The day I forgot

I woke up to the resounding sound of my alarm going off on my phone. UGH DO I HAVE TO GO IN TODAY!  I drag myself out of bed, go to wash my face and brush my teeth, this gets notorious very quickly. As I start to pull my uniform out of my closet, I hear the sound of my letter flap (idk if thats what it's called correct me in the comments) slamming, 

Once I got dressed I went downstairs to find a slip of paper wedged into the letter flap, I grabbed it and strolled into the kitchen, poured my cereal and opened the letter, it was from Penelope, good god what did she want now. 

Hey mutt don't forget your not to show your face in school unless you bring us those sweets and they better not be those shitty cheap sweets that you got last time or you know what's gonna happen

Damn I forgot about that, I need to go to the shop now before I get my ass beaten... again. I quickly down my cereal, what is my life right now?! I slam on my shoes, grab my coat and run out the door, the store has just opened, Co-Op is a lifesaver for me! I go straight for the sweets isle, the dairy milk bar? No she hates those, maybe the quality streets? Those 'll have to do, I've got like 10 minutes to get into school or i'll be late, and I don't like detentions.  I run to the counter and give them my money and sprint down to the school gates, just made it, few! 

Once i'm in the gates i'm met by Lenard, he looked like he'd been waiting for me. 

"Hey dude, where did you run off to this morning?" He asked. 

"I just ran to the shop to..." I was cut off by a familiar voice.

"HEY MUTT" God damn it can't I catch a break with this bitch "You got my sweets." She gestured her hand, I got out the quality streets from my bag, she snatched them from my hands. She just stared at them. Then threw them away "I HATE QUALITY STREETS YOU USELESS MUTT!" She shoved me into the metal school gates, damn that hurts. 

"The hell is your problem Penelope!" Lenard yells, 

"L-Lenard s-s-s-stop." I mustered with what little air I had left.

"Listen to him, or he won't be the only one that gets a beating today." She raised a fist at him. 

"No I won't back off this fiasco has been going on for too- " He got himself cut off by Tatiana punching him right in the stomach, no i'm not letting that happen. I used the gates to get myself back up and when Tatiana was about to throw another punch I jumped in-front of Lenard. 

"N-N-No one hurts him on m-m-my watch" Then Tatiana's fist met my stomach, I was flung half way across the yard, I look down at my stomach, damn that hurt. 

"TIM!" Lenard started to sprint towards me.  "Let's leave him pal, we've done enough for now." Penelope stated with an evil cackle in her voice. "Are you ok, that was a bad hit." Lenard asked as we were swarmed with people. "Y-Yeh I'm fine." His face said it all, for a start he didn't believe me for a start. More people started to gather around us.

"Guys give him some space, and someone get me a teacher now!" Lenard commanded, I felt something that I haven't felt in years, safety. I've been lonely and insecure ever since I stepped foot in this school but now... everything was melted away, I knew I was safe with him, then everything started to blur as I heard Lenard once again. "Damn where's a teacher when you need them." He looked at me, " Oh shit, someone call an ambulance now! Tim, Tim stay with me. " He started to cry. "Lenard i-t-ts o-o-k." That's when everything faded to black and all I could hear was voices. "No-No-No-No stay with me!" 

Is this what death feels like? I guess I thought it would be more y'know fiery than this. Then I could hear sirens and a voice yelling "OVER HERE! OVER HERE!" That wasn't Lenard, it must of been a teacher. "H-h-e got hit and then fell then saved me and" That was Lenard, he was balling in tears at this point. "We're gonna have to take him now ok?" Lenard then started to cry more, "Can I go with him!!" Then another familiar voice came from the background.

"Of course you can Lenard, i'll let your teachers know where you are and notify your parents, just let the school know when Timothy wakes up for us?" It sounded like Mr. Peterson, then my eyes began to open, I was off the ground and there were paramedics everywhere and police, huh I caused a bit of a scene this morning didn't I?

I tried to lift myself up and struggled, "Wo-wo-wo take it easy kid, you took quite a punch." Lenard span around. "YOUR UP!" There were still tears falling down his face, "T-t-told you i-i-ts o-o-o-k." Then I started moving, "Alright kid we need to get you moving now. " He pointed at Lenard "Come on you as well, your gonna have to go with the officer though we need to do some things in the ambulance." He nodded and went with the officer as I blacked out again. 

Le time skip (Around half an hour or so)

I woke up in an extremely bright room with a beeping sound behind my head. I looked around to find that someone's bag was next to my bed, and next to my bag. That isn't mine. "H-hello?" Then I heard running down the corridor. Thank god it was Lenard, he was patting tears off his face with a tissue. He came over and eminently hugged me, it made my day, I hugged him back. "I was so worried." He sniffled. Then a nurse came into the room,

"Umm, Timothy?" She hesitated, Lenard slowly went to sit next to me, "Do you know who your next of kin is? There's no one on your record." She said with a sadness in her voice, I didn't say anything, "Do you have your mum or dad's phone number on you anyone that we can call." I looked at her, " You could try and get hold of my mum but I doubt that she'll give a damn." I gave her my mum's number and she went to the phone in the room. "Hello? Is this Timothy's mother?... Yes he's in the hospital right-" There it was the realisation that my parents don't give two flips about me. "I see, no disrespect madam but are you serious this is your son!.." A shocked face consumed the nurse's face. Then she shook as she put the phone back in it's case on the wall. "D-Do you have your dad's number?" She stuttered.

