Chapter 23

Joran proceeds outside and sits down in front of the cave with his feet crossed. He hears the ships flying in all around him.  That didn't change his demeanor.  It is the presence of several strong powers.  He waits patiently until they become visible, being led by the King himself. Lorphiel sees Mildral set his sights on Joran but also tries accessing the network for the cave. The effort is found pointless is constantly denied access.

"What is the problem?" Tivas questions.

"I am uncertain. I can't get in to activate the security bots," Mildral answers calmly and sees Joran sitting there with an even calmer demeanor. "My assumption is he must have changed the coding."

"Find the girl. We will deal with him."

Mildral didn't like the idea but do as instructed.  He moves as everyone moves in slowly on his friend. Joran watch as multiple guns are at the low ready but none are aimed.  Those he does recognize do the same but form a half-circle around Joran.

"All this time you have wanted me isolated. Prevent me from carrying out my dreams because I was a bad risk. Many of you considered me wild. Then some believe I am not a true Premderian. Now after I meet the girl I am aligned with and make the sacred eternal bond to, all I want is to be left alone and live in peace with her. Yet people didn't seem to get that. They had to keep pushing when I warned them of the consequences. Now here you are to take away my eternal beloved."

"Stalling won't help her," Lorphiel says, and Joran smirks.

"I wasn't stalling, but you would think that."

"She has committed murder, Joran," Andor explains to him and Joran didn't flinch. "Turn her over and she will receive a proper trial."

"She is my eternal beloved, your majesty. I will protect her and fight any who try to take her from me. As would you if your eternal beloved was still alive. Do not think I am the only one here who would do such a thing."

"We know how much she means to you, Joran. If you surrender willingly we will make sure you both are given a fair trial," Kalsor explains to him and Joran keeps smiling but shakes his head.

"It is clear that the evidence is against me, father," he says before looking to Dileos. "No weapons at the scene, sir?" He asks and he can see by his expression the answer is clear. "Since a true Premderian does not submit. Not even to the King, I guess I only have one choice." Joran tells him calmly.

"Joran, do you want to fight your way out of this?" Bodgar asks him and he sees his smile before turning his eyes to him. "If you fight, you will die, and so will she."

"I will do what I must, sir. As any true Premderian would."

"A true Premderian?" Tivas questions while spitting on the ground mocking Joran. "You are just a boy. A silly boy who knows nothing about what goes on around him."

Joran keeps his attention on Tivas and stands up. What he says didn't bother him. He keeps smiling as the Federation agent walks towards him without an ounce of fear. Kalsor keeps a firm grip on his sword and others do the same. He stops ten feet away from Joran.

"The old ways of your people have always been the reason for your downfall. What few that cling to them are just as foolish," Tivas tells him. "You stand here outmatched and the one you call your eternal beloved will be hunted down quickly," he says and Joran keeps smiling looking at all the soldiers.

"I know Mildral is," Joran says shrugging his shoulders keeping a small smile. "I know he is on the hunt for them and I know exactly where he is. So instead of wasting time talking to you, I need to get moving."

"You are not going anywhere," Tivas tells him as he takes a single step.

The amount of pressure from his foot set off a switch.  Several lines are heard in the trees above and leaves fall to the ground.  A large pile of Drazgov droppings comes down.  The pile perfectly drops down on Tivas releasing a horrid stench.  Joran just smiles not bothered by it in the least.   The Federation find it hilarious.  Kalsor and his colleagues didn't laugh but still find it humorous to see Tivas humiliated.  They are trained well to keep their attention on Joran.

Joran continues smiling and hold up a remote before winking.  He presses the button. Andor makes his helmet cover his face. From the ground and the trees emerge several flash bombs, fireworks, and smoke grenades blinding most of them.  Joran turns quickly and begins sprinting to the entrance of the cave.

"Activate Lockdown Procedures!  Suppress and Detain only!" He shouts while running.

