Chapter 11

Unisem, the capital planet of the United Colonial Federation. It is there the Federation government meets. Concern has grown greatly with rumors of savage species gathering along with disappearances, and other actions causing civil unrest. Every Federation governed star system has a representative. 

Thousands gather for the occasion. Hovering over the planet is a massive ship that is ten times the size of any that appears. This one is different from any common ship not just for its sheer size. The shape of it is different as in the very center it is like a temple. Everyone recognizes it as the Grand Overseers ship.

Inside the ship waiting in a great hall is Grand Overseer Luberion. Titled the Grand Overseer for good reason. Luberion is considered the most powerful and the only one of her kind. She is a Majod, a blue-skinned being with pure golden eyes, purple lips, and silver hair.

Around the crown of her head are several golden markings. Her appearance makes her look like she is in her forties. In one hand, she has a golden staff with four feathered wings.  Each wing has five rings dangling from them.  On top of the staff is a blue crystal larger than the ones the three have.  It is always giving off glowing energy that is silver.  Floating around it are small pieces of fragments that give off a reflection of her but also that of the stars. Around the wrists of her robes on each arm are three sets of beads. There are also three sets around her neck. On each bead is a small point that glows green. Each bead represents a star system under the Federation Government.

Many believe that with all their combined efforts she can still defeat them.  She is often considered firm but fair when passing judgments.  Her laws have been known to upset the people of the Federation along with some of her decisions.  She has made very few errors in her judgment and are forgotten quickly. As for her abilities, nobody really knows what she is capable of.

When the people of the Federation have been put in great danger the Wardens have been able to handle every threat.  There are twenty Wardens in total. One for every region in every Quadrant. They take care of any problems pertaining to violence.

"I have called all of you here before the hearing to welcome a new asset in our campaign for true peace in the galaxy."

Luberion taps her staff on the ground which has a deep echo.  The floor in the center opens up and a tall round table appears. It produces a hologram in the form of Mildral covered in his armor.  The Wardens all whisper among themselves finding a boy the age of Mildral standing in their presence as such an odd thing.  He did not stand alone as Traur stands by his side dressed in his Federation Cadet uniform.

"This is Mildral Rainer, the head of Rainer Industries."

Mildral creates an image to replace his. It is an image of several different designed robots. His infantry bots are the biggest weapon he displays. They are as tall at six and a half feet tall. All have three red lenses on the head. All are equipped with assault rifles and various range weapons but all are equipped with a sword and shield.

"As promised Grand Overseer, I have completed the first model of infantry bots and have been sent to the training sight.  As promised I will give you a demonstration."

Mildral shows a simulation drill with them. It show a squad of ten bots and put them up against an entire platoon of fifty Federation trained soldiers. At first the Federation trained soldiers get the better of a couple of the bots but are mere bait in order for the other eight to ambush the fifty. In a test of close combat the results are very similar. Even when odds are against them in a two on one scenario the bots are superior. The Grand Overseer stands impressed.

"And that is only the first of many designs," Mildral explains "Already we are working on new models that can serve in all areas of combat. When the factories are fully operational, Rainer Industries will be able to put an end to all corruption that lurks within the Federation. In addition we calculate that almost double the star systems will be willing to join the Government once they see what security we offer."

"And what happens when your bots come up against someone that is not just a mere soldier?" Mildral turns towards another that walks into the room. A human.  This one is in his early thirties and has short black hair slicked back that is already turning gray on the side. "They are impressive, but what happens when they tangle with someone such as King Andor or even an Honor Guard of Premderia, like the legendary Kalsor Rideran."

"Silas Maxwell of the Maxwell Foundation," Mildral says with little humor.  "I am surprised your father let you out of the office given your... joy for nightlife."

"Victor Maxwell did make a tender offer when it comes to weapons dealing." Hearing Grand Overseer talk about them and is quick to discuss the offer he presents.

"Biological enhancements.  Always an unpredictable field to study in."

"Yes, my father explained how the technological genius of Premderia always believes  machines more reliable."

"Robots are cheaper than lives, Mr. Maxwell," Mildral explains.

"Mr. Maxwell, if you please present your product."

