Chapter 23- Mist of Valsea

Mylo explained his situation from start to finish. Efferus felt pity for the small child, in some way he felt similar to him. They both lost someone dear to them. Thought, Efferus still wasn't certain of his son current condition, he was still a realist.

"I understand your predicament. You need me to bring you past the gates and into the noble district in order to let the child meet his father."


"I do know Orsova, I completed one of his requests in the past. He still owes me a favor. I could send him a letter in order to have a meeting with him."

"Really! That would be amazing."



"It would take around a week before I get an answer back from him. During that time I would like to request something out of you…once again."

"Let me guess, you want me to find out what happened to your son."

By now, Mylo knew the required condition to trigger quests. The moment he heard about what happened to Idece, he knew it wasn't long before he would get a quest to investigate his whereabouts.

"You're the only one I can entrust this task. If I send someone other then a cursed one, the chances of him coming back alive would be slim, as such I wouldn't receive any information. But if you died, you would be resurrected and come back to me with some valuable intel. And since you're the best and the most trusted cursed one I know. I would really be indebted to you."

[New Quest Acquired!]


Quest: Are You Alive Idece?

Rank: Unknown


*Find Idece Dead or Alive

*If found dead, bring proof.

Reward: 10% Affinity with Efferus ,???

Failure: -10% Affinity with Efferus.

Time Limit: 7 days.


"Okay I will help you, but you have to watch over Aureus until I get back."

"Don't worry, the little one can live with me until you return. He can sleep in Idece's room."

Mylo took a glance over Aureus Direction and asked him;

"Are you fine with this, Aureus?"

"Yes mister. I do not mind, the old man seems nice."

"Stop calling me old man!"

"Okay old man."


"Anyway, Efferus tell me. Did Idece inform you of his location before he left?"

"Yes, he went inside the deepest parts of the Valsea's Forest. There's a myth between us hunters, inside the deepest parts of the Valsea forest exists a mysterious cave that can only be reached after surviving the thick fog surrounding it. You either get lost inside the fog forever until you die or you enter the cave and die inside. So far, no one has ever returned after heading inside the fog."

"Why would he risk his life for such pity reason."

"My son has an immeasurable pride and ego inside of him, that's why."

"No wonder you were skeptical. Having me go beyond the fog would be a much better gamble then risk a non-cursed one's life."


"I understand, then I will head out right away."

"Wait, take this. This will bring you to the location of the fog. Only few hunters now of its location, including myself."

[You have acquired 'Efferus Map']

"Thank you."

"Then I wish you the best of luck."


Mylo was currently walking towards the location of the fog area that Efferus mentioned.

"I hope my level will be enough to challenge the monsters lurking there."

The longer he walked, the less populated the surrounding area's were. Until no one other than him was within the area. Not even a single beast or monster. Slowly but surely Mylo could see a thick fog forming around him until it fully blurred out his vision. He couldn't even see where he was stepping into. The fog was far-reaching and dense. He doubted whether he was heading in the right direction, until;

[You have entered 'Mist of Valsea's]

[Cannot use menu or communication setting while inside the Mist]

"Mist of Valsea? Efferus didn't tell me the location had its own name."



As Mylo was about to turn around to look at what made the cracking sound, he forcefully stopped himself after glancing at the the unexpected message he received.

[Emperor Bartelemy's spirit Is warning you]

[Let us not look back out of fear or curiosity, but look forward in daring or else our own fault could trap us for ever.]

"Huh? "

"do not turn back out of fear or curiosity or else? It could trap us for ever? Bartelemy? are you warning me?."

After realizing the threat lurking behind him thanks to the spirit's ominious warning, Mylo kept walking without looking back.

Ten minutes passed , then twenty , thirty, etc. Mylo kept walking without break, he lost count on how long he was marching for. For Every step he took, A sound could be heard from behind. At first Mylo did not take it to heart and ignored it but the longer he kept advancing inside the mist the louder the sound became and the closer it got to him. Still, he did not turn around. He knew what would happen if he did. He resolved himself once again and kept walking forward.

Close ahead, Mylo could finally see light . He ran as fast as he could until he reached the glowing area. As soon as he sets foot outside the mist domain, he was welcomed by a modest island in the center of a small lake. Around the lake was dense and thick trees reaching as high as sky scrappers. The top of trees were covered by a wide mist, hiding this beautiful yet mysterious place from the rest of the world. At the centermost of the island was but a single reef cave.

[Congratulations you are the first player to discover, 'Valsea's Undiscovered Area']

[The area has never been known by the leaders governing Valsea, you have the privilege of naming the area. Would you like to name the area? (YES/NO) ]

"What? Hmm. I like the idea of not naming the area. It adds to its cryptic allure."

[You have declined to name the area. ]

[ ]

"Only a blank space? I like it! It truly does match the area with its 'foggy' origin. This will only add more mystery to the lore of second chronicle's. Hahaha~."

[For the next 24 hours all experience and drop rates will be doubled]

"I wonder if Idece actually made it here."

"Let's cross over the lake for now and see what's inside the cave."
