Beginner sword mastery

Aurus and Attra stayed a little further away as Zaya started to fight with the fire type monster. She first started by attacking with a fireball but seeing the meagre effect due to the other beast also being of the fire type, she used her aerial superiority and started to attack it with her claws.

Flying over the beast and attacking it rapidly, the beast could almost not fight back. Moreover, it didn't seem to help that every attack it launched was of the fire type which didn't do any damage to Zaya. A phoenix was closely linked to fire and as such, she had great resistance to that element.

Flying above and attacking it, she ended the fight easily after twenty seconds. At that time, Aurus had been in his guards to not be attacked by another monster. As for Attra, she looked closely at the fight and she seemed to have some kind of realization. Seeing this, Aurus wished that she understood that she had to fight with her eyes open.

Unfortunately, he was proven wrong in the next fight. Attra went to attack the beast just like Zaya did. She flew over the beast and started to throw her fire breath at the monster while closing her eyes.

Aurus seeing this from afar couldn't help putting his hand on his forehead as Attra was getting farther and farther from the double-horned rabbit she had started to attack.

Sighing, Aurus called Attra by shouting at her. Since she was so far ahead, he had no choice but to shout at her so she could understand.

Upon hearing, Aurus's voice, she stopped spewing her flame, opened her eyes and flew back to Aurus. Seeing this, Aurus couldn't help but be dumbfounded, it was as if she messed with him as the moment she stopped her fire, her eyes opened.

Sighing a little while Zaya went to kill the double-horned rabbit, Aurus tried his best to explain to Attra that she had to keep her eyes open when she attacked.

Seeing her nod her little dragon head, Aurus didn't believe her immediately and asked her to spew fire to the tree next to them. And indeed, just as fire started to go out of her mouth, she closed her eyes.

Having her stop once again while Zaya killed the monsters in the surroundings, Aurus mimicked the move of keeping his eyes open while opening his mouth.

Attra, thinking that Aurus was playing, imitated him. Aurus looked at the tree next to him and used his mana manipulation skill. Thanks to the various elemental affinity he had bought at the adventurer's guild, he was able to transform his mana and use it as an elemental attack such as a fireball.

With his mouth and eyes open, he saw from the corner of his eye that Attra was looking at him. Creating a fireball in front of his mouth, he made it fly to the tree.

If he was right, then Attra would copy him just like she had done previously. And indeed, as Attra opened her mouth to spew fire out, she didn't close her eyes and she spewed the fireball directly at the tree making it explode.

Except for the obvious difference in the power of the fireballs, Aurus was pretty happy and he showed it to Attra as he petted her on the head.

As Attra understood the need to keep her eyes open while using her fire, they turned to Zaya who was still fighting monsters. It hadn't been five minutes, but Zaya had managed to kill ten different monsters.

He then had Attra go and join Zaya so that they could hunt monsters together. Waiting for a few minutes to be certain that Attra had indeed understood to keep her eyes open, he turned and went hunting by himself.

Compared to the other world, the beasts in this world were stronger physically but normally had weaker strength using their elements. Aurus attributed this fact to the energy in the air. In this world, the cultivators and monsters cultivated mostly their bodies while the other world's energy was mana which they used to enhance their magical capacity. This was also the reason why the resources from the other world were so effective in this world. The resources he brought back were saturated with mana which helped the beasts increase their strength.

Aurus then made his way a little farther from his two contracted beasts and with his sword, he started to hunt down the beasts. Due to the differences, he had more difficulties fighting monsters in this world but it was understandable. However, Aurus was more than determined to remedy this problem. After all, the more strength he had, the better the resources he could bring back and the higher his adventurer's rank would be.

Currently, he was fighting a silver rank stage three beasts but they were pretty easy to take care of, so Aurus went to fight with the gold rank stage 1 beasts. They were faster and stronger than he was, the only way to beat them was to increase his familiarity with the sword and beat them with technique.

He was faced with a star-wind wolf. This species of wolf had a faster speed than other wolf species and was amongst the fastest in the gold rank. However, conversely, their attacks were rather weak. As such, it was a pretty good opponent for Aurus as he was trying to improve his swordsmanship. Especially the speed of the blade, the control of the sword and the strength of the slashes.

