Already to another world?

[Task: To open your shop, one needs not only a shop but also the products. In the world of Arashina, the cultivation resources for monsters are extremely poor. Enter a world rich in resources, collect them and complete the tasks. (Note, when going to another world, you cannot bring anything with you. The system will give clothes to the user upon arrival in the other world. For the resources collected, the user will have to select them before leaving.)

Reward: Store sign, beast contract of another world, world icon.]

Upon seeing this task, Aurus was quite surprised. He had just arrived in this world for about a week and now he had to leave to go to another world in order to collect resources for the shop? However, he had to agree that being able to travel between worlds to collect resources to sell and have the chance to contract with a beast of another world was extremely tempting. He was probably the only person in both worlds who would be able to travel in between both of them and it was incredibly awesome.

However, considering the time he would take to go to another world to collect resources, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to open the shop every day and take care of his younger sister. While it was the younger sister of the original owner of the body but by integrating his memories, it might as well be his younger sister as well. Not to mention the similarities to his sister back on Earth, he just felt unwilling to not take care of her.

Thinking of this problem, he couldn't help but furrowed his brows, wondering how to take care of his sister, open the shop and collect resources in another world at the same time. He simply didn't have enough time even if it was only taking care of the shop and collecting resources. Considering the number of display cabinets in the shop, he would have to find hundreds of monster resources to supply the shop and he would have to find more to replenish while the shop was open. He simply didn't have enough time to collect all of the resources.

Of course, if in the other world the resources were plenty, then he would be able to buy them but here came the problem he didn't have any money in that world. Hell, he couldn't even bring his own set of clothes and the only thing he could bring back was the resources collected and the beast he wanted to contract with if he found one which he liked.

Of course, as a man from Earth before his transmigration in this world, he hoped to have dragons and phoenixes as contracted beasts but there weren't any in this world. He could only hope that there would be some in the other world. But even then, could he even contract with them? They were supposedly extremely fierce and rare monsters. If he wanted to contract them, he would have to wait for a while before trying.

'Well let's set aside the contracted beast for the moment. I don't even know what kind of world I'm going to and I'm already fantasizing about mythical beasts. Furthermore, I have to be extremely careful about my contracted beasts since they will be my partner for the rest of my life. I can't accept a second-rated beast even for my first one as it will only lower my qualifications in the future. As such, I won't accept any lousy beasts and will try to only get mythical beasts for myself in the future. Well, in the end, I guess I'll only contract with mythical beasts.

Considering it was about four in the afternoon, he decided to wait until nighttime to travel in the other world. He had to wait for his sister to come back from school and prepare her supper. Aurus went back upstairs and started to prepare supper for the evening.

An hour later, his sister, Laia, made her way back home. As soon as she saw the house, she was surprised to see the floor to ceiling window and the door open by itself to let her enter inside. Once inside, she was even more stunned at the luxurious decoration and the beautiful suspended luminaire made of diamonds. Of course, Aurus knew she would be coming back at this time so he opened the shop icon and viewed the shop when she entered. Through the screen in front of his eyes, he could see Laia and her amazement on the first floor of her home. At this time, Aurus understood that the shop icon was also used as security cameras and he could look at his shop at any time in the future.

After being amazed, she made her way up the stairs and saw Aurus looking at her with a smile. She couldn't help herself and started asking questions.

"Brother! How come the first floor of the house changed like that? And where did you get the money? And why did you add all of those weird cube made of glass on the floor? Also, how did the door open by itself?

With her eyes flashing slightly from excitement, she asked four questions in a flash. Aurus listening to her could only laugh slightly explaining to her that he would open a shop to make money on the first floor and that she didn't have to worry about the money and he took care of it. As for the features of the shop, he could only smile mysteriously hoping she would soon stop thinking about it. He didn't want to lie to her but at the same time, he wasn't sure that talking about the system was a good idea. As such, he just smiled mysteriously and changed the subject.

"Laia, go and wash your hands and come eat, I prepared food for you. Tonight, I have to go out so you will have to stay alone for the night. Is it okay with you?"

"Brother, is it about the shop? Can I come with you?"

"Yes it's about the shop and no you can't come you have school tomorrow and you can't stay up late alright?" Aurus answered her while patting her head with a smile.

Laia answered a little down. "Alright…" But soon, she regained her smile and started to eat the food Aurus had previously prepared for her.

After eating, he cleaned up the house and Laia went to complete her homework.