The doors begin to close.  Lorphiel aims the palm of her hand at Joran's back.  She fires off a large shot of red energy.  Joran senses it coming and turn around. From his wrist guards, he makes a round crimson energy shield. The power of Lorphiel's attack shatters it and knock Joran into the tunnel. The doors close behind him. Joran is knocked back into the caverns and lay on the ground as his armor disappears. He slowly gets up and looks at both wrist guards shattered like glass.

"Not exactly according to plan, but it did save me."

Joran sprints down the same tunnel that Nima and Dusglar go down. He seals off the doors behind him. Back outside explosives are set up at the main entrance while all the heavy smoke clear. Tivas stands very unhappy by the embarrassment and Kalsor did not hesitate to capitalize on it.

"Still think he's not a true Premderian?"

"Get the explosives set so we can pursue!"Tivas instructs.

"It won't do any good. The tunnel is sealed off by Premderium. It will take you..." Kalsor says before stopping at the sound of something buzzing. "Take cover!"

From the clearing smoke, several blaster shots are fired. Multiple Federation soldiers are brought down by stun shots. Through the smoke drones and infantry bots that Mildral created come through and begin picking the Federation agents and soldiers apart. Those with more experience prove more capable of fighting back.

"What is this?" Tivas questions.

"Defensive measures," Kalsor explains as he starts cutting down robots one by one. "Compliments of Joran's friend, Mildral, the head of Rainer Industries. He must have hacked them."

Their fight continues while a couple of miles away Mildral walks the woods with several of his drones flying around.  One slowly begins to beep louder and louder before stopping in its place. He kneels and rubs the ground a few times before pressing his hand tight on it.

In the tunnels, Dusglar pulls Nima along. She has to stop and catch her breath still feeling the fatigue from her transformation. He picks her up and tries to keep moving with Arisa stopping.  Something isn't right and they know it. The ground above collapses in front of them blocking their path.  It is an uncomfortable feeling when they see Mildral come walking down from the rubble and through the cloud of smoke. 

Arisa charges forward with a screech. Mildral draws his two custom pistol and fires a large pulse of light blue energy at her. She is brought down by enduring both shot me head on. She crashes to the ground in front of his feet. Mildral holsters his pistols and tosses a small chip at her that goes into her skin. It lets out a shockwave through her body to keep them in a paralyzing state.  In time she turns to crimson energy and shatters like glass that become small specks which float into the air before becoming nothing.

Dusglar pushes Nima back while charging forward.  The young premderian throws a perfect punch at Mildral.  Mildral moves, wrap his arm around Dusglar's, grab him by the back of the head with the other and knee him several times in the face, and throw him into the wall.

"You can't beat me, Dusglar."

"Take off that armor, and it is a fair fight."

Mildral grabs his friend by the face. He slams his head once against the rocks. He falls to the ground groaning in great pain. Nima hit Mildral with a sidekick and start throwing punches elbows and knees.  All of them Mildral blocks for the most part.  He grabs her by the throat and squeezes incredibly hard.  With one foot behind Nima's, he slams her to the ground.  She locks her legs around his arm and tries to break it.  He stands up and stomps on her face a few times.

Mildral begins squeezing and choking the life out of her with one hand. He tilts his head to the side while doing so. Dusglar leaps on his back and put him in a chokehold. On his, belt Dusglar pulls out a knife and tries driving it into his chest. Mildral grabs his wrist and throws Dusglar into the wall.

"Stay down, Dusglar. This is your final warning."

"Shut up."

Dusglar throws the knife and Mildral catches it by the handle.  It surprises Dusglar and Mildral throws it back even faster. It goes deep into Dusglar's shoulder making him scream out. Nima gets up and leaps up into the air.  She wraps her legs around his neck and starts elbowing him downwards to the skull.  She goes down in an attempt to flip him, but with the armor, Mildral is far too strong.  He grabs Nima by the legs and slams her into the wall.  She falls to the ground badly stunned.

