Chapter 25-Eolenuq

Mylo rushed towards the raid boss without any care, the closer he got, the more the elk's complexion changed for the worse. He was a few meters away from the boss, yet, for some reason the elk didn't move at all. Instead, the ground around him was moving. Trembling sensation could be felt beneath his feet, the closer he got the stronger it got. Mylo felt that something was wrong, with a strong burst on his right leg he instinctively moved to the left. Within the next moment, a thorn spike emerged from the ground where he last stood.

"Shit! Long-range attack, one hit and I'm dead. I need to at least see the stats of the item his protecting."

Mylo kept rushing toward the elk, every time he got closer, the faster the spike would emerge. Because of that, he had to retread multiple times. Thirty minutes passed without much progress.

"How can I get closer? If only I was faster! Think! Think of something!"

[Extreme Concentration has been activated! All stats are doubled!]

[Extreme Concentration Will Expire the Moment You Falter Your Concentration.]

"What! I forgot about this skill! That's what I needed! My agility is at 29, by doubling it I'm currently at 58. I can do this!"

One of the stat that the agility attribute increased was a player's movement speed. That's why assassins and archers primary attribute was the agility. Even though his stats doubled, he was still a speck of dust compared to that unit of a beast. His current stat could be similar or even higher to that of a level 20 players. But that boost was too insignificant to go against a raid boss whose level should be around 100. But Mylo didn't care about fighting it, he just wanted to get close to altar.


Mylo managed to dodge all the spikes coming his way, allowing him to reach the 15 meters mark. He realized that every ten meters the boss pattern would change. The spikes that were constantly appearing halted the moment he managed to reach that distance, instead vines could be seen travelling from the elk's feet towards him.

"Crowd control ability this time!"

The vines slithered at high speed. But the number of vines seemed too small, oddly small. He then understood that a raid boss would truly shine the more players there was. If there's a party of 50 he knew that the number of vines and even spikes would increase drastically, the spike could easily pass through tanks and deal catastrophic damage to healers and support classes ,easily making the party composition useless .


"Huh? What is that?"


Name: Constraint Vines

Level: 1

Hp: 1000000/1000000

Description: Vines created from Eolenuq body. They are considered minions and are separate entities. They are not considered one and the same, each one is different. They are extremely durable and are used to restrain preys.


"I-I can use that!"

Mylo starts sprinting toward the vines. Even though he knew the consequences of letting one vine touch him would be a game over, he kept bravely moving head-on. As the first vine came at him, he drew his rapier and slashed the creeper. Mylo slightly smirked and thought to himself, "as expected!"

[You have successfully 'Maimed' Constraint Vines #1.]

After realizing that the vines where individual mob, he remembered the second option of his ego sword, Thorns! Thorns allowed his first basic attack to inflict the maim ailment status. Maim restricts the damaged area from any movement. Since the vine had only one body part, its whole structure would crumble. Even though the vines had a million health point, it was completely useless if it couldn't move.

The elk seemed surprised by this sudden development. Even though the boss seemed to have lost most of its reasoning, Mylo could still see that it didn't understand how such a small insignificant being could reach so far.

Mylo managed to reach the five meter mark. The elk in front of him seemed much bigger and larger than when he was farther away from it. It size was similar to that of an elephant, completely deviating from a common elk.

The elk's horn started shinning a brilliant purple light. Without any warnings, the elk moved its head in order to impale Mylo with it hefty horns. But Mylo managed to successfully dodge its attack while counter attacking at the same time. He used his rapier to graze the elk's stomach allowing him to maim him, giving him a few seconds to get passed him.

[Eolenuq has used Natural Detox.]

[Eolenuq has dispelled 'Maimed.]

"Shit! I forgot about dispels. Of course a raid boss would own one. But it's too late, I've wo-ARGHR!"

Three meters, the distance between him and the altar. Unfortunately for Mylo, this was the further he could attain. Layer on top of his feet where numerous vines, prohibiting his movement, the instant he got captured, thorn spikes emerged from the ground, impaling him from all sides. The elk purposely allowed its prey to pass through him so that he could step inside his trap.

"Shit! You're smarter then you look."

[You have been constrained. You are paralyzed for 10 seconds.].

[You have been infected by Extreme Poison. You will lose 10% hp every second for 12 seconds]

[You have lost 2399 hp.]

After confirming that the insignificant human was caught in his trap. The Elk slightly gloated and turned around not paying attention to him any longer .

[Zealous Bracelet Effect has been activated. You are immune to all damage and crowd control for 10 seconds.]

[Zealous Bracelet effect: 9/10.]

Mylo was taking aback; he recalled the bracelet's effect that Efferus gave him as a reward.

"That's my chance!"

Mylo rushed toward the item. Being immune to all crowd control effects naturally dispelled the paralyzing status he was inflicted with.

The elk stopped his advancement and heard the sound of steps; it quickly turned and saw its prey moving without any trouble. Its anger rose to the extreme, it sprinted with its four legs in directions to the prey.

"It's too late!"

As if he calculated everything beforehand, Mylo grabbed the seed floating in the altar and deposited it into his inventory. He raised his right hand and with much vigor, displays in full force the middle finger facing the elk vicinity.

"I'll see you later!"

[You have Acquired Yggdrasil seed (Corrupted).]

[Zealous Bracelet effect expired.]

[You have lost 240 hp from extreme poison.]

[You have died.]

