Chapter 59- Finals (part 2)

Edward is a man in his early twenties with long silver like hair and sharp sapphire eyes. The garb he wore was that of a medieval knights armor made out of silver. Around his neck he wears a large cobalt blue cape that is being held by a large cross shaped ornament, the cape had similar decorative pattern to that of the ornament. The weapon Edward held was a highland broadsword which emphasize his knightly appearance. The impression Edward gave was that of a cool individual of very few words and strong determination. His detached and unwavering expression makes him quite the popular figure with both genders. Being the guild leader of 'Law Keeper', one of the strongest guild in the game and having the support of his family, one of the richest British family makes him a truly terrifying man.

'He gives off such strong aura...'

Edward did not pay attention to the spectators cheers and applause. He was truly nonchalant about his own influence. Rather, he gave his attention to the individual in front of him. After identifying his opponent a sudden displeased expression could be seen in his face, and not long after spoke out to Mylo.



"What's your connection with Yulis Cosmo?"

'Huh?! How does he know my cousin?... Looking at his expression, he seems to have animosity with him. I should hide the fact that I'm his cousin as not to make an unnecessary enemy. My hands are already full with my uncle and cousin, I shouldn't add another obstacle. '

"Yulis Cosmo? Oh! is it because of my in game tag name? I just choose this name because I love the cosmos, unfortunately 'Cosmos' was already taken so I had to make do without the 's', so 'Cosmo'"

"...I see."

'I'm sorry for deceiving you. But at least I didn't lie to you about my relation with him, rather I didn't say anything about it. This was your own interpretation of my words.'

"Then, shall we get started with our duel."

"Oh...yes we should."

Mylo stood there his rapier in hand, waiting for his opponent to make the first move. Edward understood his intention and as to answer his call, he lifted his broadsword and fully extended it straight out from his body in direction to his opponent. Both arms where fully stretched out and had a good amount of distance between each other as to provide enough control and flexibility to the elbows. His posture was a traditional stance called the 'Long point guard stance'. This stance could be seen as both an offensive and defensive technique as it could protect or attack depending on the situation. Even thought Mylo wasn't proficient in martial arts, he could still tell that his opponent had no vulnerable area to his stance.

"Heed my words."


"Forfeit this match. You stand no chance against me. "

"And why would you think that?"

"Your posture alone indicates your lack of martial knowledge. It is as if I was looking at a child wielding dangerous weaponry."


'His in such at a high level of martial understanding that he could tell the absence of combat capabilities I have.'

"Even if I am bound to lose this duel, I would considered it a win If I could learn even one thing from it."

"Your determination is too be acknowledged. Then! I will not hold back!"

Wasting no time, Edward pressed forward, keeping his sword in the guarded stance as he closed the line between each other. Mylo glared at him, still unable to find any opening. The closer he approached the more pressure he exuded, thinning Mylo patience. Finaly at his breaking point, Mylo cut at Edward, but was easily parried by Edwards Long point guard posture. Without any hesitation, Edward followed with a quick and efficient counter strike, barely wasting any movement, cleaving into Mylo chest.



Retaliation (F Rank) (Active)

*Cooldown: 30 seconds

*Using this skill after a successful parry will double your next basic attack.


[You have been dealt 945 damage]


The counter attack made him stumble and fall to the floor. Having barely any time to defend himself from his pitiful state, he expected a follow up attack to come. But to his surprise nothing happened.

"How long are you going to lay there. Stand up and show me your resolve."

Mylo was speechless. He knew that Edward had chosen the Knights class from the cleric path, one of the most common classes to choose from but did not expect him to unbody the knight honor's behavior within the game. He was an exemplary figure to look up to when it came to the knight's code of conduct. He had every aspect which included: mercy, humility, honor, sacrifice, faithfulness, courage and utmost graciousness

"Why didn't you follow up with your previous attack?"

"I consider such acts as foul play. I'm a knight! Fairness in a duel is a most!"

"That generous character will someday be your down fall."


'Hmm? Why isn't replying back'

"Let's stop with those useless chatter, we are in the middle of a duel. Let us speak using our swords."

"So be it!"

Mylo appreciated his virtuous character but still felt hopeless Infront of him. As much as he wanted to win, he couldn't find any way to deal any damage. He was wearing a fully plated armor, which made it hard for him to apply the Thorns debuff. He also had no active skill to make use of to help him change the tied of the battle, while his opponent most likely had plenty to use.

"Graceful Duel!"


[Edward has applied the 'Graceful Duel' mark on you. While in a one on one battle with the owner of the mark, both individual will have their damage increased by 50% and defense decreased by 50%]

"What is this!"

"This is a unique skill I acquired after winning against a knights captain in a duel. I am quite confident in my abilities to fight, as such I have decided to end this duel as quickly as possible. This is also my way to show mercy to you by giving you a better chance in winning this match."

"The more time I spend with you, the more I'm fascinated by your sense of righteousness and boldness."

"I am done with the useless talks, here I come! HA!"




Graceful Duel ( A Rank) (Active)

*Cooldown: 1 hour

*Mark an opponent, When in a one versus one duel both you and the marked individual will have their damage increased by 50% and defense decreased by 50%