Dusglar slowly pulls out the knife in pain.  Mildral grabs him by the wrist and takes the knife away before kicking his face against the wall, knocking Dusglar unconscious.  He put the knife away and turn to Nima.  No remorse comes when stomping her face into the rocks.  She did not move but groan in immense pain.  With the restraints he has, she put her in submission around the ankles and arms behind the back.  He lifts her over the shoulder and walks out of the cave, using the hole he created.

Mildral begins his walk towards the direction of the base of operations but feels a presence that makes him stop. On his scanners, someone is closing in with great speed.  It doesn't take much to figure out who it is.  He hears the footsteps of someone coming from behind him but keeps looking straight ahead.

"Mildral!" Joran shouts at him and he turns around. He sees Nima draped over his shoulder. "Let her go."

"She needs to stand trial, Joran.  You know that.  As do you."

"And see the Grand Overseer pass quick judgment on us? They will just stick us in the pits of Karsd without question. You know that deep down."

"If it is balance and true peace in the galaxy, Joran. Stand down."

"Can't do that, Doc," Joran says as he takes out his two swords.

Mildral pulls out a rifle with a large barrel. It fires a canister. Joran cuts it in two thinking it's a grenade. As soon as he did, a blue gas explodes in his face. The gas is incredibly potent and makes Joran drop his swords while choking on the fumes. Mildral walks up to him as he falls to his knees.

"A nice little sedative I made in case it came to this. Should keep those special abilities of yours from kicking in. Just wondering why it didn't knock you out. By my calculations, it should have been strong enough."

"Always calculating. That is your biggest problem."

Joran goes to punch him but is so slow. Mildral punches him first and strikes Joran with a sidekick to the liver that makes him fold but still stands. He lifts his head and shows Mildral his smile. Every punch Joran tries is countered. Joran suffers several blows and his body didn't heal. He falls to the ground after several blows.

Joran tries to sweep the leg. Mildral lifts his leg kicks Joran in the face, knocking him to his hands and knees. He strikes Joran with a knee to the face that knocks Joran down the hole he made. Mildral walks down as Joran slowly gets up. He grabs him by the back of the head and smashes his face against the wall. Joran feels the pain but it starts to become more durable. He presses his hands up against the wall and pushes Mildral back.

Joran delivers several elbows and knocks Mildral back. He leaps on Mildral's back and begins punching his helmet. The helmet starts to crack and his sensors become staticky. On his gauntlets, two small rods stick out. He presses them both on the side of Joran's neck. Joran lets out a yell as it is a high voltage of electricity. He falls on his back and up against the wall.

"Give up, Joran."

Joran didn't respond to his friend's demands. He hears a large growl from him. His scanners pick up power from him. He knows what is coming from Joran and pulls out a pistol. Joran charges are him with everything he has and lifts him into the air. He carries him up the hill and slams him into a tree. Joran throws several punches and continues to do so. Mildral moves out of the way as fast as well and Joran turns around to find his friend aiming a pistol at his head.

"Finish him," Tivas orders as he comes down the hill.

Neither takes a moment to look in the the Senior Agent's direction. Mildral stands there but did not take action like Tivas commands of him. Nima opens her eyes slightly and sees the scene and Joran's smile with the pistol pressed against his head.

"Afraid to pull the trigger," Joran asks him.

"Finish him off," Tivas says more firmly.

"I don't take orders from you," Mildral says in a calm manner before looking to the Senior Agent.

"Then I will do it." Tivas walks down the hill and draws his pistol. Mildral draws his even faster and holds it up to Tivas' head. "Your threatening a Senior Agent?"

"Under Federation Law, after a suspect is detained and no longer able to defend himself, he is no longer deemed a threat. If any official of Federation Law violates this Law any acting citizen is allowed to take action. Reporting the official is highly recommended," Mildral says in response and lowers his pistol.

"Back off, Tivas!" Kalsor shouts as he comes rushing down the hill with his comrades.