"C-can I-I ask y-you a-a question?" She nodded, "Do you want a repeat of that conversation?" She just stared, she couldn't move her mouth. Then she left the room. Lenard came back over to hug me as I started to cry. "N-n-now I-I-I know how they feel about m-m-me." I balled my eyes out. 

"Dude you'll be ok, i'm going to stay here until your relived of your pain." There was that feeling again, warmth, safety. My crying came to a gradual halt as a police officer entered the room, he took off his cap. "Are you ok kid? " I shook my head, "N-n-no i'm not sir." 

"I'm sorry to hear that, but is it ok if I ask you some questions over what happened there?" I nodded, "I understand that you were assaulted twice by someone do you know who it was?" I ducked my head. Lenard rubbed my back, "Go on tell him, we'll deal with the fallout later." 

"T-T-Their names are Tatiana and Penelope, Penelope pushed me hard into the fence and Tatiana punched Lenard once then I saved him from the second." The police officer's face went white, I could tell he was new to the force. "Do you have any idea why they did this." I looked at Lenard, and started to cry, "It was over some sttttupid q--quality streets." I was crying like hell again. Lenard jumped in, "she screamed that she hated them and just started to push him. " The officer then looked at me with my teary face sympathetically. "Thank you for telling me, that's all I have to ask for now. We've got her on CCTV for the assault  and their's a warrant out for her arrest but she's resisting arrest, do you want to press charges, both of you." We both looked at each other and nodded, as two people busted through the door.

"LENARD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE AND NOT IN SCHOOL!?!?" They screamed, all three of us just stared at them, they both blushed, "Sorry we're Lenard's parents, is there a problem here officer?" Their faces started to look in fear as they looked at me. 

"I'm afraid there is, both of them were assaulted and they said that they want to press charges, the suspects have both got a warrant out for their arrests and what's your relation with Timothy?" He stated, dang I can see he's welling up. 

"We're just simply neighbours." 

"Well there's going to be some police presence around both of your houses while the suspects are loose, just for the pure fact that this boy has ended up in hospital because of what these scoundrels have done." They both nodded, " I'll see you all later." He slowly exited the room.

"So your the Tim we've been hearing so much about eh?" I started to look nervous as Lenard's mother spoke to me. "Y-Yeh I am nice to meet you, just wish it wasn't here though." I raised my arm for a handshake. "Mmmuuummmm don't scare him!" Lenard said, sternly. His Mum and Dad both giggled, "Sorry we can both come off like that." His dad said as I shook his hand as well. "Lenard, you should leave him to rest and you should be in school." 

"A-A-Actually is it ok if he c-c-can stay, w-w-we're i-n this mess t-t-together." They looked at each other for a moment then said, 

"Alright he can stay, just catch up any missed work kiddos." His dad said, THANK GOD.

They both waved as they left the room and said "We've both gotta go back to work so be safe boys!" 

"We will!" Lenard said with pride in his voice.

"What exactly happened while I was out, I heard allot of voices." I said.

"Well the doctors came in and took some x-rays to check for broken bones and they said that they'd be back with the results, then there was a steady stream of people coming in and out checking if you were awake, there were nurses and teachers and that police officer that we spoke to came in and out a few times." He exclaimed.

I chuckled, "I missed allot then huh."

"Yeh you did." He let out a small chuckle. Then the phone started to ring on the wall, a nurse came rushing in, " Hello?" She said, "He's actually in this room do you want to talk to him?" She looked at me, who would want to talk to me, "Let me just check if he wants to talk to you miss," She lowered the phone to her chest and looked at me "Timothy do you want to talk to Penelope?" I was taken aback, first she attacks me then runs from the police then has the guts to ring me while i'm in the hospital?! This day does not get any better. I nervously nod, she hands me the phone. "H-hell-hello?" I say down the phone.

"What's it like in a hospital bed mutt, anyways i'll be down to visit later and i'm not done with you yet!" She boomed and then put the phone down, my heart was going crazy as I looked at Lenard wondering what I got all spooked at, "Umm n-n-urse could you get that officer back here please." She nodded and yelled "SIR!" Down the hallway, she started to sprint down the hallway as she was trying to catch him. I flopped back on the bed as I quickly explained to Lenard what I just heard on the phone, my face was as white as paper and so was his. The police officer came rushing back into the room, "What's up?" I hesitated as I grabbed Lenard's hand. "I-It's Penelope, s-s-he's coming here t-t-t-to kill me!" I hold my neck in fear as he grabs his walkie talkie and announces, "I need 2 officers at room 213 at the hospital now respond code 3 please." 2 officers quickly show up from the door, "The suspect is on her way here with a credible threat towards this young lad here if she turns up she is to be arrested on sight. " They both nod and station themselfs outside my room as the first officer whispers, "We won't let her anywhere near you ok? And thank you for letting me know, your stronger than you look." He smiles and leaves the room as me and Lenard start to hug again. 

"This bitch is crazy!" We say in unison.