Rank up preparation

Once they arrived in the town, Amuna was looking everywhere while Aurus brought her with him to the adventurer's guild. He had quite an amount of gold coins to spend and he needed a lot of resources so he wouldn't wait until the task was over and would use everything right now to bring back as many resources as he possibly could.

As they walked in the city, the other adventurers and the civilians were looking at Amuna with interest. It was understandable as she was indeed quite cute and was a little different due to her two small horns on her forehead. However, most of the attention was diverted by the new little dragon which was following Aurus. His phoenix couldn't be let out in the town since people would recognize it. It was quite rare and considering the adventurers had just lost theirs a week or so ago, they would make the link quite easily.

They bought some food from the various stalls on the way to the guild. Amuna almost had stars in her eyes as she tasted the various delicacies sold in the town. Finally, they arrived at the guild and Aurus brought her inside the building. He immediately went to Goran.

"Hey Goran, how are you doing?"

"Oh? Aurus welcome back, I heard you went inside a dungeon once again? Did you subjugate it completely? What do you need me to do?" He asked with a smile as he nodded at Aurus.

"Yeah, I subjugated another one. This time, I came to the guild to sell the monster's bodies and at the same time I need to buy a large number of resources." Aurus answered with a smile as he went and made the monster's bodies appear one after another.

Amuna on her side was quite interested in the guild. Adventurers had been invading her home for years but she had never been able to leave the dungeon and thus had never seen all of the process behind the adventurers invading her home.

She looked to the right and to the left, trying to take in everything as she was completely stunned at how big the building was and how many people were working and going through the building. However, at the same time, she didn't quite like the building as she much preferred to be more solitary and closer to nature instead of a building made of rocks and bricks.

"So, what kind of resources do you want to buy today? When the guild master heard that you were buying the resources in large quantities, he told us to sell them to you at a discounted price. Between us, he just wants to empty the warehouses so that he can have more room for the future. At the same time, if you buy them in large quantities, the guild will have more funds for further development which would help the city." Goran finished his sentence by whispering next to Aurus.

Laughing lightly at his words Aurus answered him. "Well, this time, I need a lot of the resources from the first warehouse, as well as some from the second and third warehouse." The first warehouse was the first one he had been to, the warehouse with the lowest quality resources but also the largest amount. Over time, the warehouse was becoming more and more empty thanks to Aurus which was great news to the guild master.

Goran heard him and smiled, leading him to the first warehouse while calling a few other employees to help him count the number of coins Aurus would have to pay.

"Well, do tell us which resources you need. We will do as always with you telling us the amount of which resources you need and we will prepare them for you."

Aurus nodded while replying. "This time, I need a big amount. I will use 500 gold coins to buy the resources in this warehouse and just get them mixed. I don't need any special resources in this one, I just need a large amount." Hearing his words, the employees were shocked but nodded nonetheless. It was the first time he bought the items this way. Normally, he would specify some resources. However, this time, it really didn't matter which resources he got as they would all be sold out anyway thanks to the thousands of customers he currently had.

After confirming which resources he bought from the first warehouse, he went to the second one. This time, however, he carefully selected the resources. Most of the resources in this warehouse cost over fifty silver coins each and went up to 10 gold coins. Of course, due to the cost, he wouldn't buy them randomly and would select them. Most of the resources in this warehouse could help promote beasts from the silver and gold levels. While the third warehouse mostly had resources of the gold level and a little amount of dark-gold.

After buying some resources from the second and third warehouse, he noticed that there were no resources good enough for the superbeast rank. However, he figured that since this was only a small town, the resources were naturally less and there would be more in the capital.

Having done everything he had come to this world to do, he went back to the shop and appeared in the room where the dungeon entrance was. He obviously wouldn't appear in the middle of the shop when it was full of customers.

Hearing the customers on the other side of the door, he didn't waste any time and immediately summoned Amuna in the shop. Having used the management icon to give her the right to use the dungeon core and the energy of the dungeon, he showed her the few floors he had previously created in his spare time. Afterwards, he went to the last floor by teleporting and showed her her new floor. Of course, there were already some houses where the employees lived but this was just a temporary measure as he would find them somewhere else to live eventually. Having them live in the dungeon wasn't necessarily great as they didn't have any access to the real sky and sun.

"Also, it would be important to create stairs which allowed the customers to go down directly to the right floor instead of searching the floor stairs on each floor. This way, they would lose a lot less time and we could make them pay more crystals by having a different price for the lower floors. Well, that's about it, do you have any questions?" Aurus asked her with a smile. He knew she liked the new dungeon by the way her eyes sparkled. Especially since she didn't need to worry about her life anymore.

"Yes, when do you plan on having customers enter the dungeon?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. It was important to have prepared the dungeon before he opened it for the customers. As for his demands for the dungeon, she didn't mind doing it this way since her life was no longer on the line.

"Well, I plan on opening it and sell tickets as soon as possible. So, as soon as you're ready, the dungeon will officially open." After answering her and seeing her nod in response, Aurus waved his hand at her and went back out of the dungeon.

Back on the ground floor, he bought a large board from the system where he wrote the rules of the dungeon.

The tickets are sold in front of each floor gate.

The tickets are only sold as daily items and not for a few hours.

When the monsters leave, the customer has to leave the floor.

No killing between customers.

Enter the dungeon at your own risks.

With the few rules, the customers would understand how it worked and he wouldn't have to attend to this certain section of the shop as the customer could do everything by itself.

After finishing preparing everything for this section of the shop, he opened the door and entered the shop only to be overwhelmed by the customers. It was already pretty late at night but there didn't seem to be any plan on stopping as new customers entered one after another.

Seeing this situation, Aurus's eyebrows creased. He obviously was happy to see such a scene where the customers waited in line to enter his shop. However, his employees would eventually get tired and it would be hard on both them and himself.

The first thing he did was to add the new resources he had collected from the other world directly in the different display cases and the system made it so that no one would notice that the resources appeared out of nowhere.

Afterwards, he went back upstairs and fed both Zaya and his new little dragon which he still hadn't given a name yet. However, he noticed that the dragon was a girl as well. Honestly, it didn't matter at all, but he was quite surprised that both times he got a contracted beast, it was both times female. As such, he would have to look for a good female dragon name to give her.

After having fed both of them he saw that Laia and his mother were still both talking together. He smiled warmly and he went back downstairs to help the customers. This way, the night passed and at around midnight, he saw that there were fewer customers so he took some time and went to the bathroom upstairs to promote his cultivation to iron rank complete stage.

The beast tide would be coming in the few following days so he planned to rank up by killing a random beast in the first wave of the beast tide. This way, he would be able to get a new contracted beast and maybe he could get the leader of this beast tide. After all, any beasts who were able to rank up to superbeast had to have good potential.

As he sat up in the bathtub, he immediately opened the point icon and bought the upgrade from the system. Since the nobles knew about the beats tide, the number of resources sold and the number of crystals he got were just amazing.

"Alright! I'm perfecting my cultivation and I'll go rank up to silver rank in the next few days."