Chapter 64- Opportunity For Growth

After registering to become a student of Ludovic's fencing school, Mylo headed back home since the closing hours came to pass. It was decided by both of them that he would start his first lesson the next morning. Since it would be hours before the school's opening hours, Mylo decided to log back into game.

[Welcome back to Second Chronicles!]

Mylo was sitting in the bed of the Inn he currently rested at. He wondered what action he should take to get stronger. After the PvP event ended, he realized how weak and useless he was, he did not think that the lack of active skills would be so detrimental.

"Whatever, what has been done cannot be reverted. Let's just run with it, it's well known in the gaming community that weak starter builds could always end up being the strongest as you feed in more and more resources to it. Let's just have faith in the "Vision".

Mylo lifted himself from the bed and walked towards the door. He wondered what he should be aiming for as he completed all his quests. Having no goals in mind, Mylo decided to visit Efferus and Aureus. He still had a certain relation with them, he felt the need to keep it alive as if they where real life acquaintances. As he approached the exit, a sudden knocking sound could be heard behind the door.


"Cosmo, are you inside?"

Mylo recognized this voice. He quickly reached out to the door's knob and opened the wooden plank separating him from his guest.

"What a welcoming surprise! I was just thinking about heading your way, Efferus."

"I'm sorry for intruding unannounced but I wish to have a word with you, do you mind?"

"Of course not, please come inside. Where is Aureus? Did you not bring him with you?"

"Aureus is now a student of the Royal Academy."

"Royal Academy?"

"Yes, even thought the Royal Academy can only be attended by nobles. I managed to register Aureus in it thanks to the help of his royal highness. It seems like my lord had seen something in him and allowed his presence within the Academy."

"Amazing! You must be happy to learn that the path his heading too is full of accomplishment."

'It seems like the Golden Boy title is being used to it fullest, I wonder if he will have any item for sell when he finishes school, since I got 100% affinity with him I can expect good stuff.'

"Indeed. While were still being in this subject, the reason why I've seeked you out was in regards to the Academy. "

"The Academy?"

"Yes. You see, allowing Aureus to attend the Royal Academy came at a cost. I have been given one condition for the acceptance of my beloved son into the educational institute. "


"Yes, as of tomorrow, I will be one of the Royal Academy teacher's."

"Oh! Congratulations, but... don't take it the wrong way... I don't quiet see you as the teaching type for those pampered noble's children. "

"I'm of the same mindset, but I can't let it affect Aureus life. I've decided to accept this role. But before I leave for the Royal Academy, the king has tasked me to give my previously assigned duty to a trusted individual. This is the reason of my visit today."

'Is this a quest! You've come at the perfect time Efferus.' Mylo though to himself.

"How can I help exactly?"

"Do you remember that incident with the Valsea Guardian?"

"Of course. You've told me that the king would be taking care of this issue? Did something happen?"

"The king sent out a few of his elite soldier into the location you've provided us. But none has returned. It seems like the corrupted beast's strength is something that cannot be easily challenged. After a throughout investigation, it has been discovered that the source of the corruption originated from the use of forbidden dark magic. The wavelength of that magic has been discovered close to the border of Valsea and the 'Unknown' lands. I've been tasked by the king to infiltrate their camp in order to learn their intentions in corrupting the mind of the Guardian. I do not know how powerful they are, but If possible, I would like it if you took care of them in my stead."

[New Quest Acquired!]


Quest: Dark Mages Camp

Description: Efferus has been tasked by the king to infiltrate the dark mages camp to learn of their evil plans. Unable to proceed with the request assigned to him, Efferus seeked out the best and most trust worthy candidate to take on this role for him.


*Infiltrate the Dark Mages camp

*Learn of their intentions

*Eliminate the Dark Mages

Reward: One [Skill Book] of your choosing from the [Royal's Library].

Failure: -25% Affinity with Efferus , -50% Affinity with the King of Valsea, -2 levels.

Time Limit: None.

NOTE: Refusing this quest will decrease Efferus Affinity with you by half.


After reading the quest's information, a small smile formed underneath his serious look. His eye's gleaming with light as he saw the rewards. Even thought the consequences of failure where quiet heavy, the rewarded outcome was well worth the risk.

'One skill book from the royal library? That's crazy! That is the perfect opportunity for me to grow, I will never allow myself to be toyed around by others. I'll make sure to show every one the strength of my build in the next tournament and it all starts now!'

"I will gladly help you with this task Efferus, I will make sure to not betray the trust you have given me!"

"I knew I could count on you my friend! Here's a map that shows the location of the dark mages camp. Please, keep in mind that lives are a stake. You cannot fail this task, Cosmo. If you do, the aftermath could be catastrophic. Do you understand?

[Your map has been updated!]

[Location of the Dark Mages Camp has been added to the map.]

"Leave it to me!"