Dark shadow eagle

At the moment when everyone understood that the contracted beast of their leader was scared of the flaming bird on the shoulder of the owner of the store, everyone couldn't help but take a second look at this weird bird. It was at this moment, that they noticed that they had never seen or heard about such a beast. There were thousands of monsters around the world but when they looked at each other, they all wondered what kind of beast it was.

Aurus, seeing their attention shifting from the cultivation resources to Zaya, said: "Do you need any other resources for your rhinoceros? Having taken the iron lion parsnip, most of its injuries should be healed at this point."

Turning around to the others he continued, "What about you guys? Do you need something as well?"

Hearing his words, everyone came back from their contemplation and went back to shopping.

"I would like to buy another iron lion parsnip and five metal cane." Aurus nodded and went to the display cases to take out the resources. Thinking that the man seemed to love defence more than attack, he received the money, 25 crystals for the parsnip and 50 crystals for each of the metal cane. In total, having made three hundred from the man with two parsnip and five canes, he was pretty happy. After all, he had used quite a lot the previous day for his cultivation and he wanted to make some reserves once again.

Giving the resources to the man, he turned to the other customers and they all had their own orders prepared. Going to every display case and selling the materials, Aurus was quite happy.

While he was going from display case to display case, a customer stopped him and asked for his advice. It was the leader of the second team.

"Sir, I own a black shadow eagle. However, I really don't know which resource would be the best for it in its current state. I don't know if sir has some recommendation?"

While he was indeed asking because he wasn't too sure about which resource would be good for his contracted beast, testing Aurus was also one of the goals of the men in coming to this shop on this day. If Aurus could easily find them the best resource for a certain beast, it would demonstrate his knowledge and insight in which resource was the best for a certain beast.

"Well, summon your contracted beast and let me see." Hearing his words, everyone's attention turned towards the two of them and Aurus understood that he had been played, that they were testing him.

However, would Aurus care? He had the identification skill and would understand more about a contracted beast than their owner themselves.

Summoning the black shadow eagle, Aurus gave it a quick glance before using his identification skill. This beast was completely black, even its eyes were black and there were no other colours on its body. Having a sharp beak and each wing was about two meters tall when it stretched them.

[Black shadow eagle: Silver rank stage three contracted beast. This contracted beast is on the verge of breaking through to the gold rank. His current element is the shadow element and upon breaking through to gold rank he will become an advanced monster with the air element. He possesses some hidden injuries which prevent it from accumulating the energy for breaking through. It is recommended to eat a Dark Violet Fluxroot to heal the injuries, the herb Shadow Imperial Blade to concentrate its energy and finally an Aerial Lite of the air element to make its breakthrough.]

Indeed as the identification skill had upgraded to the B rank, it started to give recommendations of what resources to have them eat. Aurus secretly believed that his identification skill was corrupted a little bit by the system since the skill wasn't supposed to give that kind of suggestion. Especially when those materials were only the items that were being sold in his shop.

When a silver rank stage three beast broke through the gold rank, they would normally, except for a few exceptions, awaken a second element. This is when they changed from being classified from basic monsters to advanced monsters.

Having read the recommendation, he said it to the man who was testing him.

"Currently your Black shadow eagle is stuck on the third stage of the silver rank. I would recommend a Dark Violet Fluxroot to heal it then a Shadow Imperial Blade to concentrate its energy and finally an Aerial Lite of the air system to help it make a breakthrough. Its second element upon breaking through to gold rank will be the air element." Aurus shamelessly gave him the requirements he had received and the man seemed a little lost.

He had thought that Aurus would simply recommend an herb to either heal his contracted beasts or make it a little bit stronger but instead, he gave him the materials necessary to help the beast breakthrough.

The man had previously lost hope that his beast could breakthrough due to its heavy injury and it had been stuck at this rank for over seven years at this point. He honestly didn't even hope to have his beast breakthrough anymore. Of course, he would love to since when a beast changed from basic to an advanced monster and they unlocked their second element, the beast would easily increase his power by three times or more. Having multiple elements was simply different.

