Chapter 36- Goblin Patrols

The night sky was aglow from the campfire. Mylo stood behind the bushes nearest to the camp. For a short period, he could solely hear the leaves emanated from the bushes, quivering from the breezed wind. Occasional watchers would patrol the area as to catch any intruders, indicating that most goblins were already sleeping. Mylo stealthily left his hiding spot and headed towards the singled patrol right outside the outskirt of the camp.

[Effect of stealth increased at night. 15 %=> 20 %]


Before enacting his plan, he remembered his newly acquired inspection skill, 'Lesser Ancient Analysis. The only item he tried to inspect after receiving this skill was his rapier, it didn't occur to him that his other items could potentially have hidden effects. He took a look at his hand, which had the ring equiped on it and re-inspected it.

[Hidden Effect found on 'Stealth Ring']


Name: Stealth Ring

Rank: C

Level Requirement: 15


*+ 3 AGI

*Gain the Passive skill 'Stealth Lvl 1' (E RANK).

Stealth: Basic skill given to those who choose the Rogue's path;Increase effect of hiding and sneaking by 15%.

*Hidden Effect: Increases Stealth Effect at Night by 5%.



"After I'm done here, I should re-inspect all my equipment's."

After removing the notification window from his view, Mylo crept toward the goblin patrol. Before ambushing him, he made sure that it wasn't an elite or champion mob. Fortunately the 'Green Goblin Patrol' was only a level 20 common mob with similar stats to that of the scout goblin but with 200 more hp.


[You have dealt a surprise attack, damage applied will deal critical damage.]

[You have dealt a critical damage]

[You have Killed 'Green Goblin Patrol']

[You have gained 1785 EXP (850 EXP x 0.4 x 50%)]

Ambushing an enemy guarantees your first attack to deal a critical hit. It was for that reason alone that Mylo decided to wait until night time which allowed him to easily lurk around the encampment while ambushing them in silence. Even thought the game mechanic was good, it could also be considered a double edged sword since it could also be used by monsters as well as player killers (PKers). That reason alone made defensive passive skills extremely sought after by players, having decent amounts of survival skills could mitigate the damage of such unexpected attacks.

"Let's head to the next one."

Mylo ambushed two more patrolling goblins outside of the camp's walls, gaining 3,570 experience points. Only leaving one patrol to be dealt with. However, the remaining one wasn't simple to deal with compared to the previous ones.


Name: Green Goblin Patrol Captain. (Elite)

Level: 25

HP: 5000/5000


The Green Goblin Patrol Captain is the leader of the patrol group. One could easily mistake him for a hobgoblin whose size doubles that of a normal goblin. The plated armor covering most of its body makes him very durable to melee attacks. Even thought he has hight defences capacity, it's lack of movement from the armors heaviness, makes him an easy target. Compared to its underlings, the patrol captain has a unique skill allowing him to shout for assistance within 30 meters of his current location.


[Hidden Information has been discovered regarding 'Green Goblin Patrol Captain']


Hidden Information: His Unique Shout skill 'Warning Call', increases allied reinforcement damage by 20% and his own by 10%.


"A misplay from my part would be awfully fatal. A prolonged battle would lead to my death, the clashing of metal would revibrate the sound throughout the camp and this is something I can't allow. I would need to aim for his throat first, maiming his vocal chord would greatly increase my chances of victory. At this point, it's do or die."

Mylo slowly approached his target while making sure he wasn't noticed. As the distance between them thinned, he gradually repositioned himself in the most optimal point to swiftly slit the goblins throat. With overflowing confidence in his ambush, he thrusted his rapier towards the goblin neck. But right before he could complete his action, a sudden sound alarmed the Elite goblin in front of him.


The chirping of crows startled the patrol captain, making him turn his head towards Mylo as he was about to hit him.


[You Have Dealt 301 Damage]

Unfortunately for him, the surprise attack was a complete failure. With barely any damage done, the goblin captain jumped back in a defensive posture. Because of the failed ambush, Mylo wasn't able to land the guaranteed critical hit which in turn also made him miss the throat strike he was aiming for. To boot it all, his attack landed on the enemy chest area which was protected by a layer of plated armor that negated the maimed effect from being inflicted. Everything that could have gone bad happened. He could only hope that the Elite goblin wouldn't use his unique ability.


['Green Goblin Patrol Captain' used 'Warning Call']


Within seconds, Mylo was surrounded by dozens of goblins. Completely blocking his escape path.

"How can I escape this? Should I fake my death like I did with Eolenuq, the elk boss? No, I shouldn't waste my zealous bracelet skill count for such situations."

While thinking for a way to escape his current predicament, a sudden tremor could be felt beneath his feet. Every few seconds the intensity of the shacked terrain would increase. The goblin's blocking the path slowly distanced themselves from each other, leaving an open path for something to head inside. A massive red tattooed Goblin could be seen entering the encirclement. He was holding with him a gigantic Two-Handed Axe in his right arm.

"Shit! That wasn't the plan. You were supposed to be the last one to be dealt with… Goblin Boss."
