Chapter 2: OMG!

Narrator's POV

Three years later.

Sakura is in Senior High school at the same University. School is over, and Sakura went home. When she got home, she goes to her room and got dressed. After dressing up, she went to the kitchen and cooked something for dinner. She was waiting for her dad to come home. After an hour later, there's a knock on the door. Sakura opened the door, and she was shocked to see her dad covered with bruises.

"What happened to you, dad? Come, let me treat your wounds,"

"Those loan sharks attacked me,"


"I did not pay them yet, and now they took all my money and the house. I am sorry Sakura,"

"Its ok dad, but I'm still upset at you. You loaned at those loan sharks. I'm relieved that they did not do anything to you, just these wounds. Then, where are we going to stay now?"

"I contacted someone. Let's go,"

"Where are we going, dad?"

"To my friend's house. We will stay there for a while,"

Sakura's POV

I can't believe dad loaned money to those loan sharks. They also took all dad's money and the house. I can't believe it. Now we are going to be a burden to his friend.

When we arrived, I was shocked because the house was big. My dad knocked, and someone opened the door.

"Oh, Shinji, you are here. Is this your daughter?"


"Welcome, Shinji. What a beautiful daughter you have. What's your name?"


"What a beautiful name. How old are you?"

"17 years old,"

"Oh, you have the same age as my son. Son?"

"Yes, mom?"

I was shocked because it's Seiya. OMG! I can't believe this. I'm living with his family?


"Do you know each other?" His mother said.

"Yes, we go to the same university," I said.

"That's great,"

Suddenly a little girl went downstairs and hugged me.

"Hi, what's your name?"


"Hi Mina"

"I wanted a big sister, and then you came,"

"Come, Sakura. I will show you to your room,"


Seiya's mother showed me my room for the meantime. How come Seiya is arrogant while her family is not? Where did he get that attitude?

"Seiya please help Sakura to unpack,"

"Ok, mom,"

Seiya entered the room.

"I did not see you anymore at school,"

"It's obvious because I'm avoiding you,"

"Avoiding me? Why?"

"Because I don't want other students gossiping. I'm not like other girls, you know?"

"But does that mean you are also those girls?"

"No. They are desperate. I will be straightforward, Seiya. I like you, but I'm not like those girls. I confessed that day to give it a try,"

"Ok, ok. Just remember to mind your own business," Seiya said and left the room.

I don't care if Seiya doesn't like me back. It's ok to like him without giving me a reply. I will just be with him when he needs my help. Maybe I will make him change his rude and arrogant attitude without being desperate.

Sometimes I thought of giving up, but I think it's still early for that.

I'm turning a masochist now.