"Do not interfere, Kalsor," Tivas instructs him.

"You have no authority over me."

"Enough!" Shouts Andor's voice echoing through the wounds before a crimson flash of lightning from the sky strike in between them. "The fight is over," he tells them and everyone stands down. Andor motions for Dileos and he step forwards. "Get them out of here."

Dileos show discomfort in the orders while looking at both Joran and Nima but do as instructed. He and his Federation soldiers team move in slowly on Joran. Dusglar slowly crawls out of the hole leading to Bodgar and Lorphiel rushing to aid him. They turn him over and see his bloody smile. He can't help but laugh despite the wound.

Federation soldiers only allow so much medical attention. When he is able, they pull him up to his feet and put him in restraints. They push the rebellious Premderian along and towards the prison truck. He looks over at Mildral and smiles.

"I took you lightly," Dusglar jokes as he is pushed along. "I will beat you next time."

For his shouting, Dusglar is struck several times with a stun wand and thrown into the truck. Mildral watch as Joran and Nima are taken by Dileos and the Federation soldiers under his command but are more cooperative as they are quick to go inside to check on. Kalsor watches as his son taken away along with Nima and holds his head down. Bodgar touches his forehead to his friend, sensing his failure. Kalsor's other friends give their colleague support on the situation as well. Andor comes over and forces them to leave the two for a moment.

"There was nothing you could have done when it comes to the matter."

"I know, your majesty.  As a father I still failed him... and now I failed her," he says and there is silence.

"Come.  Let us head to the outpost.  You can oversee the transfer there when Dileos finishes overseeing final operations here."

While things are cleaned up by the Federation detachment, those parts of Andor's party begin riding back to the outpost.  Tivas stops in front of him and Mildral didn't look in her direction.  The young premderian touch a few buttons on his wrist device. A hover bike pulls up and he leaves on his own. For Tivas, a shuttle arrives and he leaves, heading back to the Federation headquarters.

As the Federation soldiers continue finishing their operations, Joran is put in a prison vehicle and has his ankles chained to the floor.  Nima sits beside him still very weary from her battle but is treated the same way.  Dileos get in the back with them along with a few others.  Joran touches his forehead to hers and despite being so fatigued she smiles.

"I am sorry I failed you," he says to Nima and she shakes her head.

"Joran is Nima's eternal beloved. Nima is Joran's eternal beloved.  Always in this life and beyond."

"Don't worry, things will be alright," Dileos tells them calmly before they shut the doors. "I promise you."

The prison vehicle begins moving, having a great distance between them and King Andor's party. High in the sky, there is a drone that hovers over the convoy.  Mildral has a beeping on his wrist device and causes him to stop. He pulls up the live feed of the drone. Next Mildral pulls up the map and watches the traveling route of the convoy.

Mildral continues watching until noticing something unique and act calmly.  He set up a transmission with one who has an answer.  Kalsor rides near the back of the group with Bodgar near him, His wrist device starts going off, and see Mildral's name comes up. 

"What is it?"

"For those facing the crimes of murder are suppose to be taken to the Federation outpost where they are to be transferred, correct?"


"Then why is the prison vehicle heading Northeast into Cadainis territory towards the mountains?"

Kalsor immediately turns around and begins riding for the region not saying a word to anyone. Everyone else takes notice of him riding hard in the direction of the region. Bodgar is the first to give chase after him.  For Andor and his Honor Guard, he doesn't waste time giving the order.

"Move!" He shouts first as he rides to catch his friends.  "Let's really move."

Lorphiel turns around does the same motioning with her to follow.  Kalsor continues to push the speed as his colleagues try to catch up.  Seeing Kalsor so fixated on the particular direction make them understand another fight is coming.  One that will not be a small skirmish.  Bodgar rides up to Kalsor and did not hesitate to ask.

"What has you fixated to go in this direction?"

"My worst fears have come to life when it comes to the girl."