Second beast wave

Mirror lake was named such since it was said to be a magical lake where one could see what one truly desired to see. Of course, this legend was complete bullshit. However, with a good environment around the lake and the beautiful trees and flowers, it became a place known for having dates.

Since the environment was beautiful and with this legend surrounding the lake, people liked to come to see their reflection in the lake along with their partners. Of course, it was totally normal and wasn't magical or anything. However, it became a special place for holding dates.

Aurus and Amuna walked around the lake while talking softly and after walking all around the lake, Aurus looked at the time and figured it was about time to slowly go back home. The next beast wave would normally happen about two hours later. As such, they would have time to eat some snacks on the road and take it easy on their way back.

Aurus especially loved the snacks in this world. Since most of the meat in this world was procured from the various monsters and beasts, it gave a different flavour and was especially good for the body. There was a great difference between the snacks made back on Earth although he did indeed miss some such as chips. But, the small meat snacks were simply delicious.

With Amuna walking beside him, they walked slowly back to the shop while eating and tasting the various food and drinks sold. They met a lot of couples on the way and seeing them being so close to each other and kissing made Amuna lower her head shyly.

Aurus laughed when seeing this and they continued their way back to the shop. By the time they arrived at the house, it was already around two in the afternoon and the beast wave wouldn't wait for him. As such, he brought Amuna back to her house on the last floor of the dungeon and asked her a very serious question.

"So, did you like your morning?" Aurus looked at her with a smile but he betrayed his anxiety by holding his breath and passing a hand through his hair.

"Yes, I loved it, it was great!" Amuna answered with a bright smile and came closer to hug Aurus as he froze from surprise before he returned back his hug.

By the time they let go of each other, Amuna immediately turned on her feet and went inside of her house with a bright red face. Aurus smiled happily and teleported back on the first floor of the shop. He called Zaya and Attra who were looking over the shop and left the shop to go to the city walls.

This time, he was planning on killing as much gold rank stage three monsters as possible in this wave. Considering that the next few waves would become more and more dangerous, he wasn't that interested in participating with his low strength. While some might call him a coward, he was in the end only a shopkeeper. Moreover, the reinforcement from the capital would be arriving the next day and he would probably be able to sell a massive amount of resources once they learned about this shop. It wasn't a secret that the Hunters at the capital were both stronger and richer than the Hunters from the cities.

Going out with the two contracted beasts, he made his way to the city wall and upon seeing that the beast wave hadn't arrived yet, he went to see a Hunter walking on the wall.

"Excuse me. Do you know when the second beast wave will come?" Having stopped a Hunter from one of the families which were specialized in protecting the city, he asked politely.

"Hum, yes. The next beast wave should arrive around an hour and a half later. However, some beasts have already started to arrive and some Hunters have started to hunt them down. There are a few gold ranks as well in the early monsters so we try to take care of them all before the main group arrives." The Hunter turned respectful when he saw Aurus. He had been one of the Hunters who had seen him fight with the ten gold rank beast the previous day and he had been shocked considering his cultivation being at silver rank stage 3.

"Thank you." Aurus nodded his head and jumped down the wall along with Zaya and Attra who flew up to fight the monsters.

This time, Aurus wasn't interested in fighting the random monsters and would only go for the gold rank monsters or more specifically the gold rank stage 3 monsters. At the same time, Zaya and Attra would go complete as much of the requirements they both needed in order to mutate.

Thankfully, since it was the second wave of the beast tide, the number of gold rank beasts had indeed creased a lot. Of course, thanks to the fight the previous day, a lot of lower ranked beasts had died and it only left the higher-ranked ones.

It didn't take five minutes before Aurus found the first beast he needed to kill in order to complete his task. Striding over to it, he attacked it from behind and a fight ensued. The previous day, the monster leading the wave had been one of the strongest in the gold rank stage 3 cultivation level. Due to this, he had had a lot more difficulty taking care of it. However, those beasts here were a lot weaker and although he still had some difficulties, it was indeed a lot easier.

In the next hour and twenty minutes, a few minutes before the next wave arrived, he killed one beast after another and had managed to increase his number of kills to complete the task to 37. This number easily showed how much stronger the next beast wave would be. Of course, there was a lot of other silver, iron and bronze ranked beasts. However, it would certainly be a lot more difficult.

At that time, he heard the signal from the city walls and made his way back with his two contracted beasts to the city. The signal was to call the Hunters both inside and outside of the city and to bring them to attention. After all, the wave would come and if they were even a little bit distracted, there were a lot of chances they would die.

While he was waiting with the other Hunters, he heard a whispered between two Hunters a little bit further which confirmed his belief.

"Have you heard? There were seventy Hunters who died yesterday and over two hundred Hunters were severely wounded or lost limbs. There were also seven hundred Hunters who suffered minor injuries. Thankfully, they could come back to help us with this beast wave. I can't imagine what will be the casualties in this beast wave."

As Aurus was listening to them from a little further away thanks to his enhanced senses, he heard another Hunter stopping them from talking as it stressed out the other Hunters who were preparing for the wave.

Smiling nervously, hoping not to become one of the casualties, Aurus returned his attention to the front and stopped being distracted. The Hunters were gradually becoming silent as they heard some noise coming from the wilderness outside of the city. This meant that the beasts were arriving near the city.

Looking outside of the city wall, into the forest, he could see the trees starting to shake as the beast wave arrived. Compared to the previous day, it was a lot more intimidating as a lot of trees just fell to the ground and were reduced into pieces as the beasts walked on it. With their cultivation level being a lot higher than the previous day, it didn't need to be intelligent to know that this would be a hard battle, harder than the previous day.

Just like the other day, they waited until the beasts approached the city wall to start attacking them and used the city wall to block their charge and then they started to attack them from above. With a few of the dark-gold rank stage 1 and 2 Hunters jumping down in front of the city wall to create a space for other Hunters to fight the beasts.

From the moment there was a little space in front of the beasts, a Hunter would jump down to fill up the hole and help in repelling the beasts. Aurus didn't wait for long either as he jumped down as soon as he could. It wasn't that he was thinking of himself as invincible. However, with Zaya and Attra looking over him, he was relatively safe. Especially considering that only dark-gold rank monsters could fight him head-on and beat him. Thankfully, in this wave, the dark-gold rank beasts were the leaders and simply stayed behind the wave sending their minions instead.

With shouts everywhere around him, Aurus started his slaughter as he looked for gold rank stage three beasts to kill in order to not come back the next day.