At seven in the evening, he went to meet Laia once again who had just finished her homework. "Laia I'll be going now, be sure to lock the doors and sleep early alright? I'll see you tomorrow morning along with your breakfast ready."

"Alright brother, be sure to be safe, I'll see you tomorrow. By the way, I want toasts and strawberries for breakfast." Along with this, she gave him a silly smile and went back upstairs to her room.

Shaking his head with a smile, the silly smile he had just shown him brought him a lot of memories of his sister from back on Earth and it strengthened his resolve to take care of her in the future. He then went to the shop and opened the task he had received. Reading it again, he smiled confidently and hit the button on the screen, starting the teleportation to another world.

[Starting the transfer, the time ratio will be changed to 24 hours in the new world to one hour on Arashina.]

A while later, dizzy due to the transfer, Aurus opened his eyes and looked around. He was currently in a forest and he could see walls of a city a little further away. Making his way to the village, he looked at himself and saw that he was wearing a patched-up old green tunic. While he wanted to curse for the clothes he was wearing, he understood that in this world, it was more likely common wear.

Reading the message he had received while transferring, he shook his head with a bitter smile, thinking about how worried he was previously. Closing the message, he opened the task list, he saw that in addition to the task he was currently doing, a new section had appeared on the right side and when he changed it, a new task appeared which seemed to be related to this world.

[Task: Join the adventurer guild

Reward: Short swords, skill icon unlocked]

'Euh? An adventurer guild? Could this world be one of those isekai where there is adventurer doing various tasks like killing monsters, exploring dungeons and collecting herbs? As for the skill icon, I hope I'm right about what it does.'

Arriving at the gates, he queued up along with the others who wanted to enter the city. Aurus had found an identity card inside his pocket while he was walking and it was obviously used to enter the city. Walking up to the guards he gave them his identity card and after the guards looked at the card, they let him enter the city without any problems.

As he walked inside the city, he confirmed that this world was indeed an isekai world. He could see a monster's body being carried inside the city probably to sell at the so-called adventurer's guild. In addition, he saw some people using magic and he was extremely excited to be able to use magic in this world. Back in the world of Arashina, some people could use something similar to magic but it was merely to forcibly transform their energy into special propriety and it was extremely difficult and it cost a lot of energy. As such, no one actually bothered to learn to transform their energy and instead used it to strengthen themselves. However, he understood that if he could learn magic in this world, he should be able to use it on Arashina which would make him stronger than the average Hunters.

After taking a look at the buildings and the difference between both worlds, he didn't bother to continue looking as he wanted to find the adventurer's guild as soon as possible and complete the quest.

After asking for some direction, he quickly made his way to the adventurer's guild. The building was made entirely of stone and there were two doors made of glass to enter the building. On top of the doors was a grand sign with the words adventurer's guild.

Seeing the adventurers pushing the door to enter the building, he followed them and when he entered a new world was awaiting him. He had been expecting some burly man drinking beer at a table while being rowdy. However, no one was drinking beer at a table while laughing and talking extremely loudly. Instead, it was quite quiet and a few adventurers were looking at the task board to find a task to complete.

Looking closely, the task board was separated in nine different sections with a letter or a few letters on top of each board starting from SSS to F. There seemed to be some magic attached to the different boards as no adventurers seemed to want to go and look at the higher ranked task. While it didn't prove anything, there was also the fact that Aurus could only see blank papers while the adventurers seemed to be reading attentively at the board.

At this moment, he heard a loud voice coming from next to him. "Haha, don't bother trying to read what is written on the task board, an adventurer can only see tasks that he is allowed to take in order to protect them." Turning around, Aurus met a man with a big beard and extremely muscular. "You seem to be a new kid, I'm Goran, a guild worker. Follow me I'll help you register to become an adventurer. That's why you came to the guild right?" Goran asked with a smile while striding to a desk.

Aurus nodding while following him and stopped in front of the counter. Looking curiously at the different items on the counter. "All right kid. Name, age and a drop of blood on the card." Goran smirked seeing the frozen look on Aurus's face when he heard about the drop of blood.

Stunned about the weird requirement, he gave his name and age before dropping a drop of blood on a weird item he pushed towards him.

"The drop of blood is just to be sure that you have no criminal files and to create a guild card that only you can use." Goran explained with a smile and Aurus could easily see that it wasn't the first time he gave this speech as he could resolve his questions even before he asked them.

"Alright, everything's done. Welcome to the adventurer's guild, you're now an adventurer."

At the same time, the task icon screen in front of his eyes opened up and the gray task of joining the adventurer's guild was completed.