Scott pulls up on screen a presentation of human test subjects. Thirty in all. Each of them are Federation soldiers who willingly volunteered for the experiment. They are taken to a lab where they are injected with several incisions. Mildral no signs of being impressed. Lorphiel on the other hand shows interest as does the Grand Overseer.

"As you can see these soldiers are receiving several serums for enhancement in strength, agility and reflexes." As he explains it shows how the test subjects go through several tests to show how much they have improved especially in combat. Mildral works on his computer and begins logging into certain networks. "The human trials are only the beginning. If given proper funding we can conduct trials on different species and make the Federation military perfect when it comes to their physical capabilities. Soldiers so advanced...

"With all due respect Mr. Maxwell, how many human test subjects did you go through. Silas is not quick to answer. "It says here there were five hundred trials conducted at Maxwell Labs." Mildral pulls up the files on a different screen. "It says here after injections most test subjects die within forty hours. Some have made it to sixty."

"How are you able..."

"Of those test subjects your showing us, how many experienced side effects?"

"Side effects?" Grand Overseer questions.

Mildral pulls up several recordings of the thirty test subjects and show them in their holding cells. He fast forwards the recordings to ten days later and one begins holding his head, screaming out. He begins punching the wall. Those running the experiments go in and try to detain him but several have their skulls bashed in before it is done. A few more subjects do the same during training exercises. Satisfied with unveiling the truth, Mildral closes the files allowing Silas to plead his case.

"Grand Overseer if I may...". Grand Overseer holds up her hand to prevent him from explaining.

"Thank you for your presentation, Mr. Maxwell but I am afraid we will be going another way."  Before Sean Maxwell has any chance to intervene the Grand Overseer makes sure he doesn't.  "Thank you for your time."  Silas Maxwell is abrupt with his exit.  "Mildral Rainer, I will be sure to send you the terms of your contract by the end of the day.  She taps her staff and the transmissions for Lorphiel and Mildral ends.  Her attention turns back to the Federation building. "Now let us put the minds of the government at ease. These rumors have been quite disturbing as of late."

The ramp lowers and the Grand Overseer is greeted by what she considers her most loyal of followers.  The Phelasdar; also known as the Purifiers. The only purpose they have is to serve the Grand Overseer in matters of war. They have no emotion and are considered perfect when it comes to combat. It didn't matter if it pertained to a space battle or any air to air combat. It didn't matter if it pertained to a ground battle where it's an enemy miles away or in the styles of melee. They're perfect as can be. Many times they have been called upon as ones to bring peace and balance back to the Galaxy.  Every time they have succeeded in completing their mission.

Like their creator, they have blue skin. Anything else they lack. No face, nose, ears, or lips. They possessed neither male nor female extremities. Everyone calls them the faceless ones for such physical qualities. All of them dressed in shining white armor and all have the same ranged weapon but have different style melee weapons.

All of the representatives from each Federation star system arrives and takes their seating. For the Premderian star system, King Andor arrives with Kalsor and the other Honor Guard. All of whom are armed despite the strong recommendation that they didn't by the Grand Overseer. Other warrior species do the same.  Both watch as the Grand Overseer walks inside with her personal escort.

"For someone who desires peace, she has quite the armed security," Kalsor comments as they proceed to the upper levels.

"You just want to show that her Phelasdar can't go toe to toe with our Honor Guard."

At one of the entrances there is shouting from a female in a language known as Sariut, the language of the Salkmurine.  The Salkmurine are known for their orange-red skin.  Their biggest features are that they have two pairs of sharp yellow eyes with a fifth in the center of their forehead.  The ears are outward and slightly pointy.  They also have talon claws at the end of their fingers which retract.  For their last feature, they have the generic ability to change hair colors. 

The one doing the shouting is a female.  Both Kalsor and Andor recognize her shouting at a point it is hard to understand them even if they are able to speak the language.  Andor goes over and Kalsor follows not too overly thrilled. 

"Empress Kusin," Andor says and Kalsor roll his eyes.  "Go calm her down before she takes someone's head off."

"Why me?"

"Because I am the King and I did it last time."

Kalsor drops his head in depression with an exhale.  He walks over with his King having a chuckle about the situation following close behind him.  Making their way over they her with the Salkmurine Guards as escorts. 

