
Cultivation from bronze rank to black gold rank mostly improved the physique of the cultivator and its energy. In addition to improving their physique, they would be able to contract with more beasts. There was a well-known sentence in this world which he had inadvertently heard. "You are not a true cultivator until you broke through black-gold and entered the ranks of superhumans."

Superhumans were how cultivators who broke through black gold rank were called. They would have energized their bodies completely and would start to improve their so-called soul power and mental power. Currently, Aurus had no idea how he was supposed to train such cultivation but anyway, as from this moment, he had to complete his iron-rank stage 2 breakthrough.

With his eyes closed and sitting in the bathtub, he waited for a while and compared to when he was breaking through in the stages in the bronze rank, no pain was felt. With a refreshing feeling, he could feel the energy working its way in his body as the same black goo he had previously released when breaking through squeezed out of his body slowly.

When he opened his eyes a few moments later, he could feel the increase in his strength. Looking around him and seeing the black substance around him he couldn't help but show a pondering look.

"Where does all that black goo come from? When I broke through in stages in the bronze rank, I could understand if there was goo as it was the substance that wasn't good in my body. However, after squeezing out so much back then, I still release the black goo. At this point won't I be squeezed dry? It's as if the black goo is appearing from nowhere as it's being produced and produced without stop."

As he thought of the production of this goo, he touched the screen again and started another breakthrough. These days, his shop was making quite a hefty profit and increasing his own strength wouldn't be bad considering he still had to complete tasks or collect them himself in the other world.

Not bothering to wash the bathtub as it would get dirty once again anyway, he closed his eyes and started the breakthrough.

A few minutes later as he opened his eyes, he opened his mouth in disbelief. The black goo at the bottom of the bathtub covered up to his private parts. He wasn't lying down on the belly in the bathtub, he was sitting crossed-legged and his private parts were being covered in the goo. Luckily, it was easily dissolvable as it would have been quite a pain to clean everything otherwise.

Simply opening the shower, he washed as the water cleaned everything like chemical remover.

At this point, he had upgraded his cultivation level to iron rank stage 3. He could have continued to upgrade it but it was time to go to another world.

Getting dressed and going down to the shop, he opened the world icon and started the transfer.

After being dizzy for a while, an effect which he would probably never be accustomed to, he opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.

He was currently in the guild building in Coblue city. The city was named Coblue since most of the city was made of bluestone. Bluestone was a really common material found in mines in the surroundings of the cities or in the dungeons.

Previously, when he had been in this world, he had managed to rank up to D rank and was now halfway to C rank. It was an incredible increase in strength and rank in a short time but it happened from time to time as there would be people who were gifted at fighting or nobles who wanted to get an adventurer rank and had their soldiers fight for them.

In this world, having an adventurer rank was a sign of strength and nobles would fight with each other to have the highest rank possible to have the greatest honour between them. In reality, most of them couldn't go beyond D rank since to rank up to C rank, there was a fighting assessment to complete.

Yes, there were indeed dungeons in this world. He had been quite surprised when he had heard about it from the guild workers when he ranked up to D. Dungeons were only opened to the D rank adventurers and above since the lower ranks would be too weak to actually survive in the dungeon and the adventurers guild needed them to complete the cities tasks.

As such, from the moment he ranked up to D rank, he started to enter the dungeon with the other adventurers. The reason why he dived into the dungeon and didn't do the tasks outside? There were a few. The first reason would be that there were more materials, to gain in the dungeon to bring back. The second reason would be because there were a lot of D rank adventurers tasks related to the dungeon. The third would be because it was a dream come true. Being able to dive in a dungeon was the dream of many, he was certain of it. Finally, the most important reason, he had received a system task as soon as he entered the dungeon for the first time.

[Task: Conquer the dungeon.

Reward: Dungeon icon, skill: Map]

While the tasks seemed average, it was actually quite interesting and novel. As for the rewards? He figured the dungeon icon would be that he would be able to become a dungeon master or something like that. It was his belief after having read novels. However, the most likely in his opinion would be that he would be able to create a dungeon and would use it as a way to make profits, just like his shop.

The system didn't name itself, but Aurus was certain that it had something to do with business after all these icons and tasks he received. As for the skill: Map, it was quite a useful skill be it in the wild or in the dungeon as it would record where you went to and where you were located making it easy for you to go back.

As Aurus was currently in the guild, he looked at the D rank adventurers' tasks. It was still important to improve his adventurer's rank as it increased his system storage space. There was a multitude of tasks but he chose the monster-slaying tasks.

Currently, according to the attendants of the guild, monsters were overflowing from the dungeon. It happened from time to time to a dungeon. It was basically a declaration of war as the monsters wouldn't stop attacking until they either killed enough humans or that enough monsters were exterminated. According to the documents from the guild, dungeons were a spawning ground of monsters and at the head of each dungeon was a demon.

Demons were divided into different levels according to the strength of their own dungeon. There would always be only a single demon which was the dungeon master and they would always without any exception be the enemies of humanity.

As such, killing monsters, killing demons and destroying dungeons was a practice that was strongly encouraged.

As for the overflowing part, it was what was currently happening in the dungeon as the monsters were leaving their 'home' and created their own in the wilds. The tribe of goblins he killed were from this dungeon.

Coblue city had over seven dungeons in its surroundings including three which had been completely cleaned of both demon and monsters. They had now transformed it into a mine. A dungeon that had been cleared would keep their magical power and would survive for a few years for weak dungeons and could even survive for centuries if the dungeon was strong enough before its core was destroyed. From here, mines and different herbs could be found which was a great source of resources.

After reviewing all the information he knew about dungeons, he took the tasks for The Ogre Pit. This dungeon mostly had goblins, hobgoblins, ogres and all of their monster relatives. The common tasks of the adventurers guild were to map the dungeon, subjugate the monsters, find new information or simply to take or destroy the dungeon core.

He, like every other adventurer, had taken the core destruction task as it would give them a hefty profit if they could clear it completely. Moreover, there wouldn't be any penalties if they couldn't complete the task themselves. It was mostly a way for the adventurers guild to push more people into the dungeon. After all, more adventurers meant more chances to destroy the dungeon.

Taking the tasks of subjugation, he left for the dungeon. At the moment, he had managed to go down to the tenth floor. According to the guild, considering this dungeon threat level, it should have around fifteen floors. Except for the guild master, he was currently the one who could dive the deepest.

On the way to the dungeon, he met a few adventurers who were going back to the city for the night. This was the reason he had decided to bring Zaya along with him this day. Although Zaya was currently weaker than normal, she would be able to help him fight against those monsters in the dungeon. At the same time since it was night, there was a high chance that there wouldn't be anyone else meaning there was no problem in having Zaya help him.

He entered the dungeon and immediately started to dive deeper. Except for the guild master who was currently in a meeting in the adventurers guild, no one else except him obviously had broken to the seventh floor. This meant that as long as he entered the seventh floor, he could summon Zaya to help him.

The first five floors were quite easy to go through even before he increased his cultivation. Now, with his Iron rank stage 3, he was mostly faster and stronger. As he broke through the floors with ease, he figured he might be able to completely clear the dungeon on this same night.

On the seventh floor, he summoned Zaya and with her help in exterminating the goblins, hobgoblins, the few ogres and ghouls.

Easily making his way to the tenth floor, it was time to start exploring to find the stairs which would bring him to the next floor.