Chapter 10- Lexx

As Mylo was walking toward the gates that allowed players to enter the valsea's forest, he could see numerous players whispering as he passes the alleyway.

"Hey,is that..."

"No way…"

"Cosmo, there's only one with that name…"

"Should we go talk to him?"

"Don't, I heard that one of the major guilds 'cosmos legion', has targeted him."



Mylo now understood the reason for the numerous whispers and gazes.

"Ha~, I knew I would get unwanted attention because of that global announcement…"

He kept walking without paying attention to them, but was abruptly stopped by a strange looking men.

Black, short hair hangs over a thin, smiling face, as if he was unconditionally happy. He had partially shut eyes, unable for one to look at his eye lid. Looking at him for the first time, one could judge him as a wise man. But mylo only had one thought when looking at him, cunning. From the outside he might seem like a gentle and polite individual, but to mylo, his appearance was like a mask, hiding his true self and intensions.

"Hello Mr.Cosmo, my in-game name is Lexx. I am the Vice-Leader of the major guild 'Cosmos Legion'. Mm…"

Mylo already knew the guild 'Cosmos Legion' , that was because it was the guild his uncle funded using his parent's money. The one in charge of the guild outside affaires was his uncle but the one handling the in game affaires was his uncle's son, Yulis Cosmo or also known in game by Zaros.

Yulis was an egotistical and bad mannered individual. His only thoughts are about social reputation, wealth and power similarly to his fathers character. He adores trampling on the weak and controlling them. If things don't work out in his favor, he uses his father's influence and money to make it favorable. A truly silver spooned individual.

Mylo expression changed, showing a certain hostility towards Lexx.


"Ahem…that's a unique-looking sword you have attached to your waist. Is that the reward you acquired from completing the first boss kill?"

"What do you want from me?"

"…, I came to see you in order to invite you as a core member of our guild. Of course you will have a high paying salary as well as medical and dental benefit. And you will be provided the best VR capsule currently in the market."


"You seem to be surprised by how amazing the offer is, but this is a special offer only available for you and no one else. What do you say?"

"Not interested."


"I said I wasn't interested in joining a guild, in particularly yours."


"None of your business, Goodbye."


"What is it now?"

"My sincere apology, but I can not let you leave in such manners."

As Mylo was leaving, four players started surrounding him on all four sides.

"What is this?"

"I've been ordered to use any means necessary. I can't let you grow stronger, who knows what kind of obstacle you could bring to us in the future."

"Such a childish action."

Mylo drew out his rapier and replied.

"Are you sure you want to attack me in the middle of the kingdom? I doubt the guards would just watch. I would advise against it."

"Its fine, the four of them already knows the consequences of fighting inside the kingdom. They will be handsomely rewarded for their deeds."

"What a shameful guild."


The four goons attacked simultaneously toward Mylo. He easily dodged the attacks coming his way, with the increased movement speed from the Inn's Buff effect plus the movement speed from the gloves he currently has equipped, he easily had an increased movement speed of 24%.

[You have been attacked by players; you are allowed to defend yourself without any consequences.]

The goons were surprised by his speed. But by the time they realized his evasive style of play, one of them had already been dealt with.

[You have dealt 389 damage to Goon #1]

[You have applied the Blight status; enemies will lose 2.5% of their maximum hp every second for 12 seconds.]


The sudden damage value surprised the four players, they weren't elite players but they knew the capability of an elite player and the kind of damage value they could output. The highest they saw was 100 damage to an elite mob. But their current enemy dealt more than 600 damage with one basic attack. What they didn't know was that Mylo had his physical damage increased by 45% with the addition of his sizable attribute stats, whish allowed such terrifying numbers.

After a few seconds, the first goon died. The remaining three hooligans and the spectating players were astonished by the current situation. Whispers started to spread around the street.

"L-Lexx, h-his too strong!"


"Looks like the guards payed attention to our little commotion, let's retreat for now. And…mark my words, Mr.Cosmo. The choice you made today will bring you unfortune events."

"Stop spewing nonsense. Hooligans such as yourself speak the same crap when they get their asses handed to them. A piece of advice, go to your leader and start licking his ass before he takes off your pay roll for the week."



"Time's up kid."

"..., LET'S GO!"


The players left in a rush in order to escape the guard's attention, so did Mylo and the players watching the fight.

"Ha~,I didn't think I would already face off against his guild."

"Whatever, I still have the advantage. For now let's try to complete Efferus quest."

[You have entered 'Valsea Forest'.]

"Let's head back to the dungeon's location."