She looks only thirty as she has for the past ten thousand years.  Her hair his green on the left, blue on the right and pink in the middle.  For a five foot four inch Salkmurine the Federation soldiers are scared of her.  Even her guards who stand calm dare not interrupt her.  They look and see Kalsor and give a slight bow out of respect in which he returns to show his. 

Their Empress doesn't even notice.  Kalsor  looks back to his King and motions for him to proceed.  He takes a deep breath before tapping her on the shoulder a few times with two fingers.  She suddenly stops and says one thing in Sariut he understands clearly.

"Who dares interrupts the Empress without fear?" She turns around with anger still on her face.  In an instance looking up and seeing who is responsible did not change that.  "Kalsor...Rideran..."

"Empress," he says with a bow to show respect.  "What seems to be the problem?" He asks and she begins shouting and hollering like before.  In response he looks to the Federations she was shouting at prior.

"She is angry because we have to check them for any unregistered weapons," the guard answers with his nervous tone.

"Empress," Kalsor says and she continues shouting.  He says it again "Empress."  Still angry, the Empress continues shouting.  Kalsor is annoyed and shows it.  "Shut the fuck up!" He shouts loud enough people stop for a moment as Kusin does so taking several deep breaths but still shows anger.  "Just let them inspect.  It only takes a few minutes.  If they are disrespectful in anyway towards you or your Honor Guards while conducting the inspection, I will gladly teach them respect before reporting their actions."  Kusin thinks for a moment before starting to poke Kalsor on the chest.

"If they try anything, I find you and teach you lesson after them" Kalsor doesn't show fear but deep down it is something he wishes to avoid.  "You are not ready for the Empress."  She looks to her Honor Guards and gives the nod of approval to allow the Federation guards to conduct inspection.

Kalsor walks away seeing his King concealing his laugh with his hand.  Federation soldiers are stationed everywhere but there is still a level of uncertainty with the many rumors about what has been happening in the galaxy. For King Andor and his group, they are not thrilled to be there but their eyes look towards an empty podium on their screens.

"I guess the Gelm refused their offer," Andor comments and looks to several other empty podiums. "From the looks of it, the five Kingdoms of the Cindrah refused the offer as well."

"The Grand Overseer is clever when it comes to the Gelm in her manipulative ways, but those five Kingdoms she is playing a very dangerous game," Kalsor comments.

They watch as Grand Overseer Luberion comes into the great room fitting over a hundred thousand. Her podium is at the center on the first level. Everyone else has a section to themselves. Mainly the representative of each Federation star system brings with them a staff of no more than nine. Any extra are forced to wait in the halls. The gong sounds and everyone goes silent allowing her to speak.

"It has come to my attention that there have been reports of kidnappings, village attacks, and savage hordes gathering. To put your mind at ease I will be dispatching the Wardens and will investigate these matters personally."

Luberion continues to talk. Many start to raise questions and deliberate on other actions that they can take. The process of bickering goes on for over an hour. For the Premderian's they say nothing as the debate goes on. Action is all they desired, but have no choice but listen to the pointless conversations that drift to matters of other topics. While they debate, a Premderian Lieutenant arrives and leans over to whisper in the ear of King Andor.

"Your majesty, there is a situation that requires Kalsor's attention."  Kalsor hears the Lieutenant and sees his King looking at him.

"In regards to what?" Andor asks.

"His son, your majesty," he replies and none of them seemed surprised.

Andor wave Kalsor to go deal with the matter, saving him the agony of sitting through several more dull hours of debate.  The Lieutenant escorts Kalsor outside the hall and the building.  They proceed to landing docks where there are already multiple premderian shuttles.  Along the way, he did not hesitate to ask the Lieutenant the simplest question.

"What did he do this time?"

"He did a number on a few Federation cadets, sir.  Kids of high ranking political figures of the planet.  I don't know more than that, sir."

"That is alright, kid," he says patting him on the shoulder to allow him to take his leave.  Kalsor climbs in the cockpit of a premderian shuttle that is empty for him.  "Going from one annoying matter with political bastards to only come home and deal with more."  Kalsor takes off and flies out of orbit.  He sets a course for his home world and makes ready to go into jump space.  "As long as it was for a good reason, I can't be mad at you, Joran," he says before pushing up on the levers and goes into jump space.