early development phase allows for the weapon to become even more powerful as it grows."

"…5k experience. Generally speaking, it's not surprising. It's well known within the gaming community that an ego weapon should take a long time to power up. But still... just thinking about the amount of time it will take..."


"Ha~, why am I even complaining about? I shouldn't be grumpy, I might be the luckiest, even the strongest player right now. I got an ego weapon at level 1 not level 100 or level 200. I have the biggest advantage one could wish. Greed can really change the most righteous of man…"


Blight: enemy will lose 2.5% of its maximum HP every second for 12 seconds.

(Double the amount of damage dealt too 'Plant' based enemies)

(Half duration for 'Boss' enemies)


"This really is an overpowered (OP) ailment .I should find myself a 'Plant' based area to grind."

"Okay, it's time to hunt some wolves and get this quest going."


The cave was littered with blood and corpses. Red was the new color of what was once blueish, magical and whimsical secluded cave, which has now become the stage of an abattoir.

The air which would normally carry the sound of howling wolfs is now tanned red with blood , the dead of the losing side are spread around the path and a thick smell of smoke being carried by the torch, a sight of pure nightmare.

During his time in the cave, Mylo managed to defeat 24 wolves earning him 1034 experience points, half of it shared with his ego sword. This allowed him to reach his 4th level. As for drops, he managed to acquire 736 copper coins which can be exchanged for a ratio of a 100:1 silver coin. And 14 wolf hides.

Mylo eventually made it to what was most likely the last enemies he had to face in order to open the Challenger's Gate. He was facing a gray wolf whose features were similar to the valsea gray wolf but the size was almost twice that of a normal wolf. Behind him was a dead end, indicating him that there were no longer any other enemies ahead other than his current one.


Name: Valsea's Gray Wolf (ELITE)

Level: 10

HP: 1000/1000



The wolf lunches itself with a cry of savage wildness, his razor teeth jaws let loose, heading straight into Mylo's neck. Even as the wolf let loose a torrent of blows, his composure remains calm. Allowing him to deflect all the wolf's assault. A look of uncertainty and anxiety finally creeps into the wolf's expression. Exhaustion gripping at him.

After numerous battles with the wolves, Mylo managed to locate their biggest weakness, their short stamina. The wolves had two strong qualities and two fatal weaknesses. They were fast and strong but their defense and stamina were extremely lacking.

The wolf current condition allowed him to rush towards it, landing a fatal slash right to his neck. Granting him the best probability of a critical strike.

[You have dealt critical damage, you have dealt 784 damage.]

[You have dealt the Bleed status; enemy will lose 1.5% of its maximum health for 10 seconds.]

[You have dealt the Blight status; enemy will lose 2% of its maximum health for 12 seconds.]

[Valsea gray wolf (ELITE) lost -35 hp.]

[Valsea gray wolf (ELITE) lost -35 hp.]


Continuous notifications could be seen, showing the wolf rapid loss of health. A flat damage of 784 health and an additional 12 seconds of ongoing injury which calculates too 390 damage. in just a few seconds a total 1,174 damage was dealt to it.

A few seconds later, the wolf fell down and softly howled one last time.


[You have killed Valsea's Gray Wolf (ELITE) Lvl.10.]

[You have gained 432 (120 x 1.8 multiplier x Double Exp)]

[Half of experience gained will be shared with your ego sword.]

[You have gained 120 copper coins (60 x double drop rate)]

[You have gained 'Swift Gloves']

[Would you like to equip 'Swift Gloves'?]


Name: Swift Gloves

Rank: Normal

Level requirement: 1


*+20 Defense

*+4% Increased movement speed


"That is a pretty good drop."

Mylo was satisfied with his reward after easily defeating his opponent, but his expression quickly changed. He was level 4 and the elite version of the gray wolf was level 10.

"What about the Crimson Wolf?"

Even though he easily dealt with the elite wolf, a boss wouldn't even come close in terms of difficulty. granted that Mylo wished for more time in order to prepare, he couldn't. Leaving the dungeon was out of the question, the double exp and loot drop was still taking place, he would be foolish to not make use it on the boss.

Mylo headed back to where the Challenger's Gate was located, every step he took his heart rate would increase. Until he finally reached his destination.

"Crimson wolf…"

Mylo touched the gate's handle and slowly started to open the metallic door.