Aurus fought with the star-wind wolf by evading its attacks and getting accustomed to its speed in order to be able to do more than slashes on its body.

In the beginning, every time the monster came close, he would move a few steps to evade the monster's attack and swing his sword to attack the beast. However, after a while, he reduced the distance to evade the attack and reduced the movement of the sword. His goal was simply to be able to behead the beast in one slash.

As he continued to fight, he noticed that his technique with the sword was indeed getting stronger. This was something that surprised him since he had fought countless monsters in the other world but they never gave him this type of pressure.

He continued the fight and only five minutes later did he manage to slash at the wolf's head which fell to the ground with blood splashing everywhere. Lifting his head, he saw Attra and Zaya fighting together against the monsters while flying in the sky and raining down fireballs on the monster's heads.

Seeing this, he turned around and continued to hunt down other monsters. He fought against monsters with different strengths such as a swamp crocodile which focused on strength and an iron-armoured pig which focused on defence. Fighting with all of those monsters helped him coordinate with his sword better and increase his control over it.

When he was fighting, he was now fully aware of how weak he actually was. His sword technique was pretty much trash and he had difficulty fighting monsters with stronger bodies.

He continued for two more hours to fight and he stopped thinking about other things as he only focused on the monster in front of him. It was at the moment when he finally killed his opponent, a black-horned wolf which had incredible strength and agility that he finally managed to understand most of the flaws with his swordsmanship.

When he previously used his sword, he merely used the sharpness of the sword and the strength of his own body to kill his opponents. He didn't have any technique and only swung his sword. When he swung his sword, he was left defenceless and a monster with enough speed could easily evade him. Moreover, when he fought previously, he stopped moving most of the time and simply crushed them with physical strength thanks to his cultivation. It was stupid and he wondered how he hadn't died yet.

At this moment, as he was reviewing his flaws, his skill icon flashed slightly and seeing there were no monsters around him, he opened it. What he saw made him smile slightly.

[Skill sword mastery SSS has evolved into beginner sword mastery F rank.]

As he saw the evolution of his skill, he noticed that some things which had been previously hard to understand and some obvious flaws of his swordsmanship had been understood.

Aurus looked around him and he saw a gold rank stage 2 beast that was approaching. Taking his sword and standing in a certain stance which just felt right, he made eye contact with the beast and it started sprinting towards Aurus.

With his sword in front of him, Aurus took a single step to the left of the monster and his sword went directly into the neck of the beast. After a few moments, the beast fell to the ground and stopped moving.

At the same time, more beasts started to approach him. However, as he was in a certain state which helped him to comprehend the sword, the beasts approaching was exactly what Aurus needed.

Fighting the monsters, evading, slashing and piercing, Aurus managed to evade the monsters while using a single sword strike on the gold rank stage 2 monsters. As for the few stages three which was in the pack, Aurus only used a little more time taking care of them.

He continued to fight in this weird state. He was feeling extremely calm and he could tell how he should move to have the sword pierce or slash fatally the monster.

As the monsters around him died, and there was nothing else alive around him, he noticed that there were almost a hundred monster bodies all around him. As he was finally back to himself, he heard the Hunters on the wall sound the alarm. The beast tide first wave had finally arrived.

Turning around, he took the monster's bodies in his ring and he walked back to the city with Zaya and Attra. He was still immersed in his thoughts about the sword as he walked back to the city wall. The moment he had been fighting had been extremely important to Aurus as he could feel some inspiration for the sword and how he should move to kill the beasts efficiently.

He decided to wait a few moments before going back outside the walls to kill the beasts. He had to enter the walls for the initial charge of the beast horde as they had great speed. With the help of the wall, it would stop their momentum and they would use a few defensive items before the Hunters were then sent back outside to kill the monsters.

With his sword still in hand, Aurus focused on his sword as he made some movement with his sword. While he had never been one to love swords too much, he had to say that at this moment, he couldn't wait to understand more about swords.