The man hesitated slightly but after seeing his contracted beast which became his friend in all those years stuck at the same rank without hope of breaking through, he decided to buy the materials.

"I'll take them, how much does it cost?" With a deep voice, he gave his consent and everyone around couldn't help but wonder whether or not the beast would be able to breakthrough like the owner of the shop said.

"The Dark Violet Fluxroot is 100 crystals, the Shadow Imperial Blade is 150 crystals and the Aerial Lite is 250 crystals. In order to break through, your contracted beast will need those three resources."

Receiving the crystals from the man, he went and took out the three resources. Giving the three to the men, he told him the order the beast needed to take the resources.

The man, putting a knee on the ground hugged his contracted beast and finally started by giving him the first resource. Everyone seeing this scene was extremely emotional and Aurus honestly had no idea why they were like that. As such, he asked.

"Why are you all so emotional of a beast which eats resources?"

He then received the glare of those around him and the man said: "Of course, it's common knowledge. If the contracted beast starts and doesn't manage to successfully breakthrough, it will die."

"Euh? What are you talking about? Didn't I say that upon taking the three resources, it would breakthrough?" A little arrogantly he continued: "If I said it would break its because the three resources would make your contracted beast have a successful breakthrough. After all, I don't have any reason to want to kill your beast and having it die would stain the reputation of the shop. So, it's obvious that I wouldn't recommend it to him if he couldn't do it. What I mean to say is that upon taking my resources and my recommendations, the success of the breakthrough is 100% without any complications."

Seeing the look of everyone around him, he looked at the contracted beast on the ground and said to the man, it's time for the Shadow Imperial Blade.

Hearing him, the man came back to his senses and automatically gave the second resource to his dark shadow eagle.

Everyone else was staring at the contracted beast on the ground. They were all thinking the same thing. 'If the owner can indeed guarantee a 100% breakthrough with his resources and recommendation, then the number of people who can never break the gold rank due to their beast dying while breaking through gold rank will decrease a lot. We will have to tell this to the masters if it succeeds as the owner of the shops says.

A few minutes later, the contracted beast opened his eyes and looked at his master. At the same time, Aurus said: "Now the last herb, the Aerial Lite."

The dark shadow eagle instantly swallowed the last resource and around thirty seconds later, everyone could feel the increase of energy waves of the beast. At the same time, everyone kept their breath as they fixed at the contracted beast. While this was happening, Aurus was petting Zaya a little bit and coaxing her to wait for a little by brushing her feather with a comb that appeared out of nowhere.

Zaya was extremely happy as she was being combed and stopped asking for food as Aurus brought back his attention to the contracted beast. Unaware, a few people noticed that Aurus didn't have any worries and they attributed this to his self-confidence.

Finally, the energy waves stopped spreading to the exterior and concentrated on the body. A few seconds later, a black light appeared around its body and it increased in size in just a few moments. Previously, it's height had been approximate to the knee of its owner. However, now it easily reached its hip. Considering its strength and how tall it was, he figured the man could probably use it as a mount now.

The black light around the body of the Black shadow eagle now had in addition to the black on his feathers which represented the shadow element, some streaks of white which represented the air element.

Everyone was shocked at the easy breakthrough of the beast. They would never have believed it had it not been for them to be present at the moment.

Immediately, they all turned their eyes to Aurus with a hot look in their eyes.

Aurus seeing this, felt his butt cheeks tighten and taking a step back he said, "Assaulting the owner is equal to attacking him which means a permanent ban and a pretty rough way to go out."

Immediately, they remembered the man of the Mortel family and they all showed awkward smiles as they never intended to assault him but were merely excited at the idea of being able to increase the rank of their contracted beasts without the chance of them dying in the middle of the breakthrough.