Chapter 21- Golden Child

Mylo was currently in the kingdom, pondering on his next journey. He didn't have any quests to fulfill. He could go around the kingdom and talk with npc's, which in turn, would hopefully provide him with something to do. He wasn't optimistic about receiving anything good. He knew how rare quests like Efferus's was. He also contemplated about wandering around aimlessly into the wilderness, letting fate guide him.

While Thinking about his next action, he suddenly felt a pulling session around his leg. he could feel his pants being stretch slightly from below. He looked downwards and saw a small child.

"Sir, coins?"


The young one was around five or six years old. He had oily black and short hair, innocent black eyes, which revealed a dirty yet handsome face. Looking closer, his clothes, or rather, what was once a fabric of average looks were now unrefined, tattered and dirty pieces of rags similar to that of discarded old wet towels. What truly saddened Mylo was the fact that he wasn't wearing any shoes, showing his feet filled with dirt, blood and other unknown substance, maybe food or insects he stepped on.

"Here, take thi-"

Before giving away the money to the impoverished boy, he suddenly questioned the possibility of a hidden quests within this sudden interaction. As such, he decided to explore the feasibility.

"What is your name young man?"

"Aureus, mom told me that it means 'Golden'"

"What a wonderful name. Then Aureus what are you planning on doing with the coins I am about to give you?"

"Buy medicine for mommy."

"What's wrong with your mother?"

"Mom has been sick for a very, very long time. She can barely walk and is always laying down the bed. She coughs blood a lot and need to consume medicine regularly or she will get sicker."

"Where's your father? Shouldn't he be around to help you and your mother?"

"I never saw my dad. Mom said that he lives beyond the closed gates and that we will never see him."

"I see…"

"Coins now?"

"How about you let me see your mother, maybe I could help her."

"Really? Every time I ask for help, everyone ignores me or beats me to leave them alone."

"Don't worry I'm not like them. I will help you and your mother with the best of my abilities."

"Thank you!"

[New Quest Acquired]


Quest: Golden Child Part 1(Chain quest)

Rank: Hidden


*Meet Aureus mother.

Reward: Golden Child Part 2 (Chain quest)

Failure: None

Time limit: Before the mother dies


"Come, we live behind the alleyway."

"I'm right behind you."

Mylo started following Aureus. They reached a dark and not so welcoming back street. As they walked forward, Mylo could see many individuals looking at him. They were all wearing ragged clothes, they were either sleeping on the floor or drinking alcohol. Some even publicly displayed sexual acts.

"This game truly doesn't shy away from R-rated contents. "

The game is only available for people aged 18 and plus. If anyone tried to play right before the legal age then the brain wave scanner would figure it out and block access to such person before he reaches the allowed age.

"We're here."


"Mom! I'm back."

From the outside, the house looked old and tattered, one could easily mistake it for a small shack. The building was shaped like a small cube. It had been built with wood, covered with a few old fabrics on the rooftop. Tall but partly shut windows without the glass add to the overall look of the house. From the inside only a few items could be seen. It had a small kitchen and an even smaller table right next to it, in Mylo's perspective it seemed to be their dining area. And further in the corner he could see one bedroom with someone laying in it.

*cough, cough*

"Welcome back honey."

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Yes don't worry *cough*"

"Mom I brought someone, he said he could help you."


"Hello Madame, my name is Cosmo. I heard from your son that you're really sick. It deeply saddened me to see such a young fellow in that state. Which is why I asked him to bring me to you. If there's any thing I can do to help you or your son, please do tell."

"*Caught* there's no need, we do not have any money anyway."

"Don't get me wrong Madame; I'm not here for money. I'm here for my weekly good deed."

"Weekly good deed?"

"Indeed, I promised myself to do a good deed either small or big at least once a week. And it happens that you are the victim of my support."

Mylo completely and plainly lied to the poor sickly woman. But he felt that she wouldn't provide him with a quest if he didn't try to convince her in such a way.

"I see, it seems like my pleading to god hasn't been left unanswered. I can only pray that you are indeed here for such reasons. "


"Aureus go outside and play for now. Let me speak with this gentleman for a moment."

"Okay mother!"


"Mr. Cosmo…"

"Unfortunately, I am but just a few short breaths away from my last."

Those words were all too familiar to him. The laying woman, barely hanging for life reminded him of his past self. He looked at her with only compassion and nothing else. Even thought, he too felt the gasp of air leave him, he didn't have anyone too worry about. He left without any worldly unresolved affaires. But in her case, she still had her child to account for.

"I can feel death approaching, I have but a few hours left before I leave Aureus to fend for himself."


"If you truly are here to help, then..."

"Please do speak."

"Bring Aureus to the noble's district to meet his father."


*Cough, Cough*

"Before my son was born, I used to be a concubine for a noble man. I unfortunately ended up being pregnant to the person I served. The lord found out about my pregnancy and threw me away. He felt ashamed and did not wish to raise a bastard child. Particularly from a woman that wasn't of noble blood. He exiled me from the noble's district. The sorrow and distress I felt at the time, in addition to the birth of my son brought forth my current sickly demeanor. Unfortunately, the disease had no cure, with the help of a certain medicine I managed to slow down my inevitable death."

"That monster!"

"Please do not slander him. You have to understand his position.*Cough*"

"Even so… to toss you without any help. It's just horrible."

"Thank you for your concern but the deed has been made."


"My request to you isn't to bring my son to his father… but to provide him with a safe place to live and be loved."

"I don't understand? Why not bring him to his father?"

"This man never goes back in his decision, even if it's the wrong one. There's a high probability that his father rejects him or worse... harms him. If you still wish to bring him to his father, please protect my child from any harm and find him a new home."


"Are you okay!"

"What is your answer Mr. Cosmo?"


" What is the name of his father?"

"Noble man, Orsova."

"Believe me, I will fulfil your dying wish."

"Thank you, may god protect you during your journey. I will forever be thankful and bless your existence in the after life."

[Congratulations you have completed the quest 'Golden Child Part 1']

[You have acquired a new quest!]


Quest: Golden Child Part 2 (Chain Quest)

Rank: Hidden


*Meet Nobleman, Orsova

Reward: Will depend on the progress.

*The lord accepts to take in Aureus (reward :????)

*The Nobleman refuses to take in Aureus (Reward: Golden child Part 3 (Chain quest)

Failure: Unknown

Time limit: None


"Mr. Cosmo, please bring my son inside. I will inform him of the situation. And please, do wait outside until he comes out."

"…as you wish Madame…may you rest in peace with all your worries washed away."

The sickly woman smiled and said.

"A mother will always be worried for his child."


Mylo walked away slowly and step outside. Beside the door was Aureus sitting in an old wooden chair.

"Are you done? What did you speak with my mother? Can she be healed?"

"…your mother is calling you. She wants to talk with you."

"Okay. What about you?"

"Il wait for you outside, until you're done."

"Oh, you're staying to play with me?"

"…don't make your mother wait."

"Oh! You're right!"

Aureus hurriedly went inside the house and left the unmoved Mylo by himself.

"…damnit… why is this game so realistic."
