chapter 55- Zaros VS Eric

Standing tall was a man of average height. The demeaner he gave off was that of a dignified man whose belief differentiated him from his peers. His shaved head made his fully groomed out facial hair shine. Similarly to Shaolin martial artist, Eric was bare handed as to compliment his class fighting style. While the Monk class had the ability to wield blunt weapons such as staves, most would take the hand-to-hand combat style as they will acquire a bonus damage stat for not equipping any weapons. Those that would take this path were portrayed as brave warriors and experienced martial artist in real life. In the right hand, this class could deal as much damage then any other warrior classes.

In front of Eric was a fully armored young man holding in hand a Great sword. The only visible area was his beautiful yet menacing face and his silky brown hair. The man had hawk like eyes that could charm any who would dare glance into them. His bushy black eyebrows and defined jaw brought more definition to his charismatic look.

The combination of heavy armor and heavy weapon was quite unusual for most, if not, all players. the constraint of both armor and great sword heaviness was nothing to scoff at, but the man was moving in them without any issues. But how could that be possible, you may wonder? It was quite simple, the man wearing such inconvenient items was the guild leader of one of the most prominent guilds in the game, Zaros! During an interview in the most popular gaming news channel, he divulged that the reward he acquired for being the first warrior's class was a passive skill named [Unrestrained Warrior]. This passive skill was of unique rarity which allowed him to [Ignore all movement penalties from Armors]. This overpowered ability truly shinned with heavy hitting classes such as the Berserker which was known for being extremely squishy in exchange for power and speed. It was possible for him to remove this weakness with this single passive skill. Having both defensive and offensive capabilities and infinite resources at his disposal, he was considered one, if not, the strongest player in Second Chronicles.


With a powerful leg push, Eric Brim instantly appeared Infront of Zaros. He quickly ducked and pushed forth a palm strike aiming at Zaros chin. But to his surprise, Zaros easily dodged his attack by lifting his head up to the sky. The palm strike barely missing its mark. While his head was still in a upward state, his eye slowly glanced down at Eric. With a menacing tone, he says "Slow!".


That single word brought a sense of fear into Eric's heart, sweet quickly started dripping doing his neck. In this instant, he instinctively retreated back to his earlier spot. When he was in a safe position, he realized what happened and couldn't believe it.

'Was I fearful of him? Me? A Kung-fu master in real life?' He though.

"What happened my friend? Things just started to get interesting. HAHAHA!"

'What a monster...'

"If you aren't going to come at me, THEN I WILL!"

Holding both hands into the great sword, Zaros strongly leaped to the sky, crashing towards Eric. While his action wasn't considered threatening, Eric couldn't help but feel a sense of danger from his simple and evident attack.

"I-I can't block that!"

With a quick side step, he moved away from Zaros trajectory.




Eric understood the spectators words, but he always trusted his instinct and knew that if he blocked this strike, he would be sliced in half instead. As to prove his point, the moment Zaros landed his Great sword toward the ground.



A massive crack could be seen around the Great sword landing spot, dust and debris flying in every direction. Astonishment and fear could be seen in the spectator expression. While most knew the effect of the [Unrestraint Warrior] only Zaros knew its true potential. While he could ignore the heaviness of the armor, it didn't mean that the weight were lifted. In contrary, Zaros made full use of the armor and great sword weight which added into the momentum of his strike, giving him more power as he fell down. It was quite simple calculation, Strike plus momentum plus heaviness equals destructive power.

"My~, why would you let go of such an occasion to counter me? I tried to give you this chance, what a shame~. Should I just face you a bit more seriously?"

"... fucking monster."


Eric grunted, but didn't have the time to lay around doing nothing. He lashed a powerful straight palm strike.

"Lynx Strike!"

The strike landed successfully into Zaros stomach. Unfortunately, the assault barely upset his opponent balance. Instead, he staggered backwards from the recoil of his strike which led him to be off balance.

[You dealt 70 damage]

'WHAT KIND OF DEFENCE IS THIS' he screamed internally

"That was truly disappointing Eric. Truly..."

During his moment of distraught, Eric could see a massive metallic and sharp weapon falling towards him. His only option was to block using his only defensive skill, he tied his arms in a cross shape and positioned it towards his upper body. Even thought he only had one defensive skill, it was one he carefully choose to face dire situation such as this one.

"Beetle shell!"

"It's useless! HEAVY STRIKE!"

The great sword started to shine with a heavy light. Indicating the coming of a powerful skill. A fraction of a second was all Zaros needed. Despise his best effort to defend himself, he finally realized his pitiable situation. In comparison to his opponent insane physical power, his lacking defense was nothing. One slash was enough to show him and every other players spectating to this man slaughter the difference in strength.

"I'm sorry Edward, I truly tried to-"

[You have been dealt 4,102 damage]

[You have died]

[You will be transported outside the tournament ground. Thank you for participating!]

"Ha~, this was so boring~."

[Congratulations! You have won all ten matches. You will be transported to the waiting area, until the start of the